"Infinite God installed in the city (

If Li Wei is in the same situation, even if he is an enemy of the whole world, Li Rui will definitely protect her.

Righteous extermination?


Oh, except Xiao Huang...

Although emotionally he did not agree with his choice, it did not affect Li Rui's admiration for him.

Li Rui is selfish, but he respects selfless people...

"Li Rui is the hope of the whole [Zhonghua]. He is not suitable for contacting Wang Lei after he loses control. That is too dangerous!"

The old man looked at the two on the rostrum with a firm tone.

"I can fight him."

Knowing the relationship between the old man and himself, Li Rui looked at him with a forgiving and kind expression.

Although they have different positions, they are still their own...

"Even if you can fight him, can you guarantee that you are not infected?"

The old man shook his head earnestly.

"Polluting Wang Lei's power can erode [Eternal Immortality], and it can also erode you."

"Prolonged contact at close range, you will inevitably be contaminated silently."

The words of the old man changed the expressions of the audience.

From the data point of view, Wang Lei has been suspected of being contaminated from a few years ago.

And Li Rui, but inherited it at that time!

After so many years of contact, will he?

Just thinking about it, everyone frowned hesitantly.

But judging from the known information, Li Rui and Wang Lei did not have much contact!

In addition to the grace of inheritance, Wang Lei's attitude towards Li Rui is very alienated, almost stocking.

Obviously there is a feeling of mentoring and apprenticeship, but Wang Lei has never shown him in public at the same time!

There is no intention of sharing with Li Rui's personal connections and influence.

In a trance, some people have a hint of understanding in their hearts.

Without too much entanglement, Li Rui won't be too much involved in certain situations.

Perhaps from the very beginning, Wang Lei had deliberately kept a distance from his descendants!

Is this a struggle of reason, or is it a means to cover people's ears?

The eyes of everyone looking at Li Rui couldn't help but bring a trace of doubt.

"Brother Lei...Wang Lei was contaminated because his mood was flawed and he doubted himself."

"but me!"

Li Rui lifted his chin gently, and her jet-black eyes shrank into purple and gold vertical pupils.

In a trance, everyone seemed to see a pair of majestic and solemn dragon pupils condensed on the nine heavens, looking down on the earth in the cold and vast.

"I am [China] the manifestation of will on the earth!"

"I am a myth that walks in the world!"

"I am the only eternal and immortal chaos!"

The throbbing from the soul and blood penetrated the soul, Li Rui's voice turned into thunder, and every word hit everyone's hearts.

The uncontrollable shivering, the suspicion in people's eyes is gone, replaced by a trace of fanatical worship.

Li Rui uses himself as a medium to connect them with the vast and ethereal collective divinity of [China] for an instant.

It seems that a ray of bright sunlight penetrates through the chaotic life, and an absolute sense of belonging floods into the heart, and everyone seems to have found the meaning of their existence.

No need for any language anymore, Li Rui beat her heart, faintly spit out four words.

"China is forever!"


Controlling the entire [Chinese Empire], more than a thousand elite and extraordinary men stood up neatly, and the sound of hammering their chests merged into a muffled thunder.

"China is forever!"


"Wang Lei and Feng Hanran clashed in the Secret Realm of Qingqiu? The Dragon Civil War of Zhen Country?"

In the Brahma Secret Realm, a beautiful young woman suddenly sat up from the bed lined with flowers and exclaimed in disbelief.

As her mood changes, the surrounding flowers bloom slowly, forming a flood of flowers.

After a brief moment of gaffe, she quickly recovered her calm.

"Is the news reliable?"

"It has been confirmed."

With sapphire blue eyes staring at his teacher, the always graceful and calm [Brahma Saintess] would actually show anxious emotions?

Siwaya squinted her eyes, a faint joy to peek through the little secret.

But immediately, she couldn't help but worry a little.

Wang Lei...it's very likely to get out of control!

"What was the result of the battle?"

"Both lose out."

"Aren't they uniting to act?"

The beautiful young woman frowned, her clear and mysterious eyes slowly losing focus.

But soon she withdrew her gaze from the void like an electric shock, blood and tears oozing out of her closed eyes.

"Teacher, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I was just burned by the light of [Dragon], I shouldn't have peeped into a part of him."

After a while, the beautiful young woman opened her eyes with difficulty, but there were cobweb-shaped gray cracks in the crystal-clear eyes.

"The civil war of the Dragon of the Zhen Kingdom hasn't occurred for nearly a hundred years. What do other forces say?"

"At the moment, I just sent out a note, trying to understand the cause of the matter, but [Zhonghua] still practices Tai Chi consistently, netting some nonsense."


The beautiful young woman pondered for a long while and looked at her proud disciple.

"You have friendship with Li Rui, you go to the Chinese imperial capital instead of me and ask what is going on with Wang Lei! If necessary, I can help myself by UU reading www.uukanshu.com!"

Siwaya blinked in surprise, then hesitated for several seconds.

"Teacher, let's participate in the [Zhen Guo Zhilong] civil war? Is this... OK?"

[Brahma] Although it is one of the best forces in the [Prime Covenant], it is still too shallow compared with the real behemoth.

Let alone intervene in the [China] Civil War that has continued from the ancient times to the present!

That is a very taboo thing!

"Don't worry, they won't say anything."

The beautiful young woman waved her hands and greeted Siwaya a little eagerly to leave.


The sapphire blue eyes looked at his teacher up and down, and Siwaya seemed to understand something in her heart.

"Yes, teacher, I will send an entry application to [Zhonghua]."

The girl bowed respectfully, and withdrew her face sinkingly.

On the other side of the earth, in a huge base on the bottom of the sea, a group of suits and leather shoes, strange and vague figures gathered in the conference room. On the virtual screen in the center, two **** of light, gold and green, collided fiercely back and forth.

Soon, the picture on the screen was blurry, like a television that lost its signal, emitting harsh white noise.

"Hey... [Dragon]'s interference is still too strong, even [Brain in the Vat] can't spy on the specific battle situation."

"However, it can be seen at any rate that they should have played a real fire."

"Hehe, maybe, what if someone's acting is good?"

"[Zhonghua] Why do you want to perform a civil war farce about the dragon of the town?"

"Who knows? Maybe in the next big game!"

"According to past assessments, Wang Lei may indeed have a flaw in his mood due to a long period of stagnation. Maybe he has gone mad."

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