Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 928: , The operation was successful

In the bizarre spiritual world, a pure golden light particle is suspended in the center of the universe, and five invisible streamers revolve around it, like a beautiful comet guarding the stars.

The invisible gold thread suddenly rises and disappears, extending infinitely, until it reaches the end of time and space.

And in the darkness at the edge of the universe, the roar of greed rolled up the black mist that stretched for hundreds of millions of kilometers, eroding toward the center of the universe.

The golden light particles that seemed to sleep in the mother's body floated up and down, as if they heard a roar from far away, and began to tremble slightly.

The immutable golden thread also changes with the body, and the subtle tremor is infinitely enlarged with the distance, so the entire universe trembles with a "point"!

The golden thread swept the invisible waves, wherever it passed, the illusion dissipated, time and space disappeared, and everything returned to nothingness.

The black mist of greedy roar was instantly melted, as if the previous vision had never existed, the eternal golden light particles returned to calm, and the entire universe was once again hidden into the unexplorable darkness.


In reality, the "roots" poured into Li Rui's scalp seemed to be touched by high-voltage electricity and instantly retracted into the crown.

Immediately, the gorgeous [Crown of Tiamat] separated from the skin and hovered two or three centimeters above the head.

The vast and cold, purple-gold dragon pupils without a trace of humanity opened immediately, and the crown emitting colorful divine light quickly faded, the core divine power was suppressed to the deepest part of [Rune Land], and [Blood God Orb], [God] The "Original Master" of the Clothes Guards.

"Little plum, you finally woke up!"

The piercing cry blew up at close range, and some weird moans were faintly heard.

Zijin Longtong slowly faded away, and it took several seconds before Li Rui's eyes gradually focused, looking at Huang Juncai who was holding his arms around him in confusion.

"Little Huang..."

"'s me, don't worry, the operation was successful, you are already a girl!"


It took three seconds to understand what he was saying. Li Rui smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to pinch his wrist.

"Oh oh oh~~ Rui Ge... Rui Da... Rui Ye, I was wrong, just kidding! My hand is breaking!"

With a quick throw, Huang Juncai was like a discarded banana peel, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and hit the gilt dragon pillar with one head.

Standing up from the liquid spirit pool, Li Rui had time to look at the surrounding environment. The antique palace made him think that he had once again traveled thousands of years ago.

But what is incompatible with this elegant and solemn environment is that in the virtual light screen in mid-air, more than a dozen men and women with vigorous posture are engaged in multiplayer sports, and the emotional dubbing makes Li Rui's forehead a bunch of black lines.

"You actually watched this stuff when I was unconscious?"

Seeing Huang Juncai running over by Pidian Pidian, Li Rui's face was full of question marks.

"Do you think I want to see it? I'm here to wake you up!"

This time, the shrinking Huang Juncai instantly became full of righteous indignation, dancing and telling how hard he worked.

"Psychologist Freud once said that GHS is the driving force of human progress. As long as the car is driven fast enough, even a vegetable can stir up instincts deep in the heart and wake up from sleep!"

"So you watch this stuff while I'm in a coma?"

"What is it for me to watch? This thing has been broadcasted over and over a hundred times, and I vomited when I watched it. Is this broadcast for you?"


Li Rui rubbed his temples painfully and took a deep breath.

"Well, let's not talk about it, how long have I been in a coma?"

Hearing Li Rui's words, Huang Juncai's expression darkened, he hesitated for a moment, glanced at him carefully, and said heavily and hoarsely.

"You have been in a coma for three years."

For a moment, Li Rui frowned and stretched out his palm to Huang Juncai.

"Let me take a look at the phone, I will beat you one day!"

Huang Juncai, with a heavy complexion, instantly knelt and hugged Li Rui's thigh, rubbing it frantically with his face.

"Brother Rui, I'm just kidding, why bother to be serious?"

"Ha ha……"

Li Rui smiled grimly, his five fingers buckled the Tianling cover, and slowly tightened it.

"Oh oh oh... Brother Rui! Father Rui! Lord Rui! The brain is about to burst!"

After cleaning up the skin of the melon, Li Rui let out a sullen breath, and a smile appeared inexplicably at the corner of his mouth.

After waking up from a long sleep, the sense of nothingness dissipated instantly, as if just a sweet nap. After opening his eyes, life was back on track.

Eating, sleeping, beating Xiao Huang, everything is so perfect!

After kicking Huang Juncai who was rolling and wailing on the ground with his head in his arms, Li Rui remembered the pain he suffered from soul erosion, and shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, get up, how long have I been in a coma? Where is this place?"

As if feeling the change in Li Rui's mood, Huang Juncai, who was still howling like a pig in the last second, bounced from the ground instantly, his face regained his smirk.

"You were unconscious for five first seven..."


Li Rui's face turned black, and Huang Juncai changed his mouth immediately.

"You have been in a coma for more than a month, UU reading, do you know these I spent more than a month?"

After brewing his emotions for a while, Huang Juncai's hippy smile slowly converged, and a slight mist appeared in his eyes, and he became angry and excited.

"Luo Li and the others didn't believe in my treatment, and they used [Rabies] to kill me... I could only secretly come to show you the film while they were away. When they were discovered, it was just a beating..."

Nice job, Luo Li!

Li Rui looked at Huang Juncai's performance blankly, without any fluctuations in his heart, and even wanted to laugh.

"But the truth is always in the hands of a few people. Facts have proved that I am right!"

Patting Li Rui on the shoulder, Huang Juncai suddenly became impassioned.

Thinking out that there was something wrong, Li Rui's five senses slowly solidified, and an unknown premonition surged in his heart.

"Only men know men best! Your awakening proves my theory!"

With his hands pressed on Li Rui's shoulders, Huang Juncai's eyes burst with dazzling light, and he spoke slowly and solemnly.

"Look straight at your soul, deep down in every man's heart...they are old-fashioned skins!"

Li Rui: "..."

I am not, I am not, don't talk nonsense!

Stunned by Huang Juncai's majestic theory for a second, Li Rui pushed away his hands, for a moment he didn't know how to refute it.

At this moment, intensive footsteps sounded outside the door.

With a howl, an invincible iron skull blasted into Li Rui's chest like a cannonball.

"The fierce snake shed tears...uuuuu..."

No matter how great the physical growth, Zhao Youxuan's head hammer attack can always make Li Rui have the urge to vomit blood.

Immediately afterwards, the two soft bodies rushed over, wrapping Li Rui in an airtight manner like an Arhat.

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