There is no need for specific detection at all. All magicians know that with this monster as the center, within a few kilometers of it has become a life restricted zone.

An area several times this will suffer serious damage. Creatures within this range may not die immediately, but in the next short period of time, they will be gradually dried by the terrifying heat wave...

Wherever he went, there was a thousand miles of red land, no grass would grow!

Although they have never studied Chinese, certain scenes from the [Chinese] myth flashed through the minds of these mages, and their bodies began to tremble involuntarily.

This monster must not be allowed to move at low altitude within the country, otherwise he will be like an [eraser] and easily erase everything along the way.

In a daze, they seemed to realize the despair and unwillingness of the ancient people in the face of myths.

It is a natural disaster like nature, which is not transferred by manpower!

There is nothing to resist!

Unable to resist!

Nowhere to escape!

The only thing humans can do is to pray for their mercy!

We are not at the top of the food chain. Those blind and foolish, but cruel and beautiful mythical creatures are the masters of everything...

Cruel and true cognition surged in my heart, and for a while, the morale in the magic fortress dropped to the extreme.

However, before they could cheer up, a more desperate picture slowly bloomed in the crystal ball.

【Golden Fire】·Golden Stage

The hero deals 300 (+30% attack power) magic damage to surrounding enemies every second, and increases its movement speed by 70% for 10 minutes. The hero's movement speed bonus will continue to decrease. Normal attacks will extend the duration of [Flame Fire], up to 20 minutes.

Devil dragon form: A blazing prairie fire burns the earth, causing continuous damage to enemies standing on it.

After transforming into [Devil Dragon], he received a temporary boost of 200% health, and Li Rui's blood volume has exceeded 1.3 million.

And the gold-tier [Atamar's Reconciliation] has already been fully superimposed, gaining the maximum health attack power equivalent to 4%!

Therefore, when the tyrannical black dragon spreads its wings, "Sacrifice" and "Fire Burning Plains", more than 40,000 to 50,000 magical damage per second swayed out, and the ground under its feet began to crack and melt, gradually blooming a hot bright red.


The movement speed is increased by 70%, and the sun that destroys everything moves in the sky at several times the speed of sound, setting off a heavy explosive shock wave that sweeps tens of kilometers along the way, turning everything within its range to ashes.

"No, [Matrix Annihilates Thunderstorm]! Lead him to outer space!"

The old mage was stunned, and monsters of this level didn't need to take the initiative to attack. As long as he stretched out his strongest posture, his existence was enough to make a country collapse!


Mixed with pale golden thunder fell from the sky, like a sharp spear, easily tearing the space, piercing the black dragon's colorful body guard light, and blasting a cracked radioactive pit.

The power of destruction rages in the meridians, and the law of annihilation wipes out the golden light of [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation], and destroys the flesh and blood of the black dragon little by little.


As the first thunderstorm descended, a huge gold-cyan current surged in the thick clouds, pouring down along the magic net lock.

The world-killing power was concentrated to one point, as if the endless thunderstorm hit Li Ruilong's scales and exploded, and his health dropped rapidly!

Under the intense pain and stimulation, Li Rui became more tyrannical and angry. In the corner of the panel that he did not pay attention to, the rapid consumption of [Dragon Fury] stopped falling, but began to slowly rise.

Come on, see if you play fast or I **** fast!

Who counsels who is the dog!

With a movement of thought, the gold coins dropped again by a large amount, and the weird and terrible blood gathered in the equipment bay, and finally turned into a translucent hideous sword. The handle swallowed with two eyeballs, one large and one small, turning around and icy. Hitomi seemed to be peering into the world.

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【Dragon Heart】:

Extracting the concept of dragon, your life level jumps, increase your natural life span by 2439 years, and gain permanent full attribute growth every year. (The value will change with age)

Current growth rate (young dragon): 13181 points of health, 6310 points of mana, 183 points of armor, 237 points of magic resistance, 142 points of attack power, 193 points of spell power.

Obtain the special aura of the upper creature——【Longwei】.

After activating Longwei, all surrounding enemy units will suffer a psychic shock. If the saving is not passed, they will fall into blind fear and flee the source of danger regardless of all consequences.

After passing, it suffers from the weakening of all attributes based on the difference of personality. (If the personality is higher than the host, it is immune to this coercion)

Is this the talent of legendary creatures?

As long as they have enough food, they can be stronger than most creatures in hard work just by sleeping!

But his talent seems to be more exaggerated than the growth attributes of ordinary dragons. Below the mythological species, it is estimated that there are few stronger growth rates than this!

It is indeed the essence of the extracted dragon concept. If I stay for thousands of years, I will not do anything. Basic attributes alone can stack tens of millions of health points. It is invincible!

In addition, this Longwei is also a supernatural skill to clear the field!

Especially after one's own personality is high, will a dragon go down, will it directly scare the enemy to death?

Silently tasting the introduction and explanation of the system, Li Rui couldn't help but think of the Tiamat Longwei suffered just now.

With just a roar, hundreds of Secret Diamond Metal Dragons were shattered, and they fled like crazy, ignoring the situation of the battle.

It turned out that it wasn't that they didn't want to resist, but that it had involved the suppression of the law level, coupled with the Dragon God's influence on the bloodline and soul of the creation, no wonder the metal dragons had no resistance.

Even if it weren't for the powerful resistance composed of the systematic [Dragon Blood], [Deadly Natural Enemy], and [Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation], even if you passed the Dragon Power exemption, you would still lose most of your combat effectiveness.

Don't forget, there is a record of immunity and death in the system prompt, indicating that in theory this trick Longwei can indeed "scare" some "weak" enemies!

Squinting his eyes, Li Rui faintly understood that he might be getting further and further away from ordinary humans.

Perhaps, one day, the race on the panel of your system, the humans in front will disappear, leaving only the word "True Dragon".

Inexplicably melancholy, Li Rui stroked the beating heart in her chest, constantly reminding herself that she should never forget her humanity...

But the short feeling was quickly interrupted by an evil and spiteful prying. The cold and slippery sight swept across the skin like the arms and legs of a mollusk, making Li Rui involuntarily full of goose bumps.

Damn it!

Cursed secretly,


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