Actually use divinity to make tea!

After drinking the last drop of tea, even Li Rui couldn't help but smack secretly.

Worthy of being a veteran angel on the ground, [Zhonghua]'s strongest combat power on the bright side, highlights a luxury!

"The last time we sat together drinking tea seems to have been five or six years ago. Time flies so fast..."

Feng Hanran's calm eyes wandered over the two, shaking his head with emotion.

"I really didn't expect that Xiao Rui, you would have completed the road that other Tianjiao takes decades, or even hundreds of years, to complete in such a short time..."

Halfway through, he smiled and looked at Aya Xiyi, causing her to blow her hair on the spot, and sneered proudly.

"I'm just too lazy to advance, otherwise how can I let this kind of waste wood go ahead of me?"

Li Rui: "..."

You are useless, your whole family is useless!

"If I want to, it's easy to break through the secret diamond!"

Aya Xiyi raised her chin proudly and slapped Li Rui's shoulder fiercely. The terrifying suction gathered in her palm, faintly turning him into medicine slag.

Li Rui: "..."

So you arrogant a hammer, didn't you end up squeezing my blood and sweat?

"Ha ha ha..."

Feng Hanran looked at Li Rui's brilliant expression, Yan Yi, laughed and shook his head, and slowly took out a dark envelope, but the lacquer seal with five runes entangled and intertwined had long been torn.

"Xiao Rui, this is the [invitation letter] you handed in."

"How? Is there any gain?"

Li Rui looked directly into Feng Hanran's eyes and asked if nothing had happened.

"Except for the special rune, it is an ordinary invitation letter, without any clue."

Feng Hanran sighed with regret.

I wrote the content, of course I know it!

Li Rui secretly slandered in her heart, took out the letter with makeup and read it carefully, and asked casually.

"Are there no positioning or pollution traps?"

"No, it's very clean, except for the runes on the seal, there is no extraordinary power on it."

"Then you can use it as a medium to go backwards..."

"Tried it, it's no use, it's chaos, and even the [Good Fortune Jade Disc] can't break the barrier."

Hearing this, Li Rui looked solemn and nodded thoughtfully.

The letters condensed from the source core directly from the depths of the source sea are indeed anti-tracking artifacts!

In theory, even the true **** cannot trace back useful information from the ultimate chaos.

All divination and snooping will only be directed to absolute nothingness.

"Xiao Rui, this [Secret Banquet Association] is unfathomable, I personally don't want you to go to this muddy water."

Feng Hanran's eyes condensed, his expression gradually becoming serious.

"But this is also the best opportunity to penetrate the enemy, isn't it?"

Li Ruiyang raised the dark envelope in his hand and raised his mouth confidently.

"Opportunities always coexist with dangers, but since they dare to invite you, it means that they are not afraid of [Zhonghua]'s prying eyes. I don't want you to bear this danger..."

Before he finished his words, Li Rui waved his hand resolutely to interrupt him, and stared straight into his eyes.

"Brother Haoran, [Indestructible True Dragon] will only rise to difficulties and will never escape!"


After being blocked by this sentence, Feng Hanran wanted to say something but stopped. In the end, a thousand words could only turn into a bitter smile and sigh.

"You, like Wang Lei, are horrible bones that even ten cows can't pull back!"

"Hehe, Brother Lei is stubborn on the surface, but the door is clear in his heart, otherwise, how could he give up [Eternal Immortality] and switch to other exercises?"

Li Rui smiled and helped Feng Hanran fill a cup of tea, only to find that his eyes gradually became cold.

"Who told you that Wang Lei gave up [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] and switched to other exercises?"

The smile on Li Rui's face froze, and suddenly there was an unknown premonition in his heart.

"When I just awakened, Brother Lei told me personally when he passed on the [Eternal Immortal Infinite Tribulation] to me."

"That was nearly six years ago!"


Li Rui nodded, a light purple glow appeared in his eyes, his eyes gradually became hollow, and the surrounding environment changed rapidly. The sunny living room quickly turned into a closed and dark space, re-representing the scene of the year.

Three clear figures were now beside them, and the tall and burly Wang Lei waved his fists and said angrily.

"[Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] Starting from the fourth stage, the amount of energy and blood required has skyrocketed. My daily practice time has been reduced from four hours to three hours, two hours, one hour..."

"With the almost endless tonics provided by the country, I barely managed to successfully practice the fifth and sixth layers, but how can I know that the seventh layer's energy consumption has skyrocketed again!"

"Finally, my qi and blood recovery speed couldn't keep up with the consumption of the exercises. I practiced for several weeks at a time, and my cultivation level also stagnated."

"That kind of being squeezed by countless women every day and hollowed out..."

Beside the three of them, Wang Lei, who seemed to be unreal and unreal, said quietly, his expression faintly becoming a bit hideous.

After many years, UU reading looked back again, and Li Rui suddenly found many details that he had overlooked before, and his breathing became a little heavy inexplicably.

"Later I learned that they integrated the original heritage of the Western Primordial Demon Dragon in the [Eternal Immortal Infinite Tribulation]. The body length of the thing is calculated in kilometers, and it can cross the universe with the body. Their blood is comparable to human beings. ?"

"Although in theory [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation] can continuously increase and strengthen the cultivator's vitality, the base of vitality and blood of the magic dragon and human beings are basically two different things. The ability of the magic dragon to continue training does not mean that humans can!

"Finally, I stopped the [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] practice and modified another technique, which broke the bottleneck."

Wang Lei shook his head, as if he wanted to throw bad memories out of his head.

"But [Eternal Immortality] is not without benefits. It leaves me with a strong body that is almost indestructible, recovery, resistance, and attack power are almost invincible at the same level!"

Raising his arm, Wang Lei exerted a slight force, and a layer of translucent golden light appeared on his skin.

Layers of golden scales appeared under the divine light, like an indestructible golden mountain.

"This is the fusion of the Buddha's [Vajra is not bad body supernatural power], Taoist's [Million Tribulation Golden Elixir Congenital Qi], ancient Egypt's [Sacred Golden Armor], ancient India's [Inverse Chakra], and Primordial Demon Dragon [Dragon Language Scale Armor Rune] The defensive supernatural powers of a bunch of messy things."


"Foot on the void, immovable like a mountain, theoretically [eternal immortality, immeasurable calamity] practiced to the extreme, even able to withstand the erosion of time, the physical body is eternal and immortal..."

"Cooperating with the [Chaos Return to Origin Zihuang Jie], the sun **** is immortal, the soul and the body are united, maybe it can really be immortal..."

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