Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 908: , Just... quite suddenly...

They didn't keep the slightest hand during the fire-focused meal just now. It would be uncomfortable for a weaker mythical creature to touch it, let alone a mere mortal.

What's more, there are more than a dozen restrictive laws.

Paralysis, freezing, sluggishness, fear, force field blockade, space solidification... each of them is enough to confine the original stone steps.

I thought that the battle was over, but Li Rui tore up the encirclement with his backhand and escaped.

Just... quite suddenly...

Absurd emotions flooded my mind, and the dragons all saw their comrades at a loss.

Can't this be beaten?

What kind of species is he?

Obviously it looks like you can pinch to death with your hands, but only when you really start to know how terrifying this guy is!

Does he have the blood of the Titans?

In the thousands of years of dragon life, they had never seen such a peculiar thing, and for a while they forgot to catch up.

In the end, Hackton was the first to react, and with a roar, the torn space disappeared in place.

And hearing his roar, the remaining dragons also came back to their senses, concealing the surprise in their hearts, turning into phantom streamers and shooting forward.

On the other side, even with a 45% toughness bonus, Li Rui was quickly caught up under the black hole-like attraction.

The cruel and beautiful flame dragon's breath is like a rose blooming above the head, and the huge "petals" swell and hang down, like a huge mouth falling from the sky that swallows Li Rui.

The divine flame, which was as sticky as crude oil, covered him again, like a bone gangrene.

[Strak Challenge Gauntlets] The life shield quickly melted, Li Rui escaped from the dragon's breath coverage, but was immediately swallowed by a new kind of dragon's breath.

More than 30 original stone dragons kept their distance tacitly, and never gave him any chance to get close!

After all, the strongest among them has used blood lessons to show how terrible it would be to stop this guy on his way to escape.

That is to say, Hackton inherited a certain powerful divine bloodline of Tiamat, otherwise, where does the serious dragon have two extra lives for Li Rui to cut?

Like the patient wolves hunting the giant beasts, one after another rough stone dragons go into battle one after another, continuously consuming the physical strength of their prey.

They even hunted down gods with this trick!

How long can the human being who has not even stepped into the legend even if he has the blood of the Titan?

Indeed, facing opponents beyond the limits of his ability, Li Rui's hole cards are being consumed one by one.

When the Resurrection A is beaten out, he will not be far from the real death!

However, he did not completely lose the ability to resist. With the dragon's breath burning, he turned all the pain and hatred he had endured into fuel, lit the flame of the most violent anger and hid it in his heart, silently brewing transformation.

At the same time, he was squeezing himself frantically, using all his strength to kill the remaining [Curse of the Erosion Spirit].

The [Heavenly Slaughter Sword] that destroyed the heavens and the earth just now once again tore the curse that was incomplete.

The remaining high-dimensional divine power is very little left, I believe it will be completely annihilated in a short time!

As long as the curse on him is removed, he may not be without a chance.

Looking at the gorgeous artifact in his palm, Li Rui's eyes flashed with determination.

I'm going to die and I'm afraid of a hammer!

The only question now is whether I can survive the moment when the curse disappears!

Most of the shields with more than 400,000 points have disappeared. According to the enemy's current output strength, he will have to kneel in a few minutes.

I have to think of a way to fight back and **** blood...

The tyrannical and bloodthirsty eyes swept towards the dragons behind him, and the guy who was spraying the black flame dragon's breath happily was so frightened that he almost stuck the dragon's breath in his throat.

Just one look made the dragons tacitly retreat far away, and at the same time, the pulling force on his body was so strong that it began to affect his direction, Li Rui couldn't help but feel bitter.

The naive fighter was kite, uncomfortable...

Temporarily extinguishing the desire to look back, Li Rui took advantage of the time when the [Blood Hand] shield remained, and continued to run madly.

You can only resist first and concentrate on eliminating the curse!

[The Return of Chaos, Zi Huang Jie] began to run at full force, madly impacting the invisible divine power entwined on the spiritual level.

But the power that composes [Spirit Erosion Curse] seems to have life. When I find myself at a disadvantage, it immediately changes its form and becomes ethereal and difficult to capture.

But once Li Rui relaxes the oppression, it will immediately condense and interfere with the spiritual operation.

The curse has changed from direct suppression to indirect harassment, but its threat to Li Rui has not diminished in the slightest.

Because you don't know if it will jump out at the most critical moment and be ruthless, so you must put a huge amount of effort to guard against it anytime, anywhere!

Fortunately, the power of the curse is only Rootless Ping. As long as Li Rui goes all out to encircle and suppress it, he can always eliminate it!

Settling his mind, Li Rui endured the overwhelming breath of the dragon from the outside and concentrated on dealing with hidden dangers inside.

[Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation] and [Chaos Return to Origin Purple Tribulation] run at the same time, presenting a purple-golden divine light shining on the soul in spiritual induction The curse power of hidden wandering is removed little by little.

Almost... Almost...

Seeing the [Curse of Erosion Spirit] being gradually wiped out, the corners of Li Rui's mouth just turned up slightly, and a feeling of weakness suddenly came from his body.

The power shrouded in his body suddenly increased, as if Sun Monkey was suppressed by the Five Finger Mountain of Buddha Tathagata, and Li Rui could not breathe out by the terrifying invisible force.

[Spirit Blade of the Savior] and the duration of Strak's Fury is up!

The tall giant slowly shrank, losing 45% of the toughness bonus, and the limiting effect attached to the dragon's breath immediately became apparent.

He's dying!

The eyes of the original stone dragons brightened and their morale was greatly boosted.

The continuous dragon's breath immediately became violent. The blue frost condensed a thick "shell" on Li Rui's body, which was smashed by lightning dragon's breath in a blink of an eye, followed by flames and poisonous water in turn. Wipe away the skin on his body.

His health quickly fell below the danger line, and Li Rui was forced into a desperate situation and could only turn around and fight back.

I only have one chance to get close, and I must seize the opportunity...

The pupils hidden in the shadow flickered, and Li Rui's figure was deliberately staggered, and blood was spit out in the mouth by the thunder beam containing the breath of the violent dragon.

Seeing his dying and struggling appearance, the original stone dragons were excited, and the dragon's breath in the sky began to condense, turning into dazzling energy beams.

He can't dodge single magic!

The head is mine!

Knowing that Tiamat was watching the battlefield, each of the original stone dragons seemed to be beaten in blood, behaving like crazy, for fear of being robbed of the limelight by their companions.

Difficult to dodge most of the attacks, but still being penetrated by some of the light beams, Li Rui's speed is getting slower and slower, and his breath is like a candle in the wind, shaking.

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