After Jiang Mingyue entered the competition, the remaining group competitions were also carried out one after another.

There were four people from the Black Dragon Mountain Empire entering the arena. On the day Jiang Mingyue competed, a man named "Nabini" from the Holy Land of Black Dragon Mountain also entered the arena, but unfortunately, he did not have the strength of Jiang Mingyue and was eliminated. .

On the same day, Hong from Earth also played, but he was also eliminated.

The next day, Luo Feng came on stage and passed successfully!


A round of arena competition lasted for five days, and only 10,000 people were left among the 100,000 who advanced, and these 10,000 people would then face a real one-on-one arena battle.

Of course, Wang Cheng didn't care much about the next arena battle. Even if it was Jiang Mingyue's match, he had no intention of watching it again. After all, Jiang Mingyue had learned the Law of Wind, and she got the final result from those ten thousand people. The chance of getting one thousand places is not small.

However, before the official one-on-one final began, Wang Cheng made an appointment with Jiang Mingyue.

The meeting place is still in the killing field on the Black Dragon Mountain Island.

Wang Cheng came to the killing field and waited for a while before Jiang Mingyue came out. At this time, there was still a trace of killing in her body.

"Brother Cheng!" Jiang Mingyue was not aware of the aura on her body. She smiled and sat down in front of Wang Cheng.

"Mingyue, you played well in the game a few days ago!" Wang Cheng said.

"It's just a fluke that I have strong physical skills, so I can handle the melee with ease. In the next one-on-one battle in the ring, physical skills alone won't be enough!" Jiang Mingyue said very soberly.

"This problem is not difficult to solve...this set of swordsmanship is for you!" Wang Cheng said, and then he handed a secret book to Jiang Mingyue.

""Sao Feng Swordsmanship"..." Jiang Mingyue took Wang Cheng's secret book. She looked at the name on the surface of the secret book and her face was slightly startled.

"Brother Cheng, I appreciate your kindness! But I'm afraid it's a little late for me to learn new sword skills now..." Jiang Mingyue shook her head slightly.

"You should take a look at the content of this swordsmanship first!" Wang Cheng smiled calmly.


When Jiang Mingyue heard this, she immediately opened the swordsmanship to watch. In just a moment, Jiang Mingyue seemed to have discovered something, and a surprise emerged in her heart.

This swordsmanship is actually three to four points similar to "Wind God Shadow". In other words, this swordsmanship was originally created for "Wind God Shadow".

"How?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Brother Cheng, this swordsmanship suits me so well!" Jiang Mingyue nodded repeatedly:

"I should be able to learn this swordsmanship in a short period of time. This way, I will be more confident in the next battle in the ring!"

"That's good!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"Huh?" Jiang Mingyue continued to flip through the secret book in her hand. Suddenly, she was startled.

"Brother Cheng, why does this swordsmanship only have one style?" Jiang Mingyue asked.

"That's enough for you to use in this competition!" Wang Cheng said: "I'm not good at swordsmanship. It's not easy to be able to barely incorporate a trace of the law of wind into it!"

"This "Swordsman of Sao Feng" was created by you, Brother Cheng..." Jiang Mingyue looked at Wang Cheng in disbelief.

"It was indeed created by me!" Wang Cheng said with a smile: "You can learn it with confidence. I can't say how powerful this swordsmanship is, but at least it won't be too weak!"

"That's not what I meant..." Jiang Mingyue shook her head quickly. She wanted to explain something else, but Wang Cheng had already stood up.

"I know everything!" Wang Cheng said with a smile: "No need to say too much, if you can enter the Virtual Universe Company, that is what I want to see, so work hard!"


Jiang Mingyue nodded solemnly.

"Then I won't disturb you!" Wang Cheng didn't say much, and he went offline directly.


. . .

Time passed day by day, and the one-on-one arena competition continued.

In fact, the one-on-one arena competition is also divided into a winner's group and a loser's group. The one who can go undefeated is the winner's group, and will be directly shortlisted for the competition with other universe countries.

As long as you lose one game, you will be in the loser group. The loser group will have to fight everyone who enters the loser group once, so the arena battle in the loser group will last particularly long.

Although Wang Cheng didn't watch Jiang Mingyue's game in person, he knew the results.

Even though Jiang Mingyue learned the "Sao Feng Swordsmanship" he created, he could not continue to win continuously. He eventually entered the loser group and began a long battle!

The person who finally put an end to Jiang Mingyue was a woman named "Jiu Meng".

After knowing this name, Wang Cheng went out of his way to watch the replay of Jiang Mingyue's battle that day. He was finally convinced that the person Jiang Mingyue met in the Ninth World District and the arena competition was indeed the Jiu Meng he was familiar with!

I have to say that the other party has made great progress.

Not only has she learned the law of water, but she has also learned the law of lightning. She has learned both laws at the same time. Although they are both low-level laws, she is definitely top-notch among the many contestants in the genius battle!


After Jiang Mingyue entered the loser group, she was greeted by battles one after another. Jiang Mingyue even met Luo Feng, who also fell into the loser group.

Jiang Mingyue and Luo Feng have been in contact since the last time they lent money to Luo Feng and the others. In addition, since they are all from Earth, their relationship is naturally very close.

However, even so, the two of them agreed before going on stage that neither of them would hold anything back.

After a battle, Jiang Mingyue was defeated!

This is actually not surprising. Although both of them are at the beginning of the law, Luo Feng's consciousness intensity is actually at the cosmic level, and he has the Divine Weapon in his hand, so he is naturally much stronger than Jiang Mingyue.

There are many secret patterns on the "Evolution God Weapon". These secret patterns are actually equivalent to top-level secret techniques. As long as these secret patterns are activated, the power of the corresponding secret techniques can be exerted.

In other words, the secret technique used by Luo Feng is at the top level, while the "Wind God Shadow" and "Sao Feng Sword Technique" used by Jiang Mingyue are at the ordinary level!

With weak consciousness and weak secret skills, it is not surprising that Jiang Mingyue is not Luo Feng's opponent.

Of course, the loser group adopts a points system, and the victory or defeat in one game does not matter. Although Jiang Mingyue lost to Luo Feng, her points are still quite leading in the loser group, and she has a high chance of qualifying in the end. big.

. . .

The loser's group arena match continued, and in the blink of an eye, four years passed.

The genius battle arena ended a year ago, and a thousand people who stood out in the Ganwu Universe Kingdom have been selected.

At this time, we have finally reached the final stage of the Genius War, that is, the decisive battle in which all the geniuses from the 1,008 universe nations of the entire human race gather together.

Wang Cheng will naturally participate in this decisive battle. If he wants to join the Virtual Universe Company, he must get good results in this decisive battle!

However, just when Wang Cheng was preparing to go to the virtual universe to participate in this decisive battle, King Sea Shark found him first...

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