
Heaven and earth began to separate, and the closed [Rune Land] expanded infinitely, gradually evolving toward a complete world.

Ten minutes later, the violent shaking gradually subsided, and the corner of Li Rui's mouth rose slightly on the empty and silent plain.

Although the area is only a few hundred square kilometers, it is a real world born according to his will!

He is the well-deserved creator of this world!


His gaze moved slightly, and with Li Rui's thought, a dim sun appeared above his head, and water vapor and magic condensed out of thin air, turning into white clouds.


The turbulent spring water spouted from the ground and gathered into a wide river, meandering towards the end of the earth, and finally falling into the depths of the boundless chaotic void.

Traveling day and night, with both five elements, this [Rune Land] can barely be counted as a mystery!

The fragments of the law were exhausted, and Li Rui rose into the air, patrolling the earth with satisfaction.

At this moment, a rainbow of light pierced through the sky and condensed into a human shape on the central altar.

Opening her eyes, Teacher Hannah saw the [Rune Land] expanded countless times, and the beautiful amethyst eyes slowly widened.

"How? Our secret base?"

With a hint of pride, Li Rui gently descended to the ground to show her his masterpiece.

Blinking his eyes, Hannah teacher stared at Li Rui for an instant, step by step, leaning in front of him.

"You have been able to create the world?"

"How is it possible? True God may not be able to create the world, let alone my small secret diamond step."

Li Rui laughed and shook his head, turned sideways to avoid the breath that Teacher Hanna was blowing on her face, and naturally took her hand.

"I just repaired the naturally generated broken plane, and it is far from creation..."

When it comes to the core secrets of the system, even his teammate Li Rui will not unreservedly, quietly concealing the most critical details.

Teacher Hanna's beautiful eyes flowed, and she seemed to perceive that Li Rui didn't want to say much, took his arm and changed the subject empathetically.

"Old Longman has processed all the dragon meat, and I will leave most of the dragon bones to them according to your previous agreement."

"Well, they deserve it."

Even though he has experienced countless times, the touch from his arm still makes Li Rui feel awkward, his eyes shifting unnaturally.

"But the bones of Andermassam were made into a secret wine for you, so I must give it to you!"

Taking out the thick and solid wine bottle, Mr. Hanna shook her face in front of Li Rui with a smirk.

"Isn't this their advanced potion? Other people can drink it too?"

Li Rui took the bottle in doubt, and could feel the hot and violent magic through the glass.

"Of course it can be drunk. It can repair blood and flesh wounds and enhance physical fitness. Although it is less effective than [Li Shaolin]'s [Xuan Yang Da Huan Dan], it can't hold up a lot of stuff!"

"The skeleton of a Secret Diamond Dragon has refined you more than a dozen tons of [Dragon Bone Wine]. Even ordinary people can become a master of horizontal training by drinking a little every day."

Having said this, Teacher Hanna raised her eyebrows mysteriously and whispered in Li Rui's ear.

"The most important thing is that it has a function that all men dream of..."

Meeting her teasing and teasing gaze, Li Rui curled her lips unnaturally, faintly guessing what she wanted to say.

"Aphrodisiac, the kind that has an immediate effect, and it fundamentally strengthens the fighting ability!"

Seeing Teacher Hannah's face flushed with excitement, Li Rui moved away from her without a trace, nodding solemnly.

"Send them all to Brother Lei. He will deal with those foxes in Qingqiu Country, and he will probably make up for it."

"What about you?"


What do I do?

It's as if I really need this stuff!

After a long silence, Li Rui twitched his mouth: "I don't need it."

"How do you know you don't need it? You haven't tried it again!"

Two groups of huge oppression pressed against his chest, sweet breaths on his cheeks, Li Rui looked at the charming and pretty face close at hand, holding back a helpless smile.

"Is it fun to tease me?"

"Gluck, of course it's fun~"

Teacher Hanna took up his arm again, trembling with a smile.

"But, do you want to try? As long as you are brave, the teacher can accompany you, maybe you can take half a year off..."

Plump fingers slid across her chest, and Mrs. Hanna attached to Li Rui's ear, whispering with a strong nasal sound.

"It's time to go back."

Ignoring her molesting, Li Rui thought, an incandescent gate bloomed in the center of the altar, connecting the material world of the imperial capital.

Unwinding the restraints in a panic, he hurriedly stepped into the light gate, with a coquettish smug chuckle behind him.

After dozens of minutes, when he returned to the mansion near [Emperor Wu], Li Rui saw an unexpected guest.

"Brother Han Ran, why are you here?"

In the spacious living room, Aya Xiyi and Feng Hanran are sitting opposite each other, with a set of exquisite and simple tea sets in the middle.

"Come and see you."

Feng Hanran smiled and beckoned to Li Rui, a curl of water vapor drifted in front of him, UU reading inexplicably with a trace of otherworldly fairy spirit.

Teacher Hanna let go of Li Rui's arm without a trace, and smiled gracefully.

"I'm going to prepare some snacks, you guys talk."

Sitting next to Aya Xiyi, watching Feng Hanran fiddle with the tea set, Li Ruiyin faintly noticed that something mysterious was brewing in the teapot.

The bright sunshine passed through the floor-to-ceiling windows, covering the three of them with a faint golden layer, and the sweet fragrance gradually diffused. Everyone seemed to be immersed in a quiet and indifferent atmosphere, and no one was willing to speak first.

Feng Hanran only smiled satisfied until the Qingli tea was poured into the cup.

"Xi Yi, Xiao Rui, my craftsmanship has improved quite a bit in the past few years, try it!"

Aya Xiyi put the tea cup under her nose, sniffed the elegant fragrance, nodded thoughtfully, then raised her head bravely and braised it.

At the entrance of the fragrant tea, her eyes suddenly condensed, and she lowered her head expressionlessly, and slowly spit the tea back into the cup.

"It's a bit hot."

Feng Hanran was stunned for two full seconds and looked at her dumbfounded.

"Xie, you are still the same."

"Brother Hanran ignore her, she is just a second person."

Li Rui stretched out his hand and rubbed Aya Xiyi's head twice, which made her glared.

Ignoring her scolding in the spiritual network, Li Ruiqing sipped a sip of tea, gently stirring her tongue, letting the sweet and hot tea soak every taste bud, closing her eyes contentedly, and feeling the short-term bliss.

Swallowing the tea in small sips, the hot liquid flows into the stomach, and then spreads to the whole body along the blood vessels. The divine nature is mixed with mellow energy to nourish the flesh and blood meridians.

Li Rui felt every cell in his body cheered, like a desert traveler who had been hungry for more than ten days drinking the clear spring water.

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