Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 930: , [Lingyun stalactite]

At the Secret Diamond Stage, Li Rui's power on the spiritual level has made a qualitative leap, and his mysterious vision can easily see through the appearance, revealing his true posture.

The pure white breath is peaceful, as if it can purify people's hearts.

The uniform silver rank made him even more stunned.

Even the disciples who spread the word are of silver level, and the background of [Yao Chi] is deeper than he thought!

"Don't look, [Yao Chi] is called [Yao Chi] because their spiritual liquid Liquan can help people wash the marrow and cut bones."

"For people like us, the effect may only be better than nothing, but in the environment of aura recovery, it is one of the few ways to mass produce extraordinary people without side effects."

Aya Xiyi's voice came in his mind, Li Rui retracted his gaze and looked straight ahead indifferently.

Of course you don’t like these things, but my aptitude is mediocre. It depends on the system to open and hang. It is of course hardly desirable to strengthen the foundation!

"What is the [Lingyun stalactite] you mentioned before? How does it compare with the spirit liquid Liquan?"

With a cold glance, Li Rui clearly felt that this guy's eyes were full of contempt, as if he was looking at a soil bun from the countryside.

"Your Yang Qi is gone."

Li Rui sneered with her mouth tilted, Aya Xiyi's movements suddenly stopped, and she unnaturally looked away.

"[Lingyun stalactite] is the treasure of the heavens and the earth. It is made by extracting the essence of the aura from the heavens in [Jade Lake]. It took several years to condense a drop when the aura was most exhausted decades ago!

"Even if the aura has risen sharply now, it will still take a few months to condense a drop."

While talking, everyone had left the magnificent and solemn palace and came outside.

Aya Xiyi raised her chin to the sky and looked along her line of sight. Li Rui's pupils slowly enlarged, shocked by a spectacular picture.

The entire sky is occupied by a chaotic cloud, and the funnel-shaped hanging clouds gather at the top of the mountain, and the naked eye can see the surging spiritual energy whizzing in.

The sky and the earth seemed to have become an hourglass, the boundless thunder light flickered in the clouds, the entire sky "slowly" rotated, and finally gathered in the center of the "hourglass", turning into a drop of looming colorful curd.

"That is [Lingyun stalactite]. Before you swallowed one-third of [Yaochi]'s inventory in one go, there was no reaction at all. At that time, Mrs. Ziyuan's brows became a ball, hehe..."

As if thinking of some interesting scene, Aya Xiyi raised her mouth, with a hint of coquettish in her sly, which made Li Rui's heart slightly shaken.

I haven’t seen you for a while, how do you feel that this guy has grown a various senses...

Li Rui frowned suspiciously as his eyes closed on her.

Shouldn't I really be in a coma for three years?

It used to be a smooth, mirror-like cliff that was distressingly flat, but now it has a faint arc?

"I always feel that you are thinking about something impolite."

Sharp and cold eyes moved up the body, Li Rui stared calmly at the sky, his eyes calm.

"you think too much."


With a dissatisfied look back, Aya Xiyi let out a cold snort and disappeared in place instantly.

Knowing that this guy was losing his temper, Li Rui could only follow up quickly, leaving only a group of little fairies staring at each other in confusion and at a loss.

What about two guests?

Why is it gone?

At the other end, following Aya Xiyi through the deep palaces, Li Rui quickly came to the entrance of a grand and solemn hall.

"Taidan Palace..."

Looking at the primitive seal script on the plaque, Li Rui faintly sensed a mysterious ripple sweeping over him.

"Two true dragons, please come in."

The gentle female voice rang in his ears, Li Rui sorted out his clothes and stepped into the hall.

As if passing through an invisible film, the bizarre peeling weightlessness caused a slight pause in his steady steps. With the help of [Void Stone]'s spatial control characteristics, Li Rui clearly felt the distortion of time and space.

