Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 907: ,what happened?

Endless magical power poured into the huge crystal ball and turned into an invisible invisible force, spanning the distant time and space, and accurately wound around Li Rui.

The running figure suddenly stopped, and the **** on his body suddenly increased. Li Rui followed Gao Wei's induction and raised his head. The vast and empty purple gold vertical pupil penetrated time and space, as if he had seen the core of the magic fortress thousands of kilometers away.

At the same time, the thirteen original stone magisters met the purple-gold pupils in the crystal ball, shocked all over, and inexplicably strong anxiety surged in their hearts.

But at this time it was too late to regret. Their magic power was linked to Li Rui through the crystal ball, with the entire magic fortress as the anchor point, and the two sides had fallen into a situation similar to the internal force of the competition.

Once the strength is reduced unilaterally and Li Rui escapes, the backlash from Gaowei is enough to cause them serious injuries!

Gritting their teeth fiercely, the magisters mobilized magic power, and the amount of attraction generated out of thin air made Li Rui slower and slower.

A trace of hostility flashed in the Zijin dragon pupils, and the familiar tyrannical aura came from behind again, and Li Rui slowly narrowed his eyes.

Sure enough, it didn't kill...

Changing the target at random is dead, **** it, the vitality of that lizard is too ridiculous...

In fact, after purchasing the [Dead's Plate Armor], Li Rui discovered that its [Crushing Slam] skill combined with [Heavenly Slaughter Sword] is simply invincible.

The only pity is that it takes a long charge to gather momentum, and the application scenarios in actual combat are greatly restricted.

Moreover, unlike in the game, once it leaves the high-speed movement, the number of layers of [Ambition] will quickly decay, which further reduces the practicality of [Crushing Slam].

But there is a scene that can play its role perfectly!

That was when Li Rui was running away, an iron-headed baby who stopped him suddenly jumped out!

It's a pity that if it weren't for the [Curse of the Erosion Spirit] that was not consumed cleanly, the power of this trick would have to be doubled several times in the [remorse] posture!

Under that kind of power, let alone an original stone dragon, even if a real mythical creature stands in the front, he can also blow his head!

Shaking his head, Li Rui quickly put the unwillingness in his heart behind him.

He knew that he was taking great risks when he used the [Heavenly Slaughter Sword].

Almost, he was torn to pieces by the backlash.

If it hadn't been for the infinite vitality that he had sucked in to suppress the injury, he would explode on the spot as soon as he released the move. Where is the current situation?

However, even if the enemy provided massive vitality, his body was still empty at this time.

[Tian Jue Slaughter Sword] Not only the material level consumed, but also the spiritual level "shot" out together.

At this moment, he seemed to have entered the time of the sage.

Coupled with the pull of the gravitational well from the high-dimensional level, Li Rui couldn't help but feel discouraged again.

Damn, I'm just a weak, poor, and helpless golden rank. Can I use this kind of battle against me?

So tired... Let go of the burdens in my hands, I can easily go home...

Is it enough?

It's not that I don't work hard, but the enemy is too shameless.

Fighting dozens of rough stones with a golden energy rank, even though defeat is glorious...

Numerous and complicated thoughts flickered in his mind, and Li Rui, who unknowingly slowed down, shuddered and shuddered all over.

Why do you want to surrender again?

Have you decided to fight to the end?

There is [resurrection] and [rebirth], what am I afraid of?

Looking towards the sky with feeling, Li Rui couldn't help but pull the corner of his mouth, a glimmer of understanding flashed in his heart.

Tiamat, you are still watching me!

Damn it, doesn't this guy need to go to work?

As a dragon god, what do you always stare at me as a mortal?

Subconsciously wanted to put a **** to the sky, but half of the ratio Li Rui still obeyed his inner will, silently bowed his head and ran wildly.

Forget it, forget it, escape is important...

However, after consuming all layers of [Aura] and being captured by the increasingly powerful gravitational well, Li Rui's speed became slower and slower, like an insect falling into an invisible spider web, struggling harder and harder.


Soon, a tyrannical dragon roar exploded in his ears, and a beautiful, strong and slender strange dragon enveloped his head.

The colorful scales exude a dim light, and there is a raised hideous wound on both sides of the shoulder and neck. The creeping flesh and the hideous spine are exposed to the air, making people vaguely guess that there should have been two heads.


Apart from anything else, the divine viscous flame dragon breath fell from the sky like a liquid, covering a radius of hundreds of meters.

After using the [Flying Snake Exploring Cloud] and unable to use all the spatial skills, Li Rui could only watch the dragon's breath drown him.

Unlike the ordinary dragon's breath, the peculiar liquid flame did not spread, and quickly contracted after expansion, condensing all the destructive power to the core target.

Supporting the dazzling golden dragon scales, the one-foot-thick body qi was refining alive, and Li Ruigang's skin after a short period of time reappeared with the red light of high-temperature metal, and it soon became black and cracked.


Wielding the blood crystal sword to cut away the drop-shaped flame package, Li Rui tried all his strength to eject.

But shortly afterwards, a thick blue pillar volleyed him to capture him.

Mortals cannot understand that the divine cold, which is lower than absolute zero, seeps into the body.

Even Li Rui's body could not withstand such an instant transformation, and was confined in place by powerful magical power.

In the next second, more than 30 divine light beams thick with thumbs converged on him, shattering all the space around him and turning them into chaos.

Extreme pain was transmitted to the brain, and he felt that a certain law was touched. He endured the severe pain and raised the level of this equipment.

Immediately, his figure swelled uncontrollably and turned into a giant over four meters tall!

[Strak’s Challenge Gauntlets]·Golden Rank

+3600 health

The only passive-Giant Brute Force: Provides additional attack power equivalent to 80% of your base attack power

The only passive-Savior Spirit Blade: When you receive 30% of your maximum health damage in a short period of time, you will get a shield whose health is equivalent to 90% of your maximum health. After 1 second, the shield will continue to decay for 4 minutes.

Strak's Fury: When the Savior's Spirit Blade is triggered, its size and strength are increased, providing a larger size, gaining +45% resilience for 4 minutes.

4 minutes, 240 seconds!

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