Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 950: , [Human Paper]

Looking away unnaturally, Li Rui looked at the busy young blond woman with a shy smile.

"Auntie cooks everything I like."

"Oh, I can talk."

The blonde young woman laughed from ear to ear, but the prince beside her rolled her eyes, scanned the dazzling array of dishes, and frowned.

"Where is my blood sausage?"


"Where is my hairy blood?"


"You didn't make something I love?"

"I love to eat, not to eat!"

The handsome young man's breath stagnated, then turned his head and stared at Li Rui.

"Have you heard? Love to eat, not to roll!"

"I mean you!"

The blond woman twitched his ears for a while, the brutal behavior made Li Rui's vest chill.

Will Luo Li cuff her ears like this in the future?

He glanced at the pretty young girl from the corner of the eye, and Li Rui breathed a sigh of relief.

Forget it, just screw it...

"Cheers, Davarish! Vodka!"

"Tons, tons, tons~~"

"Happy! Another billion bottles!"

"Tons, tons, tons~"

"Hahaha, Xiaorui really is the hero of the wine! Luo Li is here too!"

Tons tons tons tons tons~

Tons tons tons tons tons~

In the end, the mother and daughter were lying on the table unconscious, leaving only two men staring at each other.

"Uncle... Your Royal Highness, thanks for the hospitality, I have something to do, so I will leave first."

The handsome young man scanned the messy dining table, stared at him with deep and cold eyes, and slowly uttered a few words.

"Wash the dishes before leaving."

Li Rui: "..."

After Li Rui left, the young blond woman lying on the sofa woke up leisurely, eyes dazed.

After receiving the hot tea from her husband, she showed a sweet and sluggish smile.

But her extraordinary physique made her sober up quickly from the drunkenness, and her eyes gradually recovered to clarity.

"Where is Luo Li?"

"Get back to the room and sleep."

"She still can't drink enough!"

"You drank too much."

"Where is Xiao Rui?"


"You still didn't teach him the blood demon..."

The handsome young man shook his head and gave a cold snort.

"Luo Li has secretly shown him the [Human Paper]. What is the difference if I teach it or not?"

"What? Isn't that the secret of your Fan Zhuo?"

The blond young woman widened her eyes and exclaimed in disbelief.

Immediately, she was a little unwilling to smack her lips.

"Damn it, I haven't even seen it!"

Qing Young people glanced at her contemptuously and said lightly.

"By your intelligence, you can't understand."


A terrible force was introduced into the earth, and there was an insignificant tremor within a radius of tens of kilometers.

In the cozy living room, the handsome young man sat on the other side of the sofa in embarrassment, holding his arms and gasping.

"Then what do you think of Xiao Rui?"

The blonde young woman stared at him irritably, barring sharp fangs.

Talking about business, the young man dropped his shoulders, a trace of unwillingness and decadence in his eyes.

"can not read it."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't understand how his power came from. My accumulation of hundreds of years is not as good as his just a few years..."

"Is he really stronger than you?"

"In terms of absolute strength, yes."

The youth sighed decadently, but soon cheered up again.

"But his control is too good, I am not afraid of him if I really start!"

"Maybe this is the price of a leap forward. There is no time to polish the technology seriously."

"Indeed, even Luo Li's control over herself is rapidly declining, and they have grown so fast that technology can't keep up with power!"

The young man gritted his teeth, a trace of confusion flashed under his eyes.

"What secret does he have, not only can he grow up with his companions?"

"You want to spy on him?"

Upon hearing this, the young man slowly shook his head and exhaled a sigh of emotion.

"He is no longer the existence I can snoop."

"Sooner or later, Luo Li will surpass us under his support. Otherwise, how could I personally be his sparring partner?"

"[Human Paper], Blood Rain Training Technique, I give him everything I can, and I hope he won't disappoint Luo Li in the future..."

The young man squinted his eyes and looked out the window deeply.


Back to [Rune Land] Li Rui sat in the center of the altar and savored the experience of fighting against the original stone-step blood clan master.

At the same time, I contrasted the contents of the [Human Leather Book] in my mind, confirming that the hollow pupils were constantly flashing with brilliance.

Although blood witchcraft and blood magic are completely different in the underlying structure, they have the same effect in the upper application.

Delving into the secrets of the blood family for thousands of years is of great help to him in understanding the [Blood Contract].

Once [Blood Contract] breaks through to the Secret Diamond Rank, his combat effectiveness will have a terrible leap!

At the same time, comprehending the skills related to life magic is also good for him to digest extra health.

Even if you have to take time out to practice confrontation every day, the efficiency is slightly higher than that of "Eternal Immortality"!

Combining work and rest, I can call myself a master of time management in the future!

With a self-deprecating smile, Li Rui glanced at his attributes, and an oval void light gate burst out in front of him.

After returning home quietly and going to the basement to see the fierce snake molting, a familiar voice suddenly flashed in Li Rui's mind.

"Wang Lei appeared in Qingqiu!"

With his eyes condensed, Li Rui's figure seemed to fade away, and UU read www.uukā within a few minutes and condensed in the Imperial Forbidden City.

Aya Xiyi, Feng Hanran and the others [Dragon of Zhen Country] had already gathered and nodded slightly to him.

"what's the situation?"

"Half an hour ago, some intelligence said that Wang Lei had been witnessed near the North Wilderness Strike Liangshan. Currently, personnel are being sent to confirm."

"Qingqiu Northern Wilderness is bigger than the entire Siberia. If Lei brother deliberately avoids, can we find him?"

Li Rui glanced at the map of the whole department in the hall, and said worriedly.

But soon, he found that everyone was staring at him with weird eyes.

"What do you see me doing?"

"Do you know how many points Wang Lei was in the course of anti-reconnaissance when he was in school?"


"Twelve points. Looking at all previous students, he is also the last existence."


"Don't use your own standards to measure him. Apart from his combat effectiveness, he is all weak."

"In addition, the golden level of spirituality is revealed, it is not difficult to track him."

Feng Hanran patted Li Rui on the shoulder and said with a chuckle.

"Hmph, his combat power can cover up all weaknesses, so why do you want to do those bells and whistles? When he is so strong that no one can beat him, the so-called weaknesses are not weaknesses!"

An old man with red hair shot up and retorted angrily.

Afterwards, he turned to look at Li Rui.

"Our immortal series is to be brave and diligent. Don't worry about the bells and whistles, just one punch!"

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