Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 929: Antarctic Yuanjun

"Woo woo woo..."

The wailing and wailing noise made my brain hurt. Li Rui pulled them down one by one and rubbed their heads gently.

"Okay, don't cry, I'm all right!"

Squeezing the aggrieved little cheeks one by one, Li Rui looked at the two women behind them.

Teacher Hannah had a gentle aunt smile, but Aya Kiyi was scornful and mocking.

Smiling and nodding at them, Li Rui looked around the magnificent palace and asked the doubts in his heart.

"Where is this place?"

"This is [Jade Lake], one of the most mysterious core secrets of [China]."

Aya Xiyi coldly crossed the liquid Reiki pool, her clothes fluttering, seeming to be banished.

It was only then that Li Rui noticed that everyone, including herself, was wearing gorgeous and classical Chinese clothes, and the girls were as beautiful as a fairy.

Blinking his eyes, the stunning eyes were sharply caught, Luo Li wrinkled her nose triumphantly, and snorted.

"Even if we are [Dragon of Zhen Country], we cannot enter and leave [Yao Chi] without a valid reason. If it weren't for your special circumstances this time, it is estimated that you would not enjoy such treatment.

Walking to Li Rui's side, Aya Xiyi looked up and down carefully, only a little smile appeared after a long time.

"What's the treatment?"

Li Rui sensed his own situation in a puzzled manner, and found no abnormalities. Would it be considered special treatment to enter [Yao Chi]?

"[The Golden Bridge of the Other Shore] Break through the barriers of the plane and forcefully bring you back with three alien backlash artifacts."

"Then, [Lingyun stalactite] washes the marrow and cuts the bones, [East Emperor Bell] protects your spiritual body, [Nuwa Stone] protects your flesh and blood, and [Kunlun Mirror] strips off your polluted divine nature... "

Looking at Li Rui deeply, Aya Xiyiqing gave a cold smile.

"Just this battle, let alone you are not dead, even if you die, you can forcibly pull it back!"

Li Rui: "..."

In fact, there is no need to be so exaggerated, the most fundamental problem is still the erosion of the soul of [Tiamat Crown].

The battlefield is deep in his soul, and the help from external forces is only the icing on the cake. The real decision is the system's suppression and refinement of [Tiamat Crown].

Thinking of this, Li Rui couldn't help but look at his system panel, and immediately, he couldn't help but frowned slightly.

I don't know if it is with the help of three artifacts that do not belong to him, the final result of World War I is not as rich as I thought.

"The battle is over, you participated in the killing of two hero-level units."

"You have gained 1602018 experience points."

"You got 512082 gold coins."

"You killed a rough unit and gained 3435 Advanced Law Shards."

"You killed a mythical unit and gained 19,021 Chaos Essence."

"[Feast] swallowed the enemy, you gain 10,000 permanent health points (the upper limit of the gold-level devouring), and the number of feasts is +1."

"[Feast] The devouring growth exceeds the upper limit of the skill, and the overflowing life energy is transformed into permanent resistance growth. You gain 312 armor and 390 magic resistance."

"[Feast] swallowed the enemy, you gain 10,000 permanent health points (the upper limit of the gold-level devouring), and the number of feasts is +1."

"[Feast] The devouring growth exceeds the skill limit, and the overflowing life energy is transformed into permanent resistance growth. You gain 1029 armor and 1183 magic resistance."

"[Feast] Devour the original divinity, you gain authority-[Greed]!"

"[Overgrowth] By absorbing the withering vitality, you gain 129,069 permanent health growth."

"[Dragon Bloodline] Stripped dragon source quality, gained 1103 points of permanent armor growth, 1291 points of permanent magic resistance growth, and gained 150 points of fixed damage reduction (mythical personality). This damage reduction law is integrated into [Indestructible Dragon]. "

"[Fatal Natural Enemy·Dragon] Strengthen conceptual weapons. When you break defenses against creatures with the concept of dragons and cause substantial damage, +571 real damage, and the final physical damage caused by creatures with the concept of dragons to you is -419 point."

"You have obtained a rough stone treasure chest."

"You have obtained a mythical treasure chest."

"You have upgraded!" ×31

Only level 31, the more experience needed to upgrade later, Li Rui has faintly begun to feel the pressure.

In the whole battle, the system only counted two enemy heroes, that is to say, the phlegm of the nuclear bomb... the damage caused by the flame breath was ignored?

Is the distance too far out of the experience zone?

Recalling his BVR attack at the time, Li Rui couldn't help but tsk.

Blood loss!

However, looking at the nearly 130,000 health points drawn by [Overgrowth], the restless mind was slightly calmed down.

I didn't earn anything else this time I went out, and my defensive attribute was so folded.

Glancing at his health, physical resistance, and magic resistance, Li Rui let out a long breath of satisfaction.

If this wave is digested, even without the restraint of [Dragon Blood] and [Deadly Natural Enemies], you can still have a crushing advantage against the rough stone steps of other races.

What makes him more comfortable is that [Feast] has plundered part of Tiamat's original divinity, and believes that he is now so angry that he is jumping in the kingdom of God!

With a slight movement of his eyes, UU reading sensed the divine nature of the alien source isolated and sealed by the power of the system, and Li Rui narrowed his eyes slowly.

[Greed]...It seems to suit me...

Maybe he can be integrated into his uniqueness in the future!

Just thinking about his future path to becoming a god, there was another dense burst of air in the corridor outside the hall.

The neon clothes were fluttering, and the beautiful fairies with snow-skinned skin entered in file, and came to Li Rui respectfully.

"Your Excellency, Congratulations on waking up from your deep sleep, Antarctic Yuan, please."

Antarctic Yuanjun?

With a move of Li Rui's eyebrows, he glanced at Aya Xiyi without a trace.

"Antarctic Yuanjun, also known as Mrs. Ziyuan, the lord of Taidan Palace [Yaochi], the time of the ancient mythology refers to a certain existence, but now it is more like a position, you understand it as the hospital director. "

Aya Xiyi's calm voice came in his mind, and Li Rui grinned concealedly, and nodded to the talking fairy.

"Thank you for leading the way."

"I'll take you there."

Aya Xiyi ignored the embarrassed eyes of the beautiful fairies and walked straight out of the hall.


The few girls who had just stopped their tears saw Li Rui was about to leave, grabbed his sleeves and began to moan and groan again. His pitiful little eyes made his heart melt.

"Or... later..."

Before he finished speaking, Aya Xiyi glanced back at him coldly, her clear and flawless eyes full of disgust.

With a sly grin, Li Rui made countless unequal treaties in telepathy, so as to appease the next group of followers.

Following Aya Xiyi's footsteps, the beautiful fairies respectfully followed behind them, busy and not chaotic.

Li Rui's eyes were stained with lavender light, and Li Rui swept back without a trace.

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