Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 913: 、【The Devil Dragon Comes into the World】

Don't evade, the big trick that is enough to destroy a kingdom is so understatement?


This trick can turn the angelic gods into fly ashes, but doesn't even hurt the chills of a legendary human?

Too fake, right?

The mentality exploded, and the dragons who began to doubt their life watched the illusory golden dragon disappear from Li Rui. For a while, they didn't know what to do.

A desperate sense of powerlessness spreads in my heart. No matter how much effort is made, the enemy will eventually tell them with practical actions: Your struggle is meaningless!

You really can't kill it?

However, the proud divine dragon did not give up, Hackton used his magic power again, releasing the dazzling dragon's breath.

After obliterating the [Curse of Eclipse], and finally being able to combine the two magical powers to activate his most important hole card, Li Rui still has an unused life-saving ability in his hand.


Unable to dodge, the flame swallowed the figure, but was blocked by a layer of emerald aura for most of the damage, only making Li Rui's skin slightly red.

【Bone Plating】·Golden Stage

(Active) Gain 25% damage reduction for the next 1 minute, and on this basis, reduce the final damage received by 150 points.

(Passive) The final damage caused by any attack is reduced by 40 points. (Does not stack with the active effect)

But after all, it was not the invincible state in terms of concepts and laws. The scorching flames of divine nature broke through the layers of defenses, slowly carbonizing the exposed skin.

"He is injured, he is not invincible, offensive!!!"

Hackton let out a loud roar of excitement, and the surrounding dragons cheered up, squeezing the little magic power left in the body, and attacked Li Rui again.

The dragon's breath of various attributes converged to one point, and Li Rui's health began to drop at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Originally, only 30% of his health was restored after he was resurrected, and within a short time, the shadow of death enveloped him again.

Inhuman pain penetrates both body and mind, and in response to the hatred and anger deep in the heart, Li Rui finally breaks through a certain skill, and his thoughts are mastered.

No longer deliberately suppressing the terror forces that are ready to move, let the anger drown yourself.

In a blink of an eye, black dragon scales burrowed out of his skin little by little, and his handsome facial features began to be distorted and become cruel.

Zi Zi Zi~

The electric snakes flowed between the top of the head and the crown, as if they were repelling and pulling.

But in the end, the mountain-like [Five-Colored Dragon Crown] still fell on his head.

"The Nessel Empire [Final Line of Defense] decisive weapon, the external artifact of the Titan [Slaughter]-[Tiamat Crown] application link..."

"The divine key is not detected, refuse the link!"

"The divine key is not detected, refuse the link!"


Between the sparks and flints, Li Rui's brain flashed, and the beautiful colorful "diamonds" in his palm instantly stuck to his brows.

"The Nineth Empire Nine [Virtual Godhead] is activated, no permission is detected, and the link is refused."

"The enemy unit is detected, the son of Tiamat, the threat level is high, the enemy annihilation program is activated, and the temporary link permission is activated!"

(The following is the anti-theft content, refresh after ten minutes.)

(Genuine readers, please wait ten minutes for replacement, it will refresh automatically, no need to refresh manually.)

【Dragon Heart】:

Extracting the concept of dragon, your life level jumps, increase your natural life span by 2439 years, and gain permanent full attribute growth every year. (The value will change with age)

Current growth rate (young dragon): 13181 points of health, 6310 points of mana, 183 points of armor, 237 points of magic resistance, 142 points of attack power, 193 points of spell power.

Obtain the special aura of the upper creature——【Longwei】.

After activating Longwei, all surrounding enemy units will suffer a psychic shock. If the saving is not passed, they will fall into blind fear and flee the source of danger regardless of all consequences.

After passing, it suffers from the weakening of all attributes based on the difference of personality. (If the personality is higher than the host, it is immune to this coercion)

Is this the talent of legendary creatures?

As long as they have enough food, they can be stronger than most creatures in hard work just by sleeping!

But his talent seems to be more exaggerated than the growth attributes of ordinary dragons. Below the mythological species, it is estimated that there are few stronger growth rates than this!

It deserves to be the essence of the extracted dragon concept. If I stay for thousands of years, I don't do anything. Basic attributes alone can stack tens of millions of health points. It is invincible!

In addition, this Longwei is also a supernatural skill to clear the field!

Especially after one's own personality is high, will a dragon go down, will it directly scare the enemy to death?

Silently tasting the introduction and explanation of the system, Li Rui couldn't help but think of the Tiamat Longwei suffered just now.

With just a roar, hundreds of Secret Diamond Metal Dragons were shattered, and they fled like crazy, ignoring the situation of the battle.

It turned out that it wasn't that they didn't want to resist, but that it had involved the suppression of the law level, coupled with the Dragon God's influence on the bloodline and soul of the creation, no wonder the metal dragons had no resistance.

Even if it weren't for the powerful resistance composed of the systematic [Dragon Blood], [Deadly Natural Enemies], and [Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation], UU reading www.uukanshu. Even if Com passed the Longwei exemption, he would still lose most of his combat effectiveness.

Don't forget, there is a record of immunity and death in the system prompt, indicating that in theory this trick Longwei can indeed "scare" some "weak" enemies!

Squinting his eyes, Li Rui faintly understood that he might be getting further and further away from ordinary humans.

Perhaps, one day, the race on the panel of your system, the humans in front will disappear, leaving only the word "True Dragon".

Inexplicably melancholy, Li Rui stroked the beating heart in her chest, constantly reminding herself that she should never forget her humanity...

But the short feeling was quickly interrupted by an evil and spiteful prying. The cold and slippery sight swept across the skin like the arms and legs of a mollusk, making Li Rui involuntarily full of goose bumps.

Damn it!

Secretly cursed, even though his life level had just undergone a transition, Li Rui still had nothing to do with the genuine mythical creatures, and could only escape from the [Abyss Layer] as soon as possible before he fully recovered.

Fortunately, with the advancement of [The Return of Chaos, Zi Huang Jie] to the fourth level, his resistance on the spiritual level has increased a lot, and the evil sight from far away can hardly cause his distortion.

Standing up, Li Rui did not hesitate to activate his most precious skill-[Observer]!

【Observer】·Silver Stage

Passive: The effects of divination, prophecy, psychic, curse, philosophical weapon, rule weapon, rule weapon, logic weapon, causal rate weapon, and mathematical rate weapon for the host are weakened or blocked. (This effect is affected by the enemy's position)

Active: Temporarily increase the spiritual dimension of the host, look directly at the long river of time, Anshan Road


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