Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 932: , [Destiny·Glory]

"Infinite God installed in the city (

After weighing the pros and cons, Li Rui finally decided to upgrade the three-piece murder suit first.

The sharp and cold blue-gold aura flickered, and a translucent blue-green long sword sublimated and transformed in the equipment bay.

A strange feeling rushed to his heart, and Li Rui vaguely sensed that his fate thread had separated a tentacles that seemed to have life, spreading toward the depths of the long river of time.

Like tree roots searching for nutrients, and like octopus tentacles exploring food, the strange tentacles spread indefinitely, and soon disappeared at the end of time that Li Rui could sense!

After returning to his senses, he cast his curious eyes on the newly formed equipment, knowing that all changes were caused by it.

【Mysterious Sword】·Secret Diamond Rank

+1200 attack power

+150% attack speed

The only passive [Destiny·Glory]: Detect powerful enemies that are entangled with your future cause and effect, and mark them as special existences. (When the mark is generated, the fate peeks into shape, no matter how far away in time and space, you can clearly sense the other party's location.)

After you kill the target, you can harvest all the entanglement and permanently plunder a small part of its attack power.

Current layer number: 010

After stacking all the layers, you will get an additional 50% attack speed bonus.

[On the arena leading to the **** seat, the winner will plunder everything! 】

The pupils shrank slightly, and Li Rui frowned, lost in thought.

The mark...a bit like Qian Jue's mark...

It's like a poodle's [invisible predator] trophy.

But most importantly, the system seems to be designating a hunting target for him!

And there may be conflicts in the future, goals that are not recognized at this stage!

This reminded him of a lot of Hollywood blockbusters. Under the guidance of certain forces, the tool man thought he was just exercising evil!

"System, are you teaching me to do things?"

As expected, there was no feedback, Li Rui silently rolled his eyes, remembering that this was a mentally retarded person, not feelings!

After sorting out his thoughts, he asked carefully.

"System, what should I do if I don't want to kill the target specified by [Destiny·Glory]?"

System: "No additional action is required, the glory mark will be refreshed after a certain period of time!"

Hearing this, Li Rui couldn't help but let go of his heart and let out a sigh of relief.

The final decision is in his own hands!

That's all right!

When his worries disappeared, Li Rui immediately became excited.

Permanently plunder part of the opponent's attack power, which is more than the previous fixed value cowhide!

If you kill a crispy skin with high attack and low defense like Xiao Huang, even 10% attack power will have 1000 points, which is more than the growth of all [Glory] before!

The only regret is that the 30th floor of Glory has become the 10th floor, which is not enough!

With a greedy smack, Li Rui reacted quickly.

The previous [Glory] has a reward for killing more than one level. If the two levels are higher, a target is 4 levels of [Glory]. In this way, 30 levels may not be able to kill 10 targets.

Moreover, the small number of layers means that it is easier to upgrade. Start [Divine Fusion] as soon as possible, and you don't need to spend too long on the original stone steps...

Converging the emotions in his heart, Li Rui thought, and the remaining two pieces of equipment burst into dazzling light.

【Leviathan Armor】·Secret Diamond Step

+15000 health

+25% damage reduction (this attribute is affected by the enemy's energy level and personality.)

The only passive [Destiny·Glory]: Detect powerful enemies that are entangled with your future cause and effect, and mark them as special existences. (When the mark is generated, the fate peeks into shape, no matter how far away in time and space, you can clearly sense the other party's location.)

After you kill the target, you can harvest all the entanglement and permanently plunder a small part of its health.

Current layer number: 010

After stacking all the layers, you will get an additional 5% damage reduction.

[Mega's Soul Stealing Volume]·Secret Diamond Step

+2500 spell power

+5000 mana

+150% cooling reduction

The only passive [Destiny·Glory]: (omitted)

After you kill the target, you can harvest all the entanglement and permanently plunder a small part of its spell power.

Current layer number: 010

After stacking all the layers, you will get an extra 50% cooldown reduction.

[Mega’s Soul Stealing Volume] plus [Extraordinary Evil Force], I, Li Rui, are not only a mage, but also a scholar!

Satisfied for a while, he accidentally glanced at the spent gold coins, Li Rui hurriedly closed the equipment interface, not seeing or worrying.

After finishing the equipment, Li Rui fell silent once again with a dazzling array of profound rune skills.

The next is the most tangled link, even if there are more than a hundred upgrade options, it is impossible to meet all the needs.

Don't forget, he can also open three new rune systems and gain a new hero heritage!

Rubbing his chin, Li Rui decided to use the elimination method, starting with the simplest hero inheritance.

Glancing at his six-dimensional attributes, the attack power of more than 3,000 is particularly eye-catching.

However, under the blessing of [Giant Hydra] and [Atama's Reconciliation] his attack power is exaggerated in actual combat.

If he waits for him to digest all his health and urges him to squeeze close to one hundred thousand attack damage, there is no problem cutting off the mountains!

Of course, such a terrible attack requires the same terrible energy and blood, and even he will not be able to fight infinitely at the peak state.

In the past, the attack power was low, the energy and blood were full, and the physical strength was almost endless, which could be consumed unscrupulously.

But in the future, he must start to consider the issue of reasonable distribution in battle.

However, in any case, Li Rui's physique is inhuman, and ordinary stone steps are not qualified to let him consider the issue of physical strength.

I'm up, and it's a snap, what's to consider?

There are only gods like Michael, Athena, and Aya Xiyi, or the original stone at the pinnacle of the artifact that destroys the world, or the avatars of the gods that have truly descended on the earth...

Only these existences are qualified to make him deal with it carefully.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Li Rui put the problem of attack power behind his head and looked at his absolute shortcomings in the true sense.


Even if the natural growth after the advanced secret diamond and the extra bonuses brought by the equipment are all digested, his overall mana value is only in his early 50,000, less than one-twentieth of his health!

But almost all runes, skills, and equipment special effects require mana to activate!

The more states Li Rui has on his body, the more mana he needs!

Now he is stretched to maintain full-effect attacks in battle. Once he deploys his strongest stance, his mana drops like a floodgate, and his full output will wither for tens of seconds!

How can this be tolerated?

But looking at the special effects that he could trigger, Li Rui sighed in pain and happiness.

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