Knowing that this is the predecessor of the immortal line, Li Rui nodded in kindness.

Feng Hanran was not affected by his fiery temper, still with a small smile on his face, and looked at Li Rui calmly, but the conversation suddenly changed.

"However, the most important thing is that he personally passed on to you the props to cover up weakness."

Li Rui was stunned for a moment, then reacted instantly, frowning bitterly.

"Hidden's Mask..."

"Yes, in order to help him obtain this equipment, we paid a lot of money, but he did not expect that he passed on such an important item to you."

Feng Hanran sighed with emotion and shook his head.

"Maybe, this is what he did deliberately, just to allow us to easily track him when he is in madness..."

The atmosphere was inexplicably heavy, Li Rui took a deep breath, but still felt a little boring in his chest.

If this is the case, Brother Lei would have expected the situation today six or seven years ago.

And the weight of the [Hidden Mask] is much heavier than he thought!


With a long breath, Li Rui exhaled the depression in his heart, and his eyes became clear and firm again.

"I'll go to Qingqiu to find him!"

"No, no, I think... he will be back soon."

"Back to Earth?"

"Well, Qingqiu has been the core secret of [Zhonghua] since the ancient times. There are many unknown entrances and exits, and Wang Lei can easily sneak back."

"I'm quite courageous. He is not afraid that we will launch [Shenzhou Enchantment] against him?"

The red-haired old man sneered and narrowed his eyes.

"It's useless, as long as he hasn't completely fallen, then he will still be the dragon of [China], an important part of the [Shenzhou Enchantment]. He has all the powers we can use, and at most they can offset each other."

Feng Hanran rubbed his chin and stared at the ever-changing holographic map, suddenly a bright smile appeared.

"I understand."

Everyone at the scene swept their eyes, Feng Hanran patted Li Rui's shoulder unheard of.

"Xiao Rui, you can prepare for the war with peace of mind, Wang Lei will take the initiative to find you to end it."

In an instant, everyone in the field was shocked, if they realized something, but in the end they all focused their attention on Li Rui's face.

"The old [Indestructible True Dragon] will be turned into nutrients, and the new [Indestructible True Dragon] will step on the former's corpse and set foot on a higher sequence!"

"Among you, only one can survive."

Feng Hanran's deep eyes pierced Li Rui's eyes, as if reaching his soul.

"And regardless of life or death, this is what Wang Lei expected."

The five fingers pressed on his shoulders gradually contracted, even with Li Rui's body feeling a little pain.

"Go, tell him, there is a third way!"

Nodding silently, Li Rui bowed slightly to everyone, and the afterimage disappeared with the wind.


In the next time, Li Rui closed herself in [Rune Land] to squeeze the potential of almost masochistic.

The muscle tears and heals. Every cell becomes active, frantically strengthening itself.

The sound of rumbling waves reverberated between heaven and earth, and the warm current in the stomach pouch continued to shuttle through the blood vessels and meridians to support the rapid expansion of the flesh.

The internal organs slowly squirmed a layer of hard, dead skin crust on the skin and slowly fell off to reveal the soft and tough skin.

Under the surging blood, the bones become stronger...

The endless strengthening of the body, like a furnace, turned the entire [Rune Land] into a hot hell.

On the system panel, Li Rui's upper limit of life value beats silently by 1 point every moment.

Except for eating, all the news was delivered by Aya Nozomi. Li Rui completely forgot about time and was immersed in painful growth!

But even so, when Aya Xiyi appeared in front of him solemnly, Li Rui still failed to digest all the extra attributes.

No, not so much all, he hasn't even digested a fraction of it!

Looking at the string of numbers still deposited in the column of extra attributes, Li Rui calmly retracted his gaze and looked at his most trusted companion.

"Wang Lei appeared on an uninhabited island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. He is waiting for you."

Nodded, indicating that he knew, Li Rui slowly stood up, and the joints all over his body made a crackling noise.

Aya Xiyi's gaze slowly raised, in a daze, she seemed to see a towering mountain rising from the ground!

But immediately, she seemed to see the morning sun rising from the horizon. Although the morning and twilight had not faded, she could already vaguely feel the hot energy contained.

Leaving [Rune Land], Li Rui's sight was immediately occupied by his teammates.


Zhao Youxuan, whose old skin has been removed, has become more refined and supple, her matte skin is like milk jelly, which will melt away with a single sip.

Pulling down the wriggling little guy wrapped around her body, Li Rui rubbed her head apologetically.

"Sorry, I couldn't accompany you for something."

Her big jet-black eyes blinked, and Zhao Youxuan burst into a sweet smile.

"It's okay, just forgive you if you give me chicken jiojio!"

Xiaoxiao shook her head, Li Rui rubbed her Tianling Gai vigorously.

"Okay, I'll make it for you when I get back."

Immediately afterwards, he looked at other eager partners and said solemnly.

"This time, it's a battle between me and Brother Lei. I hope you don't interfere."


Huang Juncai pressed Li Rui's shoulder and nodded solemnly.

"I know, UU reads, I just rub, I won't go in."

With a wave of his hand, this guy drew a beautiful parabola in the sky and disappeared at the end of his sight.

Looking across the faces of the girls, Li Rui finally looked at the second girl.

"Even if I die, don't interfere!"

"Cut, stupid man!"

Aya Xiyi narrowed her mouth in disgust, but finally nodded.

Although the others were humming and haunting, they also knew that Li Rui still had [Rebirth], there was no real danger, and he had no choice but to compromise under his strong gaze.


After finishing his teammates, Li Rui let out a sigh, and his toes slowly lifted off the ground, floating in mid-air.

Soon, over the Chinese imperial capital, a bright sun bloomed in the spiritual vision of all transcendents.

There is nothing to hide, Li Rui stretched out his strength wantonly, and the surging aura even shone into the territory of Silla and Dongying.

"What's that stuff?"

"There is the direction of the Chinese imperial capital. Could it be that any artifact was born?"

"My God, is this the power of high-level transcendents? Can I become such a strong one in the future?"

"You think too much, such a terrifying range of aura is not something ordinary strong people can do."

"I know, it must be the [Dragon of Town and Country]! [Holy Grail War] Li Rui is also super awesome!"

"What's the use of great? Isn't it dead?"

"He is not dead. It is said that he has already appeared in a secret realm and defeated the local dragon god!"

"Hahaha, don't watch the literature"


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