"Really? Athena has regained some of the power of the God of War, and the fourth generation of Olympus has finally begun to return to his throne..."

In the boundless void, a young man who exudes pure white light and bright as stars muttered to himself.

"Don't you care about Li Rui? He is the most provocative. He seized three artifacts, broke through the secret diamond, and gnawed another deity clone! Those who thought he was dead were all stupid to hear the news!"

Hearing the nagging of his companion, the blonde and golden pupil frowned slightly, seeming to think of something unhappy.

"What do I care about him? Haven't I settled with him about the Archangel Legion?"

"Isn't that right? The [virtual godhead] technology he captured this time is a bit interesting, maybe it can be combined with our Archangel Legion! Just use this to touch them!"

The height has grown to nearly 1.8 meters, and Grace said with excitement, who was convex and curled.

The blond boy next to her changed his expression and groaned for a long while.

"You can test it with them about the specific price to be paid for Ulay... No, Raphael will talk about it. If they don't agree, they will say that we are going to be overwhelmed."

The blond boy raised his eyebrows and followed his line of sight. A deep and dark passage that spanned many kilometers came into view.

A weird and evil black mist surged in the passage, and billions of pure angels inflamed their wings, released infinite light, and firmly suppressed these invisible energies around the corner.

Vaguely, there was something huge creeping in the black mist, and the "waves" it set off could easily crush tens of thousands of angels into fly ash.

The stern and dull roar seemed to come from deep underground, and the tall blond boy spread out wings made of light, and shed countless pure white feathers.

These feathers quickly turned into angels with fuzzy faces, and they stepped forward to block the gap in the passage!

"[Hell’s Gate] Sooner or later, it will be connected to the world. This is a coupling between the two planes. Michael, you can’t be suppressed by yourself."

"How long can be delayed, those lambs need time to grow."

"Speaking of growth..."

Grace suddenly turned to look at Michael, and compared with his hand on the top of his head, and found that it was actually a head higher than him.

"We descended to the earth to lead to a higher seat of God, Michael, if you don't let go of your divinity and pride, you will never grow..."

"In the end, even if you re-enter the seat of God and ascend to the sky, you will just return to the starting point."

The bright seraph with six wings slowly disappeared, and in the dark void, the blond boy's eyes were like eternal stars, and Gu Jing looked down at the [Gate of Hell] at his feet without wave.

It's just that the rolling black mist is reflected in the depths of his pure gold pupils, as if something is struggling.


"[Primitive Aoneng Well] fell into Zhonghua's hands... and good..."

In the magnificent study, Debra Sank, wearing a purple robe, stands respectfully, waiting for instructions from his instructor.

A quaint black robe, white-haired old man gently tapped the table with five fingers, making a rhythmic movement.

"Compared to [Original Orno Well], I am more interested in that young [Indestructible Dragon], Debra, do you know him?"

Seeing the curious sight of the teacher's delivery, Debra Sank shook his head bitterly.

"You can only find his public information. If you want to explore more deeply, you will definitely touch [Zhonghua]'s counterintelligence network."

"Don't you young people communicate with each other?"

Debra Sank: "..."

To be an exaggeration, my age is enough to be his grandmother. What do we call young people?

Secretly slandered in her heart, but Debra Sanke couldn't refute it. In front of a mentor who was over a hundred years old, she would always be a little girl who would not grow up.

"Li Rui is the strongest [Zhen Guolong] of the new generation of [China]. I have not had the opportunity to communicate with him yet."

With a blunt change of subject, Debra Sank couldn't help but feel a little sour in her heart.

Secret Diamond Step in his early twenties, what was he doing when he was twenty?

If you continue to develop at this speed, you may not have the opportunity to contact him in the future, but you will be disqualified!

After all, the humble mortal is a kind of extravagant hope to even look to the gods, and the aura of the gods alone is enough to distort and crush the body and mind of mortals...

However, I have the opportunity to advance to the rough, at least I am qualified to look at him directly?

With a grin of joy, Debra Sank's disappointed expression was in the eyes of the teacher, and he couldn't help but sigh.

If it wasn't for the unusual talent, how could one accept her as a direct disciple?

Normally, Debra is definitely a genius among geniuses!

However, she was born in a great and magnificent era!

The gods of the heavens descended to the earth, and there are even the proud sons of the heavens who were born in the times and dominate the destiny!

But even among these monsters, Li Rui is the most eye-catching one!

Swallowing Baqi, UU reading www.uukanshu.com sword slashes the gods, even if the three blazing angels join forces, they will be eclipsed by his light.

Now, even the Dragon God of the other world has been brutally poisoned!

The prestige of [Indestructible Dragon] resounded throughout the two realms, and even spread to more planes, faintly overshadowing the might of an era.

Being in the same era as him is the sadness of all other geniuses!

It's not that they are not good enough, but the young man who likes to devour gods, can't judge him with the eyes of mortals at all!

Comparing ordinary humans with him, the matter itself is not fair!

"Debra, don't be presumptuous. After experiencing this battle, I believe you will soon be able to put on a black robe and be in charge of the parliamentary artifact, you may not be inferior to that real dragon."

Looking at the old man's kind smile, even if he knew it was comforting him, Debra Sank still felt warmth in his heart.

"I will work hard, mentor."

"Well, let's talk about the man named Wade next. [Secret Banquet Association] This time, it feels a little deliberate to show himself upright in front of the world."

Speaking of business affairs, Debra Sank's expression was solemn.

"Maybe, they just don't care."


"From the information they have displayed so far, the [Secret Banquet Association] is definitely an existence at the same level as the Seven Gods, even...a bit higher!"

Thinking of Wade's [Feast] where the planes are the dining table and the gods, the heavens and all things are delicacies, Debra Sank shuddered subconsciously.

This kind of pattern, even in the time of the ancient mythology, when several major civilizations were in full bloom, would be slightly worse!

In modern times, it is estimated that there is only the ancient civilization that has survived intact, and the bottomless [China] can barely be compared with it.

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