The magnificent hall, which is obviously countless times larger than its appearance, greets the eyes, with dragons and phoenixes hovering on gilt pillars, making it lifelike.

The refreshing scent of medicine lingers around the tip of the nose, inhaling the body as if it is infiltrated by a warm current, which shocks people.

At the end of the line of sight, a beautiful and mature woman dressed in neon feathers was looking at them with a smile, like a loving mother gazing at the returning wanderer.

"I have seen Antarctic Yuanjun."

Without being influenced by her or his divinity, Li Rui bowed his hands in courtesy, polite and alienated.

"Come on, [Zhonghua] the proudest young dragon, um... now we can no longer call you young dragon..."

We beckoned to the two graciously, Antarctic Yuanjun's infectious smile slightly shook Li Rui's defenses and walked to her respectfully.

The plump and white palms took Li Rui's hand, feeling inexplicably like facing a kind elder. Li Rui couldn't help but bend his spine and dare not look down at her from a high position.

Wonderful energy circulated in the body, and a flash of light burst into the beautiful eyes of Antarctic Yuanjun, staring at Li Rui's face with compassion.

"So is Xiao Lei, so are you, why are you so stubborn?"

Xiao Lei? Isn't it Brother Lei?

Blinking in confusion, Li Rui could only smirk and don't know how to respond.

"Oh... you have suffered a lot, right? Child?"

"Uh... okay?"

Li Ruishi's maternal affectionate gaze made Li Ruishi twisted, as if ants were moving up and down.

"[Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] and [Chaos Returning to the Origin Zihuang Tribulation] are not designed for mortals...Ah, if you say that, you won't be able to listen, you can grasp it yourself."

Patting the back of Li Rui's hand, Antarctic Yuanjun looked like an ordinary mother who was worrying about her child, and sighed tiredly.

"In addition, your body and spirituality have been healed. If there is pollution that I can't see, then you have to communicate with the true spirit of [China] and let him test your purity."

Upon hearing this, Li Rui bowed sincerely to thank her.

"Thank you Antarctic Yuanjun for your care and life-saving grace during this period of time. Keep it in your heart."

"Except [Lingyun stalactite] I didn't take care of you anything, so don't get hurt anymore."

Smiling and shook his head, Antarctic Yuanjun lightly nodded at Aya Xiyi, his figure slowly disappeared in front of Li Rui, leaving a trace of warm fragrance that seems like nothing at the UU reading

Straightening up, Li Rui looked at the empty hall with a sense of sorrow in his heart.

"Since Antarctic Yuanjun said you are okay, then we can go back."

There was a smile from the heart on Aya Xiyi's face, and he said, [Yaochi] The environment is good, but the network signal is really bad!

I don’t know if it’s due to the influence of Lingyun overhead, the signal is always intermittent, even reading a novel can become a dog!

Seeing through her resentment at a glance, Li Rui smiled and rubbed her head, walking towards the outside of the hall.

And in the depths of the aura clouds outside the main hall, a monster covered in deformed feathers and carrying a simple long sword was struggling to transplant a peach tree into the soil.

"I have seen that kid."

The clear mist condensed the kind and beautiful woman beside him, the dense compound eyes on the monster's face moved slightly, and the flesh and blood under the clothes seemed to have countless insects tumbling and running.

"He grows very fast and will be able to carry his strength soon."

"If the return of the divine nature accelerates, maybe He will have time to save you..."

The monster trembled all over, and there was a toothy neigh from under his clothes, and it took a long time to calm down.

"I don't need Him to save me..."

The vague and sticky sound resembled the muffled roar of a certain giant mollusk, and the smelly mucus oozes from under his clothes, corroding everything he touches.

But under the divine light of the beautiful woman, the slime dissipated out of thin air, as if it had never existed.

"Hold on, maybe you can get redemption..."

The beautiful woman slowly dissipated in the mist, leaving only a lingering sound, and the lush peach forest quickly returned to silence.

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