Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 101 Jiang Mingyue’s Arena Competition

Another half month passed after Wang Cheng arrived on the Sky Shark, and the arena competition after the knockout rounds officially began.

Of course, Wang Cheng won the first place in the First World District in the previous knockout competition, so he does not need to participate in this group competition. He only needs to wait for the group competition to end and go with the rest of the people to compete with the rest of the universe country. The geniuses can just keep competing.

However, although Wang Cheng did not participate in the arena, he was still paying attention. After all, there were acquaintances of his in the arena.

A large number of people will still be eliminated at the beginning of the arena competition!

A total of 100,000 people who entered the arena were divided into 1,000 groups, and a group of 100 people fought in a melee. In the end, ten people were left to enter the next round of the arena.

Wang Cheng asked that Jiang Mingyue was in the 23rd group of the group competition, and he would go to watch when the time comes.

Wang Cheng was quite surprised that Jiang Mingyue could reach this point. He was also curious about the extent of the opponent's strength, so he was naturally prepared to pay attention to the opponent's game.

. . .

Different from the closed knockout rounds, the arena round is fully open to the public. Not only can you buy tickets to watch on site, but you can also watch live broadcasts and broadcasts through the virtual universe.

Tickets for live viewing in the arena competition are not only expensive, but also in short supply. However, as a member of Wang Cheng who has passed the knockout round, he has priority to purchase tickets, so it is easy to get a ticket.


The 23rd group of group competitions was still very advanced. Soon after the group competition started, it was Jiang Mingyue's turn.

With a flash of light, Wang Cheng was transported to a separate plane. There was a huge arena in the center of this plane, and around it was a huge auditorium that could accommodate a billion people.

Wang Cheng sat down in the audience with a calm expression. Soon, the projection of a beautiful girl appeared above the huge arena.

This girl was the host before the game. She appeared to introduce the rules of the game, the contestants, etc.

The rules of the competition are all the same, and the girl host briefly introduced them and then skipped them!

The identity and detailed information of the contestants is the key!

The projection of the girl host quickly disappeared, and images of geniuses were projected one after another. With each image of a genius appearing and the introduction of the girl host, a large number of viewers cheered.

It was almost at the end that Jiang Mingyue's image was finally cast.

This image should be taken from Jiang Mingyue's battle in the Ninth World. At this time, she was wearing black armor and standing on the top of a building, with a long sword with faint blood stains in her hand pointed at the ground. .

The Jiang Mingyue in this projection had a cold expression and a murderous look on his body. For a while, Wang Cheng couldn't connect it with the Jiang Mingyue he knew.

"It's been three days since we've seen each other. We should look at each other with admiration!" Wang Cheng rubbed his chin and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At this time, the moment Jiang Mingyue's projection came out, the audience around Wang Cheng also cheered crazily.

They chanted Jiang Mingyue's name, sounding proud of it.

In fact, in this plane, audiences from different universe countries will be gathered together, so Wang Cheng is surrounded by audiences from the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

It was also because of this that the audience around Wang Cheng was so excited after the projection of Jiang Mingyue, who was also a member of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

"No. 92, Jiang Mingyue, she is from the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, ranked 881st in the Ninth World District..." The host's voice echoed throughout the spectator seats, and the emotions of the audience from the Black Dragon Mountain Empire Also reached a new high.


Wang Cheng didn't do anything. As he waited, the game started soon.

A hundred contestants came on stage at the same time, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

A melee of hundreds of people is a great test of strength, mind, will, etc.

Although the rankings in the previous knockout rounds cannot represent the strength of the contestants, it can also reflect something to a certain extent.

Jiang Mingyue was ranked 881st in the Ninth World District, almost at the bottom. Logically speaking, her strength could not be ranked among the top among a hundred people. However, when the real competition began, Jiang Mingyue's strength was beyond expectations. exceeded everyone's expectations.

Her body skills disappeared without a trace, and she easily dodged countless open and hidden arrows in the melee of hundreds of people, and avoided confrontation with powerful enemies. With almost no effort, she survived to the end and became one of the ten surviving people. One of the people.

"I'm really getting started with the Law of Wind..."

Wang Cheng looked at Jiang Mingyue with some surprise. When Jiang Mingyue told him before that she had some insights into the first level of "Wind God Shadow", Wang Cheng guessed that the other party might be an introduction to the law of wind. Now he saw Jiang Mingyue take action. , Wang Cheng confirmed the matter instantly.

However, Wang Cheng also had doubts in his heart. It stands to reason that the basic rules are enough to crush most people in the genius battle. How did Jiang Mingyue rank 881st in the knockout round before?

Also, Jiang Mingyue said before that Jiu Meng was very powerful and could kill her easily.

But Wang Cheng remembered that when he met Jiu Meng ten years ago, the other party had not yet understood the law. Even if the other party had made a huge breakthrough in these ten years and had learned a certain law, it would not be possible for him to crush Jiang Mingyue who had also learned the law. ?

"Did Mingyue just get started with the rules this month after the knockout rounds?" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

Wang Cheng was thinking in his mind, and he sent a congratulatory email to Jiang Mingyue. At the same time, he also directly logged off from the virtual universe.


At this time, in a luxurious palace on the Black Dragon Mountain Island.

"Your Majesty, I am so happy!"

A minister was below, congratulating the emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

"I didn't expect that in this genius battle, our Black Dragon Mountain Empire would have so many talented people!" The Emperor of Black Dragon Mountain also sighed with emotion.

In previous genius battles, the Black Dragon Mountain Empire often didn’t even have a single person enter the arena, but this time, five people jumped out at once!

Among these five people, Wang Cheng was far ahead of Wang Cheng, who was already ranked first in the First World District. Even Jiang Mingyue, who had not done well before, suddenly broke out and was promoted to the next stage of the competition.

"This Jiang Mingyue has made great achievements and deserves a heavy reward!" Emperor Heilongshan asked, "What is her origin?"

"A wanderer!" responded the minister below.

"Wanderer? How can this be done?" The Emperor of Black Dragon Mountain immediately waved his hand: "Immediately choose a back cover from the territory of my Black Dragon Mountain Empire and give it to her!"

"As you command!"

The minister nodded immediately.

"By the way, what happened to Wang Cheng?" asked the Emperor of Black Dragon Mountain.

"Your Majesty, there has been no news about Wang Cheng, and he has not purchased any real estate on the Black Dragon Mountain Island, so..." The minister did not continue.

"Didn't you send him an email?" Emperor Heilongshan said displeased.

"Maybe he didn't see it, so he never replied..."

The minister felt a cold sweat in his heart. In fact, he wanted to say that maybe Wang Cheng didn't want to pay attention to them at all, but it was definitely inappropriate to say such words in front of the Emperor of Black Dragon Mountain.

It would be fine if Wang Cheng was just an ordinary genius, but he won the first place in the First World District with an overwhelming advantage, and was even said to be miraculous in the virtual universe. Such a person would have the possibility of joining the virtual universe company in the future. Sex is very big.

Although he is helpless, it has to be said that the Black Dragon Mountain Empire really has nothing to do with him at the moment.

"We must contact him!"

The Emperor of Black Dragon Mountain didn't think much about it. After giving the order, his attention turned to other places.

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