"Senior Haisha, do you mean to let me hide my strength?" Wang Cheng looked at King Haisha in surprise.

"I want you to restrain yourself!" Sea Shark King said directly: "There are many talents emerging in this genius war, but compared with you, they are far behind. With your ability, you can easily get them. No. 1, so there’s no need for you to give your best!”


Wang Cheng smiled and said nothing.

"Actually, if it weren't for protecting you, you wouldn't need to participate in the next genius battle at all. I would have sent you back to the base camp of our Virtual Universe Company!" King Sea Shark said:

"Didn't you wonder before why we stayed in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire? The real reason is to protect you!"

"To confuse foreigners?" Wang Cheng asked.

"It seems you have thought of it a long time ago!" Sea Shark King nodded slightly.

"I'm just guessing. Moreover, there were rumors about me circulating in the virtual universe before. The purpose should be to suppress my strength...at least, to suppress it in other people's impressions!" Wang Cheng said.

"The video of your battle in the knockout round will not be circulated to the public. Most of the geniuses you killed will die at the first touch. From their perspective, they cannot see your true state!" Sea Shark King said:

"That's why we deliberately created those rumors!"

"Of course, we have done so much preparation in the early stage, but in the end you have to cooperate!" Sea Shark King said: "The next genius battle will be public, and it is also the time for you to truly show your own strength!

Believe me, if you show your true power, then you should be prepared to stay in some core places of our Virtual Universe Company for a long time in the future! "

"I see!"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly. Although he was just a clone, it would be best if he could not be killed by the alien race.

Wang Cheng actually knows far more than Virtual Universe Company thinks.

For ordinary geniuses, the assassination of aliens is usually done by immortals or even world lords, but for a truly heaven-defying genius, the assassination of aliens will be carried out regardless of the cost.

Just like Luo Feng in "Swallowing the Stars", the Zerg, Monster, and Mechanical Tribes even teamed up to invite the True God to kill him...

That is to say, Luo Feng is very lucky, otherwise he wouldn't be enough to kill a few of them as a true god!

Why did Wang Cheng hide his identity? Isn’t that what you’re afraid of?

The same is true for Wang Cheng's avatar. Once his full strength is exposed, although the aliens who are enemies of the human race will not immediately invite the true gods to kill him, the few cosmic lords and others will probably not be stingy!

In this case, Wang Cheng will probably have to hide in the core of the human race for a long time!

The senior leaders of the human race did not know that Wang Cheng had such a thing as the "Opportunity Capture System". In their inherent impression, the growth of any genius needs to be tempered, and if he was stared at by a bunch of aliens, Wang Cheng wanted to experience Training?

That's a dream!

Being assassinated by a foreign race is not called training, because the foreign race will not be stupid enough to send people with the same power as Wang Cheng to kill him, but anyone who wants to assassinate him must be able to kill him easily!

In this case, it is the best choice to let Wang Cheng keep a low profile for the time being! Otherwise, just protecting Wang Cheng's safety will be a big problem in the future!


Seeing that Wang Cheng agreed so easily, the Sea Shark King nodded secretly in his heart.

He was really afraid that Wang Cheng, a newborn calf, was not afraid of tigers and insisted on being in the limelight... Now it seems that Wang Cheng still knows what he is doing.

No matter how talented you are, as long as you don't grow up, you are nothing!

Only a genius who grows up is a true genius!

This principle is very simple, and many people understand it, but not many can practice it all the time...

A strong person needs confidence, but a strong person also needs to be cautious. If you are so confident that you even lose your life, you can only be called a reckless man.


"Senior Haisha, how far do I need to go?" Wang Cheng asked.

"My advice to you is...you can't be too strong, but you can't be too weak either. After all, your record in the first world area is too exaggerated!" Sea Shark King continued:

"In this genius battle, it's okay for you to be first, but you must pay attention to your performance!"

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly. All in all, that's all.

. . .

The decisive battle of the genius battle was about to begin, and the Sea Shark King did not stay long. After chatting with Wang Cheng, he left quickly.

Wang Cheng didn't hesitate, he logged into the virtual universe directly.

On an island in Qianwu Continent, Wang Cheng's figure suddenly appeared from a teleportation point. Soon, Wang Cheng was guided to a square by the staff here.

At this time, hundreds of people have gathered in the square. They are all geniuses who have reached the top one thousand in Ganwu Universe Kingdom.

Wang Cheng walked in slowly, and soon, eyes focused on him.

"It's Wang Cheng!"

"He's finally here!"


Many people were whispering to their companions that although the Virtual Universe Company was secretly helping Wang Cheng hide his power, some of his basic information had not been touched by the Virtual Universe Company, and these contestants basically knew it.

In fact, including Wang Cheng’s basic information, including the fact that the Sea Shark King has been taking Wang Cheng to stay in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Territory, it is to protect him. After all, Virtual Universe Company intends to let Wang Cheng be an ordinary genius, so naturally You can't give him any special treatment.


At this time, facing the eyes one after another, Wang Cheng continued to walk forward very calmly.

Soon, Wang Cheng came to a rather remote corner. Jiang Mingyue leaned on a statue and looked at Wang Cheng walking over with a smile.

"Brother Cheng, everyone is looking at you. It seems that you are under a lot of pressure!" Jiang Mingyue said with a smile.

"The truth is, I don't have any pressure at all!" Wang Cheng shook his head, and then asked: "How are you preparing for this year?"

"I haven't made much progress. I can only try my best. I've come this far. Even if I can't join the Virtual Universe Company, it's no problem to join the Ganwu Secret Realm!" Jiang Mingyue said very optimistically:

“Let’s talk about the future path later!”

"Come on!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.


While the two were talking, a figure was slowly walking towards them.

"Wang Cheng, Jiang Mingyue, you two really know each other!"

A familiar voice sounded, and Wang Cheng knew who was coming without even looking.

Wang Cheng turned around, and sure enough, it was Jiu Meng who came over.

At this time, Jiu Meng had not changed much from when Wang Cheng saw her more than ten years ago. She was wearing a silver armor with a sky-blue gemstone on her forehead. Of course, the most eye-catching thing was her snow-like figure. Normally white skin...

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