Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 909: , Suck to the aorta

Seeing that the enemy was about to die, the dragons relaxed their vigilance, and subconsciously surrounded them, unknowingly, the two sides had entered a distance of "reachable".


The twisted wound on his shoulder stimulated Hackton, and more and more fierce divine dragons appeared, preparing to end the fierce battle.

But at this moment, Li Rui, who had no good meat on his body, suddenly burst into emerald green light.

【Therapy】·Silver Stage

Restore 500 health points for the hero and allied heroes in the area, and provide a 35% movement speed bonus for the hero and allied heroes in the area for 20 seconds. If the target has been affected by other treatments recently, the treatment effect on the target is halved.

500 health regeneration is better than nothing for Li Rui, but the 35% movement speed bonus is his life-saving straw.

Immediately afterwards, a scarlet wind blew up from his body, his feet slammed in the void, stepped out of the translucent golden barrier, the whole figure turned upside down, and shot at Hackton with lightning speed. .

[Scarlet Dash]!

Unexpectedly, Li Rui would still be dying to struggle, and the giant dragon that rushed towards him suddenly stopped. Before he could react, the two sides had already smashed together.

Hit a [mark] on the enemy at zero distance, Li Ruiyun used all his magic power, and the blood sucking pump usually took a bite on it!


The blood in the body turned into a steel needle to pierce the flesh and blood, from the inside out, piercing Hackton like a hedgehog, with sharp blood thorns all over his body!

The "spikes" of the explosion came out, the surging blood melted into blood mist, and the swallow plunged into Li Rui's body like a forest.

【Blood Conversion】·Golden Rank

The hero absorbs the life force of the target enemy, causes 700 (+100% spell power) magic damage, and restores 150% of the actual damage done by him. After casting [Blood Conversion] twice, the hero will store a scarlet dash effect, which can be used when casting the next [Blood Conversion].

Scarlet Dash: The hero temporarily gains an acceleration effect, and in the next 5 seconds, [Blood Conversion] will cause 175% additional damage and produce a healing effect of 350% of the actual damage value.

100% spell power × 275% additional damage × 350% actual damage healing effect

Red Fury [Blood Conversion] reveals its terrifying power at this moment!

Even with the suppression of the original stone steps and the terrible weakening of the dragon's resistance, Li Rui still succumbed to the aorta.

The life energy of Taotaojiang water flows along the meridians, and cooperates with the nutrition in the [Void Stomach Pouch] to quickly repair the necrotic body.

In a blink of an eye, the blood volume was pulled to the safety line, and Li Rui realized that a mysterious force was increasing his recovery effect.

With a raised eyebrow, regardless of the dangerous battle, Li Rui opened the system panel and quickly upgraded a piece of equipment to the golden rank.

【Inspiring Armor】·Golden Order

+3600 health

+440 magic resistance

+800% base health regeneration

+80% cooling reduction

Only Passive: All healing effects received are increased by 60%.

Before even checking the specific attributes of the equipment, Li Rui was overwhelmed by the sky full of attacks.

But he took a hard sip and regained his vitality. He no longer deliberately slowed down, turning into an afterimage and flashing all energy beams.

Without waiting for the dragons to convert their single attacks into coverage, a burst of trembling energy began to gather around him.

A fist-sized scarlet magic ball oscillated around Li Rui, and the whole world filled with a sweet smell.

The surging qi and blood poured into the [Blood God Orb] without reservation, and the blood waves contracted spirally, forming a dark red blood ring like nuclear fusion around him.

The terrifying energy that warped time and space was compressed infinitely, and the dark red blood ring gradually deepened and lost its luster quickly.

【Blood Tides】·Golden Stage


The wave of blood was tumbling, and the dark red halo crazily rotated and compressed around him, slowly turning into pure black. The keen stone dragons felt the terrifying energy of destroying the world, the cold vertical pupils slowly contracted, and the scales stood upright!

Can't resist, retreat!

Hackton, the nearest to Li Rui, suddenly fanned his wings and shot backwards in an instant that violated physical common sense.

But watching him return to the group of dragons, Li Rui's mouth raised a grinning smile.

Nice job!


Touching the law, Li Rui's figure suddenly faded and rushed towards Hackton at a speed that ordinary people could not observe.

【Mark】·Silver Stage

Throw an arcane magic ball with spatial coordinates along a straight line, causing real damage (20+2 per level) to the first enemy hit. If the arcane ball hits an enemy, the enemy will be [marked], and your hero can then quickly rush to the target that is [marked]. (Maximum duration of space mark is 6 minutes)

What is this operation?

Obviously it was not at a normal speed, and even the original stone dragon had no time to react. The tiny figure with the dark blood ring rushed into the middle of them, waving a large smog of boiling blood.

[Blood Plague]·Golden Rank!

Sensing the strange magic power invading the body, the dragons of UU Reading did not shrink back, tacitly swallowing Li Rui with the scope of the dragon's breath.

Perhaps this set of tricks is a great threat to the Secret Diamond Dragon, but it is not fatal to the original stone steps.

Instead of wasting fighters to dodge, it is better to take this opportunity to kill the enemy.

Facing the overwhelming dragon's breath, Li Rui didn't panic, his figure was like water ripples, losing his outline, turning into a swelling sea of ​​blood.

[Blood Red Pool]!

However, at this moment, the [Spirit Erosion Curse] hidden in the depths of the soul suddenly burst out all the energy, condensed into a sharp thorn, and poured into the depths of Li Rui's soul in an instant.

"Soul damage, spell casting failed!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

The pain that cannot be described in words penetrated the soul, and the sea of ​​blood that had just swelled instantly shrank and returned to a humanoid entity.

Immediately afterwards, the [Blood Tide], which had accumulated a huge amount of health, trembled violently, and a flash of scarlet helium burst out of thin air!

The circular death ripple destroys everything, and the dragons within the range transported all their strength and folded their wings to resist this terrible impact!


The devastating scarlet flash melted and wiped out all the materials it came into contact with. In the terror shock, the scales of the dragons were all shattered, and in some places, pink muscles and bones were even exposed.

But this is the case with the [Blood Tide] external damage that has not been accumulated, because more of its destructive power is on Li Rui himself!

After the impact, the dragon spread its wings and looked at the human being who was almost exploded into a skeleton and slowly falling from the sky, showing a cruel smile.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

Without any hesitation, the deadly dragon's breath gathered around 360 degrees, and it was bound to kill that monster on the spot!

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