Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 927: 、【Slaying Dragon】Preplan

"Infinite God installed in the city (

The expressionless Aya Xiyi's brows suddenly jumped, and she turned her head coolly, revealing an evil smile.

"Let [Emperor Wu] make a copy of all the test papers they missed, plus 7 compulsory and 12 elective final papers...enough for them to spend a full and complete first seven, no, vacation. "

Luo Li took a breath, cold sweat gradually oozing from her forehead, looking at her in disbelief.

Are you the devil?

Also, did you just say the first seven? !

After recalling, Luo Li wrinkled her small nose and stared at Aya Xiyi fiercely. If she were not helping Li Rui, the guardian dog would show the sharpness of his teeth!

After a long time, Aya Xiyi's purple light gradually disappeared, and she disconnected tiredly.

"The help that external forces can provide has been exhausted, and the rest is up to him."

"Then how long will he wake up?"

"Maybe in the next second, maybe years, the struggle on the spiritual level is erratic and bizarre, and it cannot be measured by the concept of time on the material level."

Aya Xiyi shook her head and walked slowly out of the liquid aura pool, swallowing all the escaped energy like a black hole.

Turning to see Luo Li's uncomfortable expression, she suddenly sneered.

"However, I have a hunch that he won't let us wait too long."


Luo Li whimpered irritably, and went down again.

"Well, you continue to guard him, and wait for Teacher Hannah to come to your class tonight."

With her back to Luo Li and waving her hand, Aya Xiyi casually disappeared outside the palace gate.

The empty palace fell into deathly silence again, and Luo Li lay on the edge of the spiritual energy pool, looking at Li Rui's face madly.

"Damn it, people just broke through the gold to catch up with you, you have advanced the secret diamond, is [Zhen Country Dragon] amazing?"

Straighten his arm, gently poking his white and slender fingers on Li Rui's cheek, and Luo Lixu talked to him about trivial matters.

But after a long time, Li Rui, who was suspended in the liquid spirit, still fell asleep quietly, without any reaction, Luo Li couldn't help but sigh in dismay.

"Oh... Captain, I'm hungry..."

"Get up quickly."

"You won't get up again, I'm going to steal it..."

Fingers squeezed Li Rui's cheeks, Luo Li stared at him with blurred eyes, slowly closed her eyes, and her beautiful red lips slowly moved up.

Click, click~~

The slight chewing sound seemed like a thunder blasted in Luo Li's ears.

The pink ears were erected instantly, and his extremely shameful gaze followed the voice to see the two small heads with wide-eyed eyes in the crack of the palace door, staring at her with relish with pickled pepper and chicken feet.

"When did you come here?"

"From when you greeted Li Rui's body."


The turbulent blood rushed to her cheeks, Luo Li's face was blood-red, and smoke was rising above her head. She couldn't help but stretched out her hand to catch her [Rabies].

Quack quack~

Zhao Youxuan and Li Wei squirmed quickly, looking at her with excitement. They didn't know whether they were eating or watching.

"I'm just an emotional machine, don't care about us, you continue!"

The kitty who didn't understand the seriousness of the matter followed the snake and nodded frantically, with a shy and expectant expression.

"I'll keep you big-headed ghost!"

Luo Li picked up [Rabies], and started a catapult that spanned a distance of more than ten meters, and rushed towards the two idiots with an aura of destruction.

"Ahhhhh... the stupid dog is going crazy, help!!"

On the corridor outside the hall, Huang Juncai heard a screaming scream from a distance, and a few familiar figures blew past him, and the wind blew his blond hair into a flurry of dance.

There was a deep scorn and ridicule in his eyes, he looked at the direction where the few people disappeared, and sneered disdainfully.

"Heh...women, just unreliable, it really depends on the bond between brothers at the critical moment!"

Turning around, he patted his huge backpack, his eyes flashing endlessly.

Little plum, don't worry, I will save you from the coma!

Came to the main hall silently, Huang Juncai looked at Li Rui, who looked peaceful, took out a stack of white discs from his backpack, twisted them into a fan shape, his eyes were deep and firm.

"Last year's top ten Oscar-winning films, which one do you want to watch first?"

"I personally like this "Fu no Zhi ら ない Ruo Wife", which depicts the struggle of human nature in three ways. It is a rare masterpiece!"

Putting the disc into the laptop, the empty hall gradually reverberated with sadness.

"The elegant butterfly... the elegant butterfly..."


"How is Li Rui's injury now?"

"Judging from the routine report from [Yaochi] this morning, the physical injuries have all recovered, but mentally they are still fighting for control of Tiamat’s dragon crown, and are currently in a protective five-sense closed state. I don’t know when I will fully wake up."

"Where is the [Virtual Godhead] and [Original Aoneng Well] he brought back?"

"It has been sent to [Yanhuang Arsenal] for research, and other forces are very interested in them, and the negotiation conditions sent are about to make Honghe Temple difficult."

"[Virtual Godhead] still give priority to [Mechanical God Church] and [Guangming Holy See] The battlefields on both sides really need support."


In a mysterious hall of the imperial capital, the trophy distribution meeting lasted for nearly half a month, but in the end, the topic still turned to Li Rui.

"What do you think about [Secret Banquet Association]?"

"Young man, it's still too impulsive. I should come back to discuss this big thing first."

"This is a good opportunity to spy on that mysterious organization. After this village, there will be no such shop. I fully support Li Rui's decision at that time."

"Then how can you guarantee that Li Rui will not be contaminated after contacting them?"

"Hehe, how are we [Zhen Country Dragon] so easily polluted?"

"[The Dragon of Zhenguo] is just immersed in the divinity of [China], it is relatively easier to maintain a sense of reason, and it is not absolutely undistorted madness."

"Indeed, the [Dragons of Zhen Country] who have fallen through the ages are not in the minority, not to mention the natural dragons like Li Rui, if they fall, the consequences may be comparable to a crisis of extinction!"

"After all, you just don't trust him?"

"This is not a question of trust. We must consider every possibility so that even if the worst happens, we will not be helpless!"

"That's right, you don't know the peculiarities of Li Rui and Aya Xiyi, let alone their relationship is so good, in case of an accident... you have to guard against it!"


Several [Zhen Guo Zhilong] who participated in the meeting fell silent. Although it was difficult to accept emotionally, reason had accepted their statement.

"The final vote was passed, and the Privy Council produced the No. 197th [Slaying Dragon] plan, targeting the target: [Indestructible Dragon Li Rui], the trigger condition...depravity...crazy...rebellion..."

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