Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 905: , Real men never look back at explosions!

Seeing the tiny human being killed at him silently, Yao Yiqing Young Mi shook his head and sighed.

"Mother likes you very much, hand over all the artifacts, I can spare your life."

The deep and vigorous dragon language penetrated the space and cleared into his ears, but Li Rui didn't seem to have heard the words. The aura in his body became more condensed, and an obscure force could be vaguely sensed in his body.

Perceiving a slight sense of threat, the youth's face sank, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

"I don't know how to praise!"

He gently lifted his palm, the dimly colorful divine light revolved and compressed in his palm, and pointed at the golden red figure leaping towards him, with a grinning smile on his mouth.

Tiny bugs are always good at escaping, but that doesn't mean that dragons can't do anything with them, we just don't bother to spend our energy chasing them.

Next, let you see what despair is...

However, the purple-black slender dragon, who broke into the realm immediately behind Li Rui, saw that his companion was so big that he faced Li Rui's desperate charge in a human form, and his pupils instantly shrank into a gap.

"Hackton! Be careful!"


Be careful?

The monster young man was confused for a moment, then a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

The stupid sister is really too timid. He has condensed the exit of the entire field and returned to himself. The fragile and tiny creature in front of him can't escape at all. What can I be careful?

But in the next instant, a pure destruction intent locked him in, and Li Rui, who entered the attack range, raised his head, revealing a pair of majestic, brutal and brutal purple eyes.

Only then did he understand that his sister told him to be careful not to be careful of the prey to escape, but to be careful that the prey rushed to kill him!

Like a cat with exploded hair, Hackton seemed to see the shadow of death covering himself, his whole body was shocked, and he subconsciously wanted to restore his body.

But stared by the ruthless and cold Zijin vertical pupils, his body, mind, and spirit were all stiffened for a moment.

As if being suppressed by predators at higher levels of the food chain, his instincts dominated his brain, causing his thinking to temporarily shut down, and his whole person was completely frozen.

In the electric light flint that other dragons could not respond at all, the black light of destruction brewing in Li Rui's body finally revealed its terrifying fangs.

The tyrannical boundless black light of destruction covers the sword in his hand, and all the power is condensed and compressed. Li Rui seems to be holding a sword-shaped black hole, and its existence alone makes the entire field tremble.

The translucent blood crystal sword completely turned into a shapeless black light, and even the space it passed was silently cut open, leaving a long void in the gap.

Time and space cracked, and countless cracks that went straight through the void centered on Li Rui, spreading like a spider web to the end of the world.

When Li Rui rushed in front of the young man at several times the speed of sound, his face finally raised a brutal smile.

Really think that I charge for hundreds of kilometers and pile up the number of layers for nothing?

The 200 layer [Aura] can cause the next basic attack to cause 200% extra damage, which is triple the power!

Coupled with the [Shenwei Crescent] and [Heavenly Slaughter Sword], no one in this world can be because of its sharpness!

The tyrannical killing intent was condensed in this sword, as if to completely vent the pain and anger suffered during this period of time. Li Rui's figure spanned a long distance in an instant and appeared in front of the demon youth in a nearly teleportation manner.

[Flying Snake Explorer]!

[Deadly natural enemy] Concept suppression!

[Dragon Blood]!

[Shenwei Crescent]!

[Crushing Slam]!

[Heavenly Slaughter Sword] Released!

Without any signs, the colorful realm was brilliant in a ten-thousandth of a second, and the black hole of destruction passed through Hackton's colorful gas, like a breeze across his neck.

The barrier that blocked time and space cracked silently, the crystallized energy burst back on his neck, and Hackton's face even maintained a stiff and horrified expression.

The violent divine light made the whole world dark, only the "wound" on Hackton's neck was bursting with an indescribable black light of destruction.

The voice seemed to be erased at this moment, leaving only the quiet and cracked neck between the world and the earth.

After a few tenths of a second, the loud noise of a supernova explosion bloomed in the ears, and the wound thin as a cicada's wing instantly expanded, spreading into a ring-like energy shock wave, filling every inch of space in the domain.

Immediately, endless rays of light obscured the line of sight, and the world fell into a pure darkness and silence.

In the darkness, spanning dozens of kilometers, the illusory and illusory realm that covers the entire world is divided into two, "slowly" dissociating.


Until then, the aftermath of Li Rui's attack spread to the surrounding humanoid dragon.

When the black light dissipated for a moment, a devastating energy impact was oncoming.

There is no room for struggle. The human-shaped dragon is like an ant submerged by a tsunami, and can only drift with the waves in the roaring and surging energy tide.


The realm is shattered, violent energy rages across the world, mountains are melted, rivers are evaporated, and a radius of more than ten kilometers is turned into a dead zone. UU reading

The diffused black light of destruction crushed all matter into dust, and only the edges of the battlefield still had gravel particles higher than the ground.

After a few seconds, when the energy storm subsided, the dragons only saw an indifferent figure shaking the sword flower, disappearing from the end of their sight without looking back.

Real men never look back at explosions!


The colorful pendant on Hackton's neck stiffened in place cracked a gap, and then the whole head quietly turned into black entanglement, disappearing with the wind.

But then, the granulation at the fractured neck squirmed, and a new head grew again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, the [Heavenly Slaughter Sword], which has conceptually locked its target, is like a gangrene attached to bones. When the second skull is formed, the black light reappears, and the parts above the neck turn into fly ash again.

However, when the wound squirmed for the third time, the exhausted [Heavenly Slaughter Sword] could no longer destroy the enemy's life, and could only use the last force to tear open a dark wound on the neck that was difficult to heal.


His body recovered, clutching the wound that had torn half of his neck, Hackton's cold vertical pupils were full of spiteful killing intent.

"Damn ants, he actually killed me twice! He actually killed me twice!"

A low roar came from the depths of the throat, shaking like thunder, and the horrible colorful divine light was released indiscriminately, distorting and tearing the surrounding time and space.

Seeing that Hackton was so angry that he lost his mind, the surrounding dragons hesitated, only waiting for him to calm down.

With a stern roar, Hackton squirmed all over his body and instantly turned into a hideous behemoth over a hundred meters long.

The strong and slender dragon is full of violent beauty, but the two broken bone stubbles on his shoulders destroyed his style and made him look a little embarrassed.

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