With just one contact, the dragons shuddered, and the vast mystery displayed in front of them at that moment distorted their reason.

It was as if they had peeped into the ultimate truth of the universe, the tiny souls could not bear this mighty force, and even caused them to physically collapse.

The whole body's scales melted and rotted like a candle, and the turbid blood enveloping the internal organs gushed out, the muscles automatically separated from the bones, and they split into bunches of tiny pink silk threads...

But fortunately, the great power that had been watching the battlefield descended on them.

The blood-linked divinity stabilized their minds and bodies, gradually smoothed the overwhelmed reason, sealed the memories they had just seen, and allowed them to regain their self-consciousness.

Naturally dissociated withered flesh and blood regained its vitality, and rotting dragon scales fell off and regenerated.

In just a few seconds, the dragons on the verge of collapse stabilized and gradually recovered their vitality.

At the same time, the corpse in mid-air began to slowly rise.

Different from the traction of some kind of force, Li Rui's body floated upward in a strange, awkward, and violent posture that violated common sense of physics.

The free fall turned into a free rise, like a video tape playing upside down. The time around him began to reverse against the current, walking up Susheng along the path of death.

The dragons not far away endured the injuries and launched an attack on him, but Li Rui's body looked like a phantom, immune to all damage from reality.

"The time around him is beginning to flow backwards, and our attacks from the "now" can't touch him in the "past"!"

Hackton let out a painful roar, he could only watch the skeleton-like corpse absorb the flesh and blood that had gathered out of thin air, becoming full and strong again.

The most worrying thing happened, this guy can be resurrected even if he died!

A sense of despair and powerlessness breeds in his heart. In his thousands of years of life, he has never encountered such a weird opponent.

Is it the reincarnation of a deity in the realm of death?

Or the incarnation of the **** who controls time?

Otherwise, why can't he die?

As soon as the discouragement arose, he was strangled to death. The fierce dragon was full of fierce eyes, staring at the "corpse" tangled by the white silk thread.

A little bug that hasn't even stepped into the legend, even if it can reverse life and death and turn back time, what about it?

In this mortal world, we are the pinnacle of strength!

Selectively forgetting that Li Rui almost killed him with a single sword, Hackton forcibly cheered up and snarled at his languid companion.

"Cheer up! The opponent is just a legendary ant! In the face of absolute power, all the tricks are just lingering, and at most it will make us take a little more effort."

"We can kill him once, we can kill him a second time, a third time!"

"I want to see, how many times can he be resurrected!"

The tyrannical roar shocked the dragon group's spirit and dispelled the confusion.

With Li Rui as the center, they form two concentric circles, and huge magical power circulates between them, forming a giant magic circle covering the entire sky.

Layers of dragon chants penetrated hundreds of kilometers and resounded throughout the world.

The trembling energy tides form visible ripples and converge towards the center. Intelligent creatures within a radius of hundreds of kilometers can see a magnificent and strange scene.

The sky above your head has become the "ocean", and the circles of "waves" shrink and condense, and the turbulent atmosphere seems to make the ground under your feet tremble!

Countless beings looked up at all this dullly, faintly feeling that a huge catastrophe was about to happen.

But they couldn't make any resistance, just like facing the natural disasters, they could only pray for the mercy of heaven.

When thirty or so rough stone steps extracted free energy from the air according to the Dragon Clan’s secret method, a substantial solid crystal even appeared in the center.

The surging magic power converged into a solid cage, which blocked and solidified the central space.

But at this moment, Li Rui, who was surrounded by white silk threads, suddenly opened his eyes.

The cold and vast, without a trace of humanity, the purple and gold vertical pupils swept across the sky and the earth, making the hearts of all the dragons surrounding him suddenly tighten.

There is no particular coercive aura, but the fear from the soul's bloodline fills their brains uncontrollably, making their minds seem to freeze and their bodies stiff.

Like a prey being watched by a natural enemy, and like a bug sealed by amber, for a time, more than 30 primitive stone dragons froze in place, and even forgot to attack.

And as soon as he regained consciousness, Li Rui mobilized the energy in his body and easily broke through the realm that ordinary transcendent dreamed of.

Secret Diamond!

The qi and blood energy that is as deep as the ocean's bottomless gushes out, and at the moment of embracing death, the already complete energy fluctuation silently changes.

Precipitating in the body, the unimaginable power of ordinary people began to wake up and digest.

But more, deeper, and more incomprehensible mystical powers slowly lay in the depths of blood and soul, waiting for him to dig in detail in the future.

"The host is promoted to the Secret Diamond Rank, the new rune page is unlocked, the upper limit of all skills is raised to the Secret Diamond Rank, the upper limit of all runes is raised to the Secret Diamond Rank, the upper limit of all equipment is raised to the Secret Diamond Rank, [teammate position] plus two to get Blank [inheritance position], UU reading www.uukanshu.com can accept new hero inheritance!"

Glancing at his attribute panel, Li Rui did not hesitate to open the equipment library and upgrade a piece of equipment to the secret diamond rank.

System: "It needs to consume 435,000 gold coins, 5 upgrade options, 3982 basic law fragments, 129201 advanced law fragments, whether to upgrade?"

The gold coin consumption is wrong, and there is one more upgrade option!

The pupils shrank slightly, and Li Rui had no time to ask, so he could only bite the bullet and confirm.

"Confirm the upgrade, the system law is successfully cast."

A metal breastplate exuding colorful streamers formed in the equipment bar. Li Rui glanced at his attributes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

With this piece of equipment, I am invincible!

[Plate Armor of Gargoyle]·Secret Diamond Step

+640 armor

+640 magic resistance

The only passive-Stone Skin: If 3 or more enemy heroes are nearby, provide an additional 640 armor and magic resistance bonus, and each enemy hero provides an additional 2% overall resistance bonus.

The only initiative-Metallization: Increase health by 80% and increase the size of the hero, but the damage caused is reduced by 40% for 15 minutes.

If the stone skin effect is active, the increase in health becomes 300%.

Sensibly aware of the smile at the corner of Li Rui's mouth, it was obviously encircling and strangling, but there was a strange feeling in the hearts of the surrounding dragons.

As if they were the one being surrounded!

This weird feeling is not without reason, the reason is that Li Rui's breath has undergone a subtle change before his death.

The sharp aura shrank and condensed, becoming gentle and obscure, hard to detect, and a strange sense of oppression enveloped the world.


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