Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 944: , The world focuses on me

"Infinite God installed in the city (

Li Rui: "..."

Neuropathic patients have broad thinking and [Zhen Guo Zhilong] are happy.

Not One Piece, can even this thing be regarded as glory?

"However, I usually joked internally and said that if someone really needs to start the plan, it will definitely cause a backlash from all [Zhen Guo Zhilong]."

Aya Xiyi looked at the old man speaking coldly, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth.

As she expected, Feng Hanran on the rostrum rejected his proposal without hesitation.

"Wang Lei is not completely out of control, it is not enough to trigger the [Slaying Dragon] condition."

"No one knows his inner strength better than I do. When the negative will completely overwhelms him, we will face an unstoppable and unbreakable divine calamity..."

The yin-bird old man said emotionally, with a grim and painful expression: "That will be a catastrophe!"

Feng Hanran watched him calmly, and shook his head after a while.

"I understand your mood, but things have not yet reached the worst point."

"When it's the worst, it's too late."

The shady old man dropped his shoulders, his whole body seemed to lose strength.

Feng Hanran looked around the venue, his firm gaze seemed to contain invisible power, which quickly calmed down countless worried eyes.

"We will take care of this."

"If anyone has doubts, they can start a vote."

The firm and strong words calmed the venue, and the old man of the yin bird returned to his seat with a complex expression.

No one stood up to vote, because everyone knew that under the collective opposition of [Zhen Guo Zhilong], everything was in vain.

Before Wang Lei didn't really "crime", he was always the dragon of the town that represented the will of [China], and there was almost no existence on this planet that could judge him.

Unless... he commits a heinous crime that materially damages the national interest, and the conditions are directly triggered, the [Slaying Dragon] plan can ignore the will of [Zhen Guo Zhilong] and start automatically.

Before that, only [Zhen Guo Zhilong] had the power and ability to deal with him...

"So, what specific countermeasures do you have?"

Soon, another gray-haired old man stood up and asked cautiously.

Feng Hanran smiled slightly, his eyes calm and confident.

"The best way to deal with an [Indestructible True Dragon] is to send a higher order [Indestructible True Dragon]!"

"It just so happens that we now have a secret diamond rank [Indestructible True Dragon], we can capture Wang Lei back!"

There was an uproar at the scene, and everyone turned their gazes at Li Rui in unbelievable eyes with thousands of emotions.

One is the pillar of the country that has been famous for a long time, and the other is a genius boy who has risen to fame.

In just a few years, it was not enough to change the old ideas in people's minds. In their eyes, Li Rui appeared in the public eye last time, he was just a silver tier!

Even if the information on the paper tells them Li Rui's amazing leap, the impression is still stuck in the past.

Is he... really capable of defeating Wang Lei and catching him back?

With suspicious gazes shooting back and forth, Li Rui finally understood Feng Hanran's plan and slowly stood up.

With his movements, the whole world seemed to "sink".

Obviously there is no energy or extraordinary power, but his figure is infinitely elevated in everyone's hearts, and finally turned into a mountain that suppresses the void, majestic, stalwart, and eternal!

At a distance of less than tens of meters, people raised their heads inexplicably, as if looking up at the stalwart figure projected in the pupil.

This kind of looking up is not in the physical sense, but in the dimensional and life level.

In a trance, people seemed to have seen some great existence slowly stretch their bodies, and stood up from the **** seat.

Even the most elite group of people in the world, only a few people can understand Li Rui's state at this time, and there is a touch of complexity in the shocked expression.

This degree of divine transformation feels higher than Feng Hanran!

In other words, Li Rui is closer to the gods than Feng Hanran in realm!

It's ridiculous!

A yellow-haired kid who has only been awakened for six or seven years, is actually higher than the old Zhenguo Dragon?

You don’t have this kind of speed even in rocket training, right?

Generally speaking, only after entering the Secret Diamond Stage can you fully restrain your spirituality and initiate the transformation of the divine.

Li Ruiman has only spent two or three months of advanced Secret Diamonds after his calculations, and he was still in a coma for a half of the time. How did he cultivate to the present level?

Confused and horrified gazes wandered around Li Rui, but soon part of them turned into joy and appreciation, while the rest was a mixture of various emotions, which faintly revealed a stronger worry.

Such a genius has been passed down in the same line as Wang Lei, so does he risk losing control in the future?

Even when he was a seed, would he have been contaminated?

Bathed in the sight of everyone, Li Rui stepped onto the presidium step by step, his precise and steady steps seemed to have been measured, with a sense of serious and regular beauty.

And with his movement center of the world seems to be moving.

Just like the perspective is fixed in the game, Li Rui’s position forms a conceptual focus point, and it is difficult for any creature to look away from him!

When he walked to the stage, Li Rui looked around the venue, his invisible sight with calm and firm strength quickly soothed the anxiety in everyone's hearts.

"I will bring Wang Lei back."

Simple and straightforward words reveal infinite self-confidence, with the power of the system, Li Rui has always been the first order, even the second order to overthrow the enemy.

Even gods such as Athena, Michael, and Aya Xiyi will be at a huge disadvantage when facing him when their power level is suppressed.

Li Rui doesn't believe that an ordinary human can defeat the Secret Diamond Rank himself with the Golden Rank!

Even if he is the immortal dragon Wang Lei!

The strongest golden rank in the world!

"I object!"

An abrupt voice cut through the venue, and the old man of prey who had just spoken stood up again and looked directly at Li Rui.

Waiting for him calmly, Li Rui blinked, a little confused in his heart.

Who is this old man?

No hostility was felt from him, on the contrary, there was a trace of concern in his eyes.

"He taught Wang Lei for seven years and created the first generation of [Zhonghua] [Indestructible True Dragon]. Strictly speaking, he can be regarded as your master."

Feng Hanran's voice came to mind without any warning, and the two of them kept their lips and teeth still, silently communicating on stage.

"Then why would he take the initiative to propose [Slaying Dragon]? Could it be that he and Lei Brother have turned against each other?"

"As far as I know, no. On the contrary, he treats Wang Lei a bit worse than his son."

"How could it..."


The two faint words caused Li Rui to fall into silence, with a faint trace of respect flowing in his heart.

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