Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 933: , [Rune Master]

"Infinite God installed in the city (

[Nash's Fang] Basic attack + 4000 extra spell damage.

[Void Blade] Normal +9000 extra spell damage.

[Black Cutter] Reduces armor by 24%.

[Blade of the Ruined King] Basic attacks cause extra physical damage equal to 4% of the target's current health.

[Guinsuo's Rage Blade] stacks 48% extra attack speed, 12% attack power, and spell power.

[Armor of Thorns] Rebound damage.


[Fatal Strike]...

[Landry's torture]...


So many attack special effects are the capital that Li Ruiyue ranks crushed, and any one of them thrown on other transcendents can make them stand out from the same rank instantly.

Not to mention dozens of special effects all in one!

If they know that Li Rui is actually suffering too many special effects of the law, it is estimated that the inability (then) fanatics in the world will unite and defeat the **** Devil Li Rui.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Rui shook his head vigorously.

You can't always rely on [Scythe of Seizure] and [Stand of Time] to return to the blue and continue your life.

Because no matter how you continue, the upper limit of the pool is there. Just level A will consume all the reserves, not to mention the real big waste of blue-hero skills!

The hero's skills stimulated by more than 40,000 spell powers are enough to destroy the city and the country. When he has digested all the extra attributes, the spell power may be close to the 100,000 mark. At that time, I am afraid that it is not a [wild scream]. Squeeze it out.

He doesn't want to overdraw his life to use skills!

Scratching the scum on his chin, Li Rui flipped his wrist lightly, throwing out colorful cards all over the sky.

Or majestic, or evil, or holy, or weird...

Dozens of cards with various colors are suspended in the air, arranged neatly.

Damage, defense, displacement...I don't lack, what I need now is a hero that can increase battery life!

Which hero can increase mana infinitely?

Looking at the various cards, Li Rui focused his gaze on a bald blue head.

If he remembers correctly, Ryze's passive [Arcane Specialization] can greatly increase the maximum mana, and should be regarded as one of the heroes that best meets his requirements.

After scanning around one by one, the other heroes had no existence that could greatly increase the mana. Li Rui pondered for a moment, his eyes condensed slightly.


The colorful beam of light poured down from the void, and the other cards were instantly taken back to the system collection library, leaving only a cloud of azure blue to explode.

With his toes off the ground, Li Rui seemed to have lost weight, slowly floating.

Mysterious knowledge and power poured into his body from the endless gray mist.

The colorful liquid magic power spread along the lines on the stone slab of the altar to the entire [Rune Land], the runes blooming mysteriously and brilliance submerged into the earth, and endless energy roared from the depths of the ground.

The fragments of the law in the system panel burned crazily, penetrating the dimension, and showing the supreme power that does not belong to this world before Li Rui's eyes.

The substantive liquid magic power flows like blood, forming a powerful torrent of energy.

A surge of spells swept across the entire [Rune Land], and after a long time these energies rolled back, all submerged into Li Rui's body.

The energy subsided and Li Rui fell gracefully to the ground like a feather.

Opening his eyes, he felt a magnificent magic power from the bottom of the universe in his body, and he slowly clenched his fist.

Not the same, completely different from what I imagined!

This is the real rune mage!

With a thought, mysterious and obscure, colorful and primitive runes loomed around Li Rui, moving like breathing.

The runes containing infinite power are decomposed and reconstructed and combined into mysterious laws that cannot be described in words.

Ordinary people will be crushed by the ultimate truth from another universe, and fall into madness.

And the transcendents without system power protection will stare at those terrifying runes that are born and die for a long time, and are always fused and decomposed, and they will quickly burst their heads by the chaotic knowledge.

Only the secondary host protected by the system can look directly at Li Rui's runes and get a little benefit from it.

But the above are just the external manifestations of [Rune Mage]'s endogenous power. What really fascinates Li Rui is the heroic skills beyond imagination!

Without hesitation, he put in 28 upgrade options in one go to upgrade all hero skills to the Silver rank!

【Master of Runes】·Silver Stage

The hero has an insight into the power of runes. Every time a rune is penetrated, the effect of the corresponding law will be fully increased according to the characteristics of the rune text.

At the same time, each penetrating rune provides the hero with 5% (black iron), 10% (bronze) and 15% (silver) maximum mana increase.

Not the expected [Arcane Specialization], Ryze's passive has become even more terrifying [Rune Master]!

Comprehend [Resolute] runes, [Feast], [Devil Dragon Descent], [Blood Transformation] These skills related to life or defense will receive additional upgrades.

After comprehending [Witchcraft] runes, almost all legal skills will be strengthened!

Comprehend [Mastering] Strengthen the law of vitality and blood!

Comprehend [precision] runes, all damage laws will be explosively improved!

Comprehend [Enlightenment] Runes, and increase all the power of laws related to the system!

The most important thing is that these enhancements are not relying on the fixed template of the system, but because Li Rui really understands the core secret of the rune to a certain extent, and can adjust the strength of the law at will according to his own preferences.

In the past, Li Rui's use of system power was like applying a fixed formula, knowing it but not knowing why!

Now he can finally modify the laws of the control system within a certain range, and has access to the core "low-level code"!

If there is no inheritance of this hero, he may have to wait for him to set foot on the throne to obtain the same authority!

A glimmer of enlightenment flashed in his heart, and Li Rui couldn't help but feel lucky.

Immediately afterwards, he was swelled by the magical power that emerged out of thin air, and his body uncontrollably released blue light flames.

A Dark Iron Rune provides 5% of the maximum mana increase, and the Silver Rune provides 15%. Fortunately, I did not open the new rune of the three series first.

Enduring the pain, Li Rui quickly suppressed the magical chaos, restraining and compressing all energy.

The discomfort slowly dissipated, and a smile appeared on his face as he felt the mana pool spreading several times out of thin air.

Although the battery life problem has not been completely solved, sooner or later, I will be able to unlock all the runes. By then, the maximum mana value will be increased by dozens of times, plus the [Scythe of Seizure] and [The Staff of Time] return to the blue to continue life. Uncertainty can really become a magical perpetual motion machine!

Moreover, the practice method of [Rune Master] is to comprehend the runes of each system. I had to work hard to upgrade the runes of each system to the golden rank, without any extra effort. This passiveness can be upgraded very quickly.

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