Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 924: , Find you in the pot

The [virtual godhead] in the soul warned wildly, but under the divine resonance of the body, [Tiamat Crown] broke through the pre-set restrictions of the Neisser Empire and began to release colorful divine light.

Just as the [virtual godhead] was about to activate the means to destroy Li Rui and the [Crown of Tiamat] together, the system finally took over everything and suppressed the riots of [Virtual Godhead] and [Crown of Tiamat] !

The pain of tearing the soul made the black dragon tremble constantly, but the fierce light of tyrannical madness condensed in the purple and gold vertical pupils, looking directly at the indifferent three-headed dragon, and behind him, the evil eyes that crossed the dimensions and stood above him.

"I'm looking for you..."

Looking up at the sky, the black dragon spit out a few words with a grinning smile, and his five claws suddenly contracted, as if pinching a watermelon, instantly squeezing his beating heart.

[Indestructible Grip]!


After a few tenths of a second, the loud noise of the original explosion of the universe bloomed in the ears, an undetectable small spot of light instantly expanded into a star, and the exploding heart released an energy shock wave like a star ring.

A big hole has been broken in the space where both sides are standing, and the endless void below can even be seen along the crack.

The emerald green light invisible to the naked eye was sucked into the black dragon, and the black light of destruction spread outward along the wound, cracking into cobweb-like fine lines.

The three-headed dragon's eyes became more greedy and hot, and he stared at Li Rui, as if he wanted to carve his appearance into the depths of his soul.

The power channel transmitted through the dimensionality was cut off, and the black light that destroyed everything was like a bone gangrene. It went upstream along the line of cause and effect, and even traced back to the dragon **** body deep in the dimensionality!

The movements of the three-headed dragon on the earth became stiff, the kingdom of God was broken, and the powerful divinity had to succumb to the laws of reality. After losing his heart, the immortal dragon **** incarnate lowered his limbs, only convulsing and struggling like nerve reflexes.

However, as the enemy lost the protection of the divine nature, the black dragon with a body length of more than 1,000 meters opened its hideous mouth, and its jaws expanded infinitely like a snake!

The "sky" collapsed. From the perspective of the beholder, the sky has been completely replaced by a bottomless black hole-like throat. In a trance, everyone seemed to see a terrifying monster larger than the planet opening its greedy mouth. "Slowly" swallowed the earth.


Destroying sexual energy and violent conflicts, the remaining divine nature of the three-headed dragon repairs the internal organs and flesh in vain, but in fact, every cell has been broken into the most basic particles by the [Heavenly Slaughter Sword], but it is from the body link. Completely disconnected, leaving a trace of vitality temporarily.

"You are mine, you can't escape the palm of my hand!"

The three-headed dragon grinned inexplicably at the corners of his mouth, calmly looking at the enveloping giant swallowing mouth, the cracked black light on his chest flickered, and it began to dissolve into entangled particles, like blue smoke drifting away in the wind.

The gods facing the attack had no fear, but the melon-eating crowds peeping from the side shivered with fright. Everyone shuddered instinctively from the bottom of their hearts, as if they had seen the monsters devouring the world in the ancient mythology!

The terminator of the world, devouring gods, and even the world-destroying monsters of the entire universe!

Will we be eaten by such monsters one day?

This thought just came up in my mind, and the big mouth that replaced the sky suddenly closed!

The sharp teeth were squirming, seeming to be chewing, and it seemed to be suffering.

Subsequently, the behemoth over one kilometer gradually shrank and transformed into a human form like a phantom.

Wearing a golden crown, colorful diamonds inlaid between his brows, and a fist-sized purple sun in his chest that beats like a heart, Li Rui stood on the top of the sky, and the fragments of the broken kingdom of God transpired and lingered around him.

Having lost the barrier of the kingdom of God, the onlookers finally saw the human form of this earthly deity with their naked eyes!

Obviously there is no extraordinary pressure, but everyone's hearts are tight, as if they have been burned by the brilliance of the gods, and they lowered their heads with endless fear, not dare to look directly.

But in my mind, a majestic figure standing above the nine heavens and straddling the entire earth has been deeply burned and will never be forgotten!

"Secret Diamond Tier Tushen... just Nima outrageous..."

The companions beside him murmured in pain, and Xiao Yuze, who was holding the Qingfeng sword, opened the corners of his mouth, his chest filled with refreshment.

If you see it, this is the destiny of our [Zhonghua]. Don’t put out those crooked melons and cracked dates in your family to be embarrassing!

However, several vast and holy figures flashed in his mind for an instant, and Xiao Yuze trembled all over, and hurriedly reduced his mind.

It doesn't count as cheating and cheating. Who is a serious person born with a divine spirit?

But... Even facing them, Li Rui might not lose now, right?

Looking up again at the ethereal figure in the distance, Xiao Yuze's eyes suddenly condensed, and he disappeared instantly.

On the other side, Li Rui gritted his teeth, the meridians like tree roots spread from under the skin on top of his head, like living creatures twisting and wriggling.

Enduring the pain of tearing the soul, he has exhausted his strength just to maintain his figure.

If it weren’t for the fact that the original stone dragons were all scared after the kingdom of God was broken, UU reading fled in all directions, and none of them dared to come up to make up for the sword. The fierce and mighty [Indestructible True Dragon] would probably be "indifferent." A group of rough stones are torn into pieces!

To a certain extent, Li Rui finally understood Huang Juncai's feeling of being eroded by the system's tentacles. His muscles were convulsed and twisted uncontrollably. The sharp pain in his heart became stronger than waves, but he was still very conscious and fainted. But go!

Damn, Xiao Huang is a real man, I will treat him better...

Forcing myself to distract from the endless pain, a force of the same origin, familiarity and kindness quickly approached him.

Dragon Qi... is [the dragon of the country]...

As soon as this thought came up in his mind, a palm was already softly attached to his vest.

"The Golden Bridge on the other side, open!"

The infinite golden light condenses into substance under Li Rui's feet, and a quaint golden bridge that seems to have no end spreads through two planes that are infinitely separated.


Xiao Yuze felt like he was pushing a Taishan Mountain, but Li Rui's "small" size was like an immutable star on the spiritual level, immovable and immortal!

Damn artifact!

Damn [eternal immortal immeasurable calamity]!

Xiao Yuze gritted his teeth, and if Li Rui was in normal condition, he could pass the golden bridge by himself.

But now he has clearly entered a state of being backlashed by a divine weapon, instinctively resisting changes both physically and mentally, and can only rely on external forces to force it.

However, fortunately, [Beyond Golden Bridge], as a special artifact of [China] Unicom, has the function of storing and capturing.

The "opposite" companion urged the [Beyond Golden Bridge] ontology. Even if he was wearing three unrefined alien artifacts, Li Rui's figure slowly moved forward uncontrollably, disappearing into the depths of the golden bridge that directly led to the void.

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