Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 943: , There is help

"Infinite God installed in the city (

Opening Zhao Youxuan's system panel, Li Rui really saw a new rune page and couldn't help but sigh.

Son of the Avenue, cowhide!

But then, he discovered something wrong.

Zhao Youxuan's rune page is completely different from his own, closer to what it looks like in the game.

"Each level of the secondary host can only unlock one rune, lock 4 for the main system, 2 for the sub system, and one for each of the remaining three systems."

The system immediately answered Li Rui's doubts, but it made him nervous.

If the rune positions of teammates are so scarce, then he has to add them according to the characteristics of each person, and maximize the income as much as possible!

"Xi Yi, Teacher Hannah, Xiao Huang, Luo Li..."

He quickly called his teammates together, and was about to take back the [Unlocking Cheats] that I had previously distributed to them, but Li Rui suddenly frowned and stopped.

No matter how perfect his arrangement is, whether he can learn it in the end depends on everyone's personality.

For example, Fierce Snake is the first to penetrate the rune of the [Resolute] series, which shows that she is more sensitive to the laws related to life.

If she is forced to focus on [precision], it will get twice the result with half the effort, and it will get nowhere.

On the contrary, if a natural shooter like Xiao Huang insisted on comprehending [resolutely], it was clearly embarrassing him.

In the dark, Li Rui suddenly felt a trace of comprehension in his heart.

Perhaps, giving up artificial interference and following spiritual guidance is the most suitable choice for them!


Day by day, Li Rui’s most worried news never came.

Feng Hanran seemed to have disappeared from the world. No one knew his whereabouts. Instead, Wang Lei's work to suppress the Qingqiu vixen had been proceeding in an orderly manner.

Over time, Li Rui even gradually became suspicious of herself.

Maybe, Lei brother didn't lose control at all. He just complained casually back then, that everything was both self and Feng Hanran thinking too much?

As time went by, the secret realm of Qingqiu was calm.

Li Rui's tense nerves gradually relaxed, and his optimism grew stronger.

But just when he thought everything was going in a good direction, an urgent edict fell on him and Aya Xiyi.

"Do you know what happened?"

"The top-secret meeting, all the [Dragons of Town and Country] in the entire earth have been called, I don't know."

Aya Xiyi shook his head coldly, hesitated for a moment, and quietly spread the voice through the spiritual network.

"But such a big battle is probably related to Wang Lei."

Li Rui's face sank, feeling a Taishan mountain pressing on his chest, and he was a little breathless.

That night, when the two of them walked into a conference room large enough to hold thousands of people, the eyes of suspicion, suspicion, and alert shattered Li Rui's last fluke.

"Xiao Rui, Xi Yi, come and sit on my side."

After many days, I saw Feng Hanran again, his calm face revealed a morbid paleness, and Gu Jing Wubo's eyes were faintly tired.

In the fan-shaped meeting room, occupying the most central area is a group of cordial [Dragons of the Town].

Some of them have never met, but they still nodded to Li Rui kindly, only a few of them looked at him with worry.

But even so, the [Dragons of Town Country] still sat together tacitly, surrounded Li Rui and Aya Xiyi in the center, and the same enemies scanned the participants in other areas, and expressed their own attitude without any secret.

Supported by a group of "companions", Li Rui's heavy mood improved slightly, and she sat beside Feng Hanran with a cold expression.

"Brother Haoran, Brother Lei... how is it?"

Feng Hanran separated a pile of materials and handed it to him, shook his head tiredly.

"I was contaminated. I had a fight with me and almost didn't chop off my head."

Li Rui paused in the palm of his hand after receiving the information and let out a long sigh.

Looking at his painful eyes, Feng Hanran pulled out a barely smile.

"However, after all, he is the [Indestructible True Dragon] with the highest resistance to heterogeneous pollution. Even if it has been overwhelmed by massive negative forces, he still hasn't lost control."

"The pollution still stays on the surface of his mind, if it can fill the flaws in his mind..."

It seemed that an invisible wound was involved, Feng Hanran grinned in pain, and added after a long time.

"There is still help!"

Hearing these three words, the luster in Li Rui's eyes instantly condensed into substance, and then silently disappeared into the depths of his pupils.

"What do you need me to do?"

The decisive voice made Feng Hanran laugh and shook his head. He did not answer, but slowly stood up and walked to the rostrum.

"Let's have a meeting first, you'll know later."

As the meeting officially unfolded, many participants who had no prior knowledge could not help but exclaimed.

[The Dragon of Zhen Country] was polluted. This kind of emergencies that would only appear in historical books and never considered in the past instantly penetrated their psychological defense.

In particular, the opponent was the famous [Indestructible True Dragon] Wang Lei, so all the core elites of [Zhonghua] focused their attention on Li Rui's face. UU Reading www.

The gaze of the crowd and the mosquito-like comments did not shake Li Rui's state of mind.

His eyes were always flat on Feng Hanran on the stage, to see how he handled the matter.

"Qingqiu's report this morning has come out. Your battle has spread to thousands of square kilometers. There are countless witnesses. Soon the whole world will know about this..."

An old man with a gloomy face stood up and sighed solemnly.

"So, I suggest launching the No. 187th [Slaying Dragon] plan."

Li Rui stared in the audience and consulted on the "Team Channel" silently.

"Xiyi, what is the [Slaying Dragon] plan?"

"For some powerful [Dragons of the Town], prevent the [evil dragon] from running out of control, which controls absolute violence."

"Then... will there be a plan against us?"

Li Rui's eyes are heavy. Although he understands the principle of "all things should be established in advance, and nothing is done beforehand", as a country, every possibility must be considered.

But... still unhappy!

Aya Xiyi slowly turned her head to look at Li Rui, her mouth sneered proudly.

"there must be!"

Li Rui: "..."

No, are you smug?

This is not a good thing!

As if seeing through Li Rui's emotions, Aya Xiyi chuckled and shook her head.

"Under normal circumstances, the ordinary [Zhen Guo Zhilong] doesn't even have the qualifications to be set up for the pre-plan. If something goes wrong, it will be resolved internally by any big boss."

"Only seed players like Wang Lei who are powerful enough to threaten the country and even the world are eligible to meet specifically to discuss plans for him."

"Being on this list is a very exclusive thing within [Zhen Country Dragon]."

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