"Your Excellency Li Rui is not dead, his breath has reappeared! Wait, something is wrong..."

Seeing the extinguished golden light spot on the screen reappeared, the intelligence agent let out a howl of surprise, then opened his eyes wide and shuddered with excitement.

"What? Not dead?"

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Flowers exploded in the dull hall, and the transcendents who were shaking their heads and sighing raised their heads and watched a glimmer of golden light from dim to bright, returning to life again.

The heart thumped wildly, but before they were shocked, the intelligence agent broke out even more explosive news.

"This fluctuation... is the secret diamond level, your Excellency Li Rui has advanced the secret diamond!"


Taking a breath, everyone stared at the screen, their jaws gradually widening.

If you didn't die, you didn't die, why are you still advanced?

This is not scientific!

Did I have hallucinations?

Rubbing his eyes, I found that the fluctuation of the golden light particles had indeed produced subtle changes. Everyone had to accept the reality, and the mouth was just like eating lemon, sour and astringent.

The realm of desperation, a breakthrough!

The secret diamond stage in his early twenties!

Is this guy the hero of a hot-blooded manga?

Damn fate, why do you love him so much?

Involuntarily, everyone choked in their throats for some reason, feeling that they had lived as a dog all their lives.

At the same time, they slowly came over, and couldn't help their scalp tingling.

The Golden Level [Indestructible True Dragon] can withstand more than 30 rough stones and turn the river into the sea, so when he reaches the Secret Diamond Level, he still can’t poke a hole in the sky?

Not only them, but in the magic fortress thousands of kilometers away, the thirteen original stone mages thought so too!

However, the Earth Alliance is dominated by surprises, and they are purely panic!


"Is this guy the reincarnation of the **** of death? He can actually return from eternal sleep!"

"Stupid, have you seen the manifestation of time rolling around him? It is obviously the effect of reversing time, and it has a fart relationship with the death field!"

The originally elegant and noble mage lost his usual restraint, his eyes were red, he was too noisy, and frantically vented the negative emotions in his heart.

"Shut up, no matter which principle caused the [Resurrection] phenomenon is not important!"

"The most critical question now is that the introverted and condensed magic tide of this guy's body means that he has officially taken a crucial step and entered the realm of legend!"

"Next...how shall we deal with him?"

The chief's gaze swept across everyone's faces, only to see a dodging line of sight.

It was so difficult before entering the legend, who can stop him after entering the legend?

Unless... Regardless of the cost, fully activate [Wanwei Curing Magic Net]!

But without the king's secret key, even they can't fully open the [Wanwei Curing Magic Net].

So...is it time to contact the king now?

The magisters grinned bitterly and cast their eyes on the handsome faces in the crystal. The cold purple-gold dragon pupils looked like gods overlooking the mortal world, making them tremble all over.

Obviously he has just been promoted to Legend, but he feels like he has stepped onto a **** seat.

An unmatched sense of pressure was passed on to the body, as if an invisible hand was holding the heart, making them breathless.

In the crystal ball, Li Rui seemed to sense their gazes, raised his head slightly, and met his line of sight from thousands of kilometers away, with the corners of his mouth rising, silently spit out a few words.

Obviously he couldn't understand the shape of his lips, but the magisters understood exactly what he meant.


The cold hair stood upright. Before they recovered, the figure in the crystal ball squeezed the translucent amethyst energy barrier in his palm, stuck his hands on the gorgeous and beautiful crown, and slowly put it on his head.

It was as if an ice cone stabbed from the tail bone to the sky spirit cover, and the terrible tingling sensation spread throughout the body.

Without any words, the spiritual sense crazily reminded them that some terrible disaster is about to come!

"Stop him!"

The roar resounded in unison throughout the magic fortress.

As if the heart is alive, the dragons thousands of kilometers away also made the same roar at almost the same time!

Compared with the magisters far behind, the dragons facing Li Rui can feel the desperate fear more.

Cruelty, madness, thirst, tyranny, hatred...

The invisible and intangible emotions burned in Li Rui's body as black flames visible to the naked eye.

The dragons seemed to see the furious "mother", and instinctively wanted to shrink into a ball, shivering.

"Stop him!"

Hackton was the first to break free from his fear, and he let out a stern roar.

He knew that if this terrible enemy were to take control of his mother's power, they would never want to regain the crown.

There is even a question mark whether it is safe to leave this planet.

The remaining rough stone dragons also woke up, chanting quickly and loudly, completing the last trace of spell structure.


The ripples that shook the soul made the world tremble, and the complex and mysterious magic circle burst into light, covering the entire sky, spreading for nearly a hundred kilometers with Li Rui as the center.


Like the dull thunder from the distant sky, terrifying magic power flows along the energy loop, UU reading www. uukanshu. com provoked thunderstorms covering thousands of square kilometers.

The dark clouds rolled, the night replaced the day, and the dazzling light flickered in the clouds, shining like a magical circle.

In the eyes of the array, Li Rui's arms holding the [Five-Colored Dragon Crown] trembled slightly, as if holding up a Taishan Mountain, and moving hard towards his head.

At this moment, the formed magic circle descended on him with the extinction heavenly power.

Looking at the chaos that obscures all eyes, Li Rui has no sadness or joy in his eyes. He mobilizes his own divinity and runs with all his strength [Eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity] to fully arouse the mysterious concept imprinted on self-existence.

Golden dragon scales imprinted with simple and obscure cloud patterns appeared around him, and the seal script composed of pure energy in the void twisted around, forming a phantom golden dragon entrenched on him, blooming with magnificent aura.

I am eternal in time, enduring endless calamities, crossing the bitter sea, reaching the other shore, immortal and immortal!

[Immortal], [Immortal], [Immovable], [Immortal]...

The concept of emptiness is materialized and condensed into a stalwart body that coils around a golden dragon.

At this moment, Li Rui's coercion expanded infinitely in the eyes of all prying eyes, as if the whole world was solidified by his golden light, condensing into the eternal "amber" in the long river of time.


The power inherited from Tiamat fell on the illusory golden dragon, like a breeze blowing on his face, without aroused a response, quickly disappeared without a trace.


All the energy was released at once, and the magic circle in the sky gradually disintegrated, revealing the sluggish dragons.

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