Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 918: , What is this stuff?

Become a god!

The temptation that any transcendent can't refuse, especially for legendary mages above level 20, as the tide of magic power (resurrection of spiritual energy) rises, the illusory myth of the past has become closer.

In addition, I saw a hairy boy who had just stepped into the legend, and under the blessing of the artifact, he showed an unrivaled posture like a god.

It is impossible to say that there is no idea in the heart.

The scorching eyes focused on the face of the old mage, but the eyes covered by the shadow were unhappy and unpredictable.

One, two, three, four... eight!

Eight legendary five-color dragons of destiny!

The nearest is less than ten meters from the center console!

He evaluated the possibility of resistance without a trace, but found that no matter how he deduced it, once the double-shot fights, the entire control area of ​​the [Kena] fortress would definitely become a ruin.

Who would have thought that the top commander of his frontline would lead the enemy to the core of the command center?

Looking at the menacing sights of the five-color dragons, thinking about the attractive conditions they offered, the old mage sighed helplessly, and looked at the beautiful shadows in the back row.

"You are betting with the entire country!"

"I have no choice!"

The three princesses, Norma Tobias, were full of determination.

Rather than being afraid of living and accepting the tragic fate of the second half of life, it is better to press a big one. What if it turns out?

The old mage shook his head bitterly. In fact, he knew in his heart that from the moment the eight legendary dragons stepped into the command room, they had only one way to compromise.


"What the **** is it in front?"

The metal dragon chasing after the five-color dragon finally saw a glare of golden light at the end of the horizon.

And as the distance narrowed, a terrifying fireball emitting infinite flame slowly revealed the whole picture.

Looking at the sun that hasn't completely set in the sky, and then at the fireball rising on the horizon, all the metal dragons have doubts on their faces.

How come there are two suns?

"Do you want to chase?"

Subconsciously slowed down, the metal dragons looked at the vision ahead, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

"That should be the reason why the five-color dragon retreats. Keep a safe distance. Let's follow up and have a look."

The legendary dragon of destiny is located at the apex of the mortal world, and there are only a handful of them that can threaten their existence, and naturally they will not be frightened by the local anomalies.

Not only them, but the Earth Allied Forces who also followed the five-color dragon also saw the tyrannical and restless sun, and the expressions on their faces were extremely wonderful.

"Yuze, that... is that Li Rui?"

Overlooking the sun raging on the earth from a high altitude, a group of original stone steps inexplicably return to the illusion of ancient times.

The terrifying heat set off a high-pressure foe wind, which spreads "slowly" as the large air current turns. At a distance of nearly a thousand kilometers, everyone seems to be able to feel a warmth blowing on their faces.

It is estimated that Hou Yi shot down this thing, right?

Everyone focused their gazes on the middle-aged man holding the Qingfeng sword, but only saw a blank look on his face.

Where is Li Rui?

Why did I only see a dragon?

Or Western Dragon!

"Contact the rear base and ask them to confirm the identity of the energy body in front."

A man with a precision steel mask nodded, his eyes bursting with a dark red luster.

With his link, the rear base blocked by the interference of the magic net finally had a first-view picture.

When the magnificent sun appeared on the big screen of the headquarters, all the extraordinary who remained behind lost their language.

What the **** is this?

"Confirmed by the comparison of wisdom brain, the energy source is indeed Li Rui!"

The intelligence officer quickly gave the answer, which caused a gasp in the hall.

"This... really... Li Rui?"

"I still don't feel it from the top view of the satellite. Is it such a picture when I look directly at it?"

"It's like a star fell to the ground."

"I believe in any ancient **** you said this is the return!"

"This is not [Zhonghua] inheritance? Doesn't their dragon look like this?"

"Ying Long, understand?"

Shocked discussions from the rear, and the original stone team in front fell silent.

Use them to save this stuff?

He ran all the way back, who would dare to stop him?

"Yuze, what should I do? Go and meet him?"

"No, hundreds of rough stone dragons formed a net around him, and we will only die in vain if we rush in."

Xiao Yuze stroked the Qingfeng sword in his hand and shook his head.

"Let's hide it first, and just help him tear up the net when he breaks through."

These words made the surrounding original stone steps breathe a sigh of relief, for fear that his head heated up and rushed into the trap of others.

And in the center of the battlefield, the huge divinity continued to spread, distorting the space, making the dragons that continued to shuttle and flash more and more difficult.

Seeing that Li Rui was about to catch up, a fire dragon with the strongest flame resistance turned around and bravely moved upstream.

The distance quickly narrowed, and only then did the red dragon discover how terrifying the difference in body size between the two sides was.

It's like a car hitting a full-loaded muck truck head-on, UU Reading Red Dragon flying backwards at a faster speed than before, blood mixed with red internal organs spouted out of the mouth like no money .

At several times the speed of sound, the brutal black dragon stretched out its ferocious claws and slammed the red dragon like an eagle hunting!

[Crushing Slam]!

[Dark Harvest]!

Sharp dragon claws easily pierce the dragon scales and penetrate deeply into the viscera.

The dragon's claws with high temperature are like burning red blades. Even with the flame resistance of the red dragon, they cannot withstand the pain of tearing the internal organs with the soldering iron.

But before he screamed, the huge black dragon squirmed all over his muscles, and the two dragon claws "slowly" tore apart towards both sides!

【Dragon Tooth Spike】·Golden Step

The hero's next attack will make two strikes, and the second strike will cause (+150% attack power) physical damage. (slightly)

Dragon Form: Dragon Tooth Spike will tear all units in front of the hero.


The scalp numb cloth tore and exploded in the air, and the dragons fleeing ahead involuntarily turned their heads, and the scene in front of them made their pupils shrink severely.

The heroic red dragon was torn into two irregular halves alive along the center line of the body.

Bai Sensen's ferocious spine and peristaltic flesh were exposed to the air, quickly carbonizing.

The spurted visceral blood poured on the black dragon, evaporating bright red in the substantive flame, as if covering him with a strange fog of flesh and blood.

And what makes them feel most chilling is that the tenacious red dragon has not yet died at this time, and was caught on the black dragon's hand with a heart-piercing scream.

Immediately afterwards, the huge black dragon lifted the prey in his hand, its jaw opened strangely like a snake, and the blood basin full of serrated fangs closed greedily.

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