[Tesfield] The country was established for more than 1,300 years, and after dozens of generations of ancestors' efforts to govern, has it become the regional hegemon today.

But it was an unnecessary attempt of greed, which attracted them "God's punishment"!

If this continues, let alone keep the dominant position, they will even have to consider how to cede the land in order to prevent the surrounding countries from falling into trouble!

But immediately, they came back to their senses again, looking at the fuzzy black dragon in the crystal ball that was like an ancient god, wrapped in a hot flame.


If you don't solve his problems first, the [Tessfield] Grand Duchy will have no future.

"We can turn the target of the magic net to the big lizards and force them to escape in other directions!"

"But doing so may offend the five-headed lady, don't forget, our royal family is flowing with his blood."

"That trace of blood has long been so weak that it can be ignored, and the country is gone, and there is a fart royal family. I believe the king will make a wise choice!"

The core few rough mages began to gather together and whisper, and finally reached a consensus.

Can't cure that monster, can't you cure the big lizards?

The only thing that worries them is that the legendary dragons of Destiny that have separated from other battlefields have gathered around [Kna] Magic Fortress.

I thought it was because the friendly forces did not stop them. Once they turned their guns, would these guys immediately riot?

That is hundreds of legends of destiny!

Really want to fight, regardless of victory or defeat, it is a situation where both sides will suffer!

Just when everyone was in entanglement, the chief old mage turned fiercely in his eyes and resolutely gave orders.

"[Matrix Annihilation Thunderstorm] switches targets, shields the passage of dragons to [Kena], and forces them to turn!"

He did not choose to directly conflict with the dragon group, so even if there is dissatisfaction, both sides still have room for change.

"No, you are not allowed to switch targets!"

A stern roar sounded behind him, and the old mage looked back, his eyes full of bloodshot eyes, like the three princesses of a desperate gambler pushing away the obstructing guards, leading a group of knights into the command room aggressively.

"Norma Tobias, this is not where you should be!"

At this time, the old mage didn't bother to talk to her about etiquette, and was surging with magical power, and he wanted to drive her out.

"I am the highest commander on the front line!"

Norma Tobias let out a roar, drew out the military sword symbolizing authority, and looked around the entire hall with a pair of sharp vertical pupils.

However, the unfavorable Longwei has lost its effect at this time, and the concentration of the most elite Magisters in the entire country will be scared by her only 16 knight?

Many people rolled their eyes and regarded her words as farting, what to do.

It's almost a matter of life and death, this sand sculpture is still coming to add to the chaos, and I will support the prince to inherit the throne in the future...

The chief old mage also had a gloomy expression, and even a trace of disappointment flashed deep in his pupils.

The king sent you to the front line just to plate gold, really picked up chicken feathers as an arrow?

Is this little guy so naive before?

But after thinking about it, the old mage seemed to understand again.

The cause of everything was that the three princesses brought together the dragon clan and herself and others to intercept and kill the monster, which led to the current situation of riding a tiger.

Afterwards, she really has to settle the ledger, she can't hide her **** pot!

At that time, let alone the right of succession to the throne, it would be considered soft-hearted by the old king to find an honest person to marry.

In the worst case, it is not impossible to push her out to quell public anger.

No wonder she grabbed the last straw and wanted to make a comeback.

But...who gave you the courage to run with a symbolic sword of honor?

At the very beginning, you agreed to your plan because of the large benefits and almost zero risk, which gave you face.

But now that risks are about to crush the country, who would really take your command right?

Pulling the corners of his mouth, the old mage suppressed his disdainful mockery and waved his hand tiredly.

"His Royal Highness, I am not in the mood to discuss this with you now, let's go out."

Behind the polite words is unquestionably strong, the old mage pointed at the door, and didn't even bother to look at her.

"What if I say no?"

Norma Tobias clenched his fingers to death and stared at the old mage viciously.

He gave her a surprised look. She didn't expect that she couldn't see the situation clearly at this time. The old mage reluctantly shook his head, looked over her, and looked at the attendant knight behind her.

"Take your princess down, don't make the scene too ugly."

The old mage still wanted to preserve the last trace of face for the royal family, but unexpectedly several knights suddenly appeared more and more, and rushed in front of him in an instant, revealing the fierce tusks and the representative cold dragon pupil.

"What if we say no?"

The scene froze in an instant, and a group of original stone mages looked at the enemy less than 10 meters away in front of them, their faces so dark that they could drip water.

They finally knew why the third princess Norma Tobias dared to make a desperate move.

"Do you think this can threaten me?"

The old mage's eyes were cold, UU reading www.uukanshu.com scanned several humanoid dragons, and finally turned his gaze to Norma Tobias.

The powerful three princesses were crying and looking at him pitifully.

"Tutor Edavan, this is our last chance. We can't bear the loss in vain without gaining anything!"

However, the old mage with a strong heart sneered, pointed at the terrifying energy body in the crystal ball that seemed to be a star, and asked sternly.

"How are we going to recover the losses from this monster? When he arrives at [Kena] Fortress, [Tessfield] Grand Duchy is over!"

"No, my mother will personally lower her will and take back his authority!"

Before the third princess could speak, the "knight" standing in front of the old mage stepped forward slightly and stared at him.

"At that time we only need the mother's crown, the [Virtual Godhead], [Original Aoneng Well], and the corpse of the monster are all yours!"

The old mage's eyebrows moved slightly, looking at the menacing eyes of several "knights", and he was silent.

Seeing that he seemed a little moved, the third princess immediately persuaded him to strike while the iron was hot.

"As long as we have the [Virtual Godhead] and [Original Aoneng Well], we can obtain unlimited sources of magic power. Even if the national magic net suffers losses, we can also build a new generation of stronger and lower-consumption magic nets!"

While speaking, the third princess suddenly lowered her voice and whispered in a seductive tone.

"[Virtual Godhead] contains the path to the **** seat, Teacher Edavan, don't you want to see the higher scenery?"

The deliberately lowered tone was easily caught by everyone, the lowest group of people who was also the Secret Diamond Magister suddenly became short of breath, and the eyes burst into hot light.


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