"It seems you understand!" Sea Shark King nodded slightly.

King Sea Shark understood that although he pointed out the problem, not everyone could understand it!

However, Wang Cheng understood instantly at this moment, but Sea Shark King was not surprised.

Wang Cheng has mastered such profound laws at the stellar level. It is normal for him to understand. If he cannot understand... then the Sea Shark King will really doubt what is going on with Wang Cheng!

"Thank you, Senior Haisha, for your guidance!" Wang Cheng saluted and thanked him sincerely.

"It's just a piece of cake!" Sea Shark King said with a smile: "This problem is not serious, I will be a good person who will do it to the end and teach you how to solve it!"

As the Sea Shark King said, he stretched out his hand and practiced in the void. As his fingers continued to move across the void, waves of space fluctuations appeared one after another.

Wang Cheng stared ahead. At this time, in his eyes, there was only the constantly moving fingers of the Sea Shark King. Soon, the fingers of the Sea Shark King also disappeared, leaving only the mysterious symbols in Wang Cheng's heart.

At the same time, Wang Chengyuan's original self and other clones in Jiuying Star also stopped doing other things and began to think about everything demonstrated by the Sea Shark King.

After more than ten minutes, the Sea Shark King suddenly stopped, and Wang Cheng came to his senses belatedly.

"This solution is not easy. I will talk about this part first. When you fully understand it, I will teach you the rest!" King Sea Shark said.


Wang Cheng didn't speak. After thinking for a while, he immediately said: "Senior Haisha, I already understand this part!"

"You said you understood?" Sea Shark King stared at Wang Cheng and said directly: "Can you demonstrate it now?"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly. After thinking about it for a while, he stretched out his hand and started practicing in the void.

The pattern drawn by Wang Cheng's fingers was completely different from that of King Sea Shark, but with the level of King Sea Shark, he immediately grasped the essence of it. Wang Cheng indeed understood what he just wanted to express!

What's even more frightening is that Wang Cheng also added his own things to it, so Wang Cheng's current drill looks completely different from his drill on the surface.

"What a terrible understanding..."

The Sea Shark King looked at Wang Cheng. He already had some understanding that Wang Cheng had mastered such laws at the stellar level.

No special opportunity is needed. With this ability to comprehend, as long as Wang Cheng's perception of the law is not too bad, he will be able to comprehend the law at an absolutely flying speed.


Sea Shark King marveled in his heart. At the same time, he did not hide his secrets and continued to demonstrate the solution to Wang Cheng. This time, Sea Shark King demonstrated it for three hours because there were too many things to show. , even Wang Cheng couldn't understand it immediately.

This made King Sea Shark feel inexplicably relieved. If Wang Cheng could even comprehend these things in an instant, then he would really suspect that Wang Cheng was actually a monster.

"I will arrange a rest room for you. You can go and slowly comprehend it!" Sea Shark King said.

"I'm sorry, Senior Haisha!"

Wang Cheng saluted and thanked him. He was now very fond of Sea Shark King. Not to mention other things, just the guidance given by Sea Shark King today was enough for Wang Cheng to be grateful to him.

"Haha, I'm just giving random directions!"

Sea Shark King smiled and patted Wang Cheng on the shoulder. He also secretly sighed in his heart. He could not see the slightest arrogance in a genius like Wang Cheng. On the contrary, Wang Cheng was extremely humble. This was indeed too rare.

Talent and mentality are the two key factors to becoming a strong person. Wang Cheng seems to have them all, and he is so outstanding in talent...

. . .

Wang Cheng came to the lounge arranged for him by Sea Shark King, and then he couldn't wait to recall the previous drills of Sea Shark King.

In fact, after a little guidance from King Sea Shark, Wang Cheng knew where his "foundation" was weak.

Through "Swallowing the Starry Sky", Wang Cheng knew from the beginning that when understanding the basics of the laws of space and time, it is necessary to understand their essence, so that when he later understands the composite laws that combine multiple basics, he can be more comfortable , the same laws can also exert stronger power!

Wang Cheng did pay attention to this aspect before. When he created the secret technique "Wu Jian", he also started from the essence of the law.

But after all, Wang Cheng worked behind closed doors, and his speed in understanding the laws was too fast. In some places, he thought he had grasped the essence, but in fact he did not!

As a result, over time, of course, hidden dangers were laid for his foundation!

"King Sea Shark's guidance only helped me make up for a small part of the deficiencies in space laws. When I join Virtual Universe Company, I will slowly make up for the foundation in space and time!" Wang Cheng's thoughts flashed away. Soon, he was completely immersed in the previous drills of the Sea Shark King.


While Wang Cheng was immersed in understanding the basics of space laws, on the other side, King Sea Shark entered the virtual universe and at the same time came to the plane where the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company is located!

In this plane, there are two major plates, one is Yuxiang Mountain and the other is Thunder Island.

Yuxiang Mountain is where the members of the virtual universe below immortality live, while Thunder Island is where the members above immortality live.

At this time, after entering this plane, Sea Shark King came all the way to the mountainside of a huge mountain on Thunder Island.

Here, King Sea Shark saw a figure wearing black armor, with endless black mist emerging from his eyes.


The Sea Shark King bowed and saluted.

"I have watched the video you sent back. I have a general understanding of the situation. Please tell me your opinion!" the figure said slowly.

"That kid is undoubtedly a terrifying genius, and his character is quite good!" Sea Shark King praised: "As long as we train him well, he will definitely be a pillar of our human race in the future!"

"That's it?" the figure asked.

"However, there are many doubts about him. For example, he said that he was adopted and taught by a mysterious old man since he was a child. The old man should be at least an immortal in his description, but his foundation is very poor..." Haisha As Wang said, his tone changed and he continued:

"But I don't think this is a big problem. Maybe he doesn't want to mention his origin, or he has some secrets that he doesn't want to tell us. Such situations are not uncommon!"


The figure didn't say anything, he just nodded slightly.

"Teacher, how should we deal with him?" Sea Shark King asked.

"When the video of your meeting with him was just sent back, there were two voices in the company. One was to accept him and train him well as you said, and the second was to find out all his details and confirm his identity. After there is no problem, we can train him well. If necessary, we can use some extreme methods..." The figure said, and the Sea Shark King also frowned.

This second idea is really absurd, and it is barely understandable to find out the details. After all, it is for the benefit of the human race, but using extreme means?

Are they afraid their brains are flooded?

In other words, their real purpose is not this...

"Teacher, what is going on now?" Sea Shark King asked.

"Finally, your master has spoken. Everything will be decided by him when he reaches the original universe!" the figure said.

"Have you alarmed Master?" Sea Shark King was slightly startled.

"With Wang Cheng's talent, he is fully qualified for this! Don't forget, he is not only good at the laws of space, he is also good at the laws of time!" The figure said lightly.

"This..." Sea Shark King was slightly startled, and then he nodded thoughtfully.

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