Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 105: The Genius Battle of Change

Virtual Universe, a plane newly established by the Virtual Universe Company.

As streaks of white light flashed, many geniuses from the Qianwu Universe Kingdom who were still on the Qianwu Continent just now appeared in this plane one after another.

Under the guidance of the staff arranged here by the virtual universe, everyone quickly arrived outside a building.

In this world, there are a total of 1008 buildings, and each building represents a universe country. At this time, most of the other buildings in this plane are already filled with people. They look at the team from Ganwu Universe Country, one by one. All discussed.

"Look at the star walking at the front of the team, he is Wang Cheng! Although we can't get the video of him taking action, he is famous for being a true warrior. This person's strength is definitely not simple!"

"I don't see anything strange about it. I think the strong man behind him is more oppressive. Is that the savage Rong Jun?"

"Stupid, the real strong man can't be seen just by looking at his appearance!"



At this time, at the top of Building No. 0234, there were also a bunch of geniuses looking at the people from Ganwu Universe Kingdom.

"If you want to talk about who is likely to be Bolan's opponent in this genius battle, it must be the famous and scary Wang Cheng... Why doesn't Bolan come out? Doesn't he care?"

"With Bolan's behavior, would he take this Wang Cheng seriously? In Bolan's eyes, everyone except himself is probably a chicken or a dog, right?"

"Speaking of which, Wang Cheng is called a 'ghost god', and Bolan is called the 'god of death'. I'm really curious as to which of the two 'gods' is stronger!"

"Just watch, we'll find out after the game is over!"


. . .

The arrival of the Qianwu Universe Nation team caused a small commotion, but it quickly subsided.

After arranging everyone, the leader of the Ganwu Universe Nation team, Thirteen, left the building himself.

A moment later, Thirteen entered a restaurant prepared by the Virtual Universe Company for many contestants in this plane. However, there was not a single star-level genius in the restaurant at this time.

There are terrifying figures in the restaurant. Their auras are either violent, chilling, or awe-inspiring... in short, none of them are simple.

"Thirteen is here, haha!"

After Thirteen entered the restaurant, beings with powerful auras greeted each other one after another. Thirteen was not polite and sat down directly on an empty seat.

"Thirteen, what are you doing with Wang Cheng who appears in the Witch Universe Kingdom this time? Those rumors in the virtual universe are really ridiculous... Tell me quickly, we are very curious!"

"Yeah, tell me quickly!"


Facing the inquiries one after another, Thirteen took a sip of wine calmly on the surface, but in fact he was very depressed in his heart. Facing this group of beings at the same level as him, he wanted to have a good bragging, but Unfortunately, the leader of Ganwu Kingdom had already issued a hush order on him before, so it was absolutely impossible for him to tell the truth now.

"Then Wang Cheng is indeed not simple, just wait and see!" Thirteen could only say something mysterious.

"You're still pretending, why are you so unhappy!"

"Actually, when it comes to geniuses, Bolan from the Noah Universe Kingdom is still more powerful. He is only at the star level, and his understanding of the laws of space is as advanced as that...Wang Cheng from the Witch Universe Kingdom can be better than that Bolan. Awesome? I think it’s impossible!” Someone deliberately talked about Bo Lan, trying to provoke Thirteen, but unfortunately, it was of no use. Thirteen was drinking by himself, without the slightest thought of leaking information. No!

Time passed little by little, and suddenly, the door of the restaurant was pushed open.

The next moment, a figure wearing pure black armor walked in, with endless black mist surging in his eyes.

For a moment, the scene was slightly quiet.

The next moment, thousands of immortals chatting and laughing in this restaurant all stood up and bowed at the same time.

"I've met His Holiness!"

"No need to be polite, I will be in charge of this genius battle. The genius battle will start shortly!" The figure said lightly, and then he left here directly.


Silence, a moment of silence.

a long time.

"It is actually Lord Darkness who is presiding over this genius battle!" an immortal whispered to the people around him.

"Venerable Darkness is a very ancient existence. Many kings may not be as good as him. Aren't those who preside over genius battles usually young venerables..."

"Perhaps Lord Darkness is bored and wants to come to the Genius Battle to feel the youthful energy!"

"Anyway, we have to cheer up next!"



The immortals were discussing.

. . .

After about ten minutes, suddenly, a wave of fluctuation spread throughout the entire plane.

In an instant, all the contestants were neatly gathered together.

"What just happened?"

"here it is?"


For a moment, everyone looked at the people around them in confusion. Wang Cheng also appeared in the crowd. He felt clearly that a huge force of space had just moved them here in an instant.

"The space law just now was really powerful. It should have been the Master of the Universe who took action..." This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind. At this time, a figure wearing black armor suddenly appeared in the sky.

This person did not deliberately release his breath, nor did his eyes stop on any of the contestants, but his mere appearance there seemed to cast a layer of haze in everyone's hearts, and that endless sense of oppression made everyone Everyone fell silent.

"I, Ming An, will preside over the genius battle that follows!" The black-armored figure said without any nonsense, he said simply:

"The rules are as follows..."

After the black-armored figure finished speaking, he then stretched out his hand and pointed into the distance.

call! call! call!

Boundless clouds and mist appeared, and a million bridges with no end in sight appeared in an instant.

"The game starts tomorrow, everyone go back and prepare!" After saying the last words, the black-armored figure disappeared directly. In an instant, the silent sense of oppression caused by the opponent's appearance disappeared. At the same time, the people who were moved together Many contestants also started talking about it.


Wang Cheng did not participate in anyone's discussion. At this time, he was a little shocked.

In his mind, this genius battle should be hosted by the Lord Nine Swords, and the content of the game should be to break into the trial space, but now, the person hosting the game has become this "Venerable Darkness", and the content of the game should be The content has also changed from the trial space to one hundred thousand trial bridges.

However, according to what the Dark Lord said, the Trial Bridge is divided into seven, seven and forty-nine levels. Those who pass each level can light up a watchtower on the bridge and continue to move forward... ... No matter how you look at it, it's no different from the trial space in Wang Cheng's impression, it's just a different form.

The only difference is that if you cross this kind of bridge, each contestant can clearly see where the others have broken through through the watchtower.

"Is Virtual Universe Company making changes just for me?" Wang Cheng thought in his heart. It's not that he is narcissistic, but that this seems to be the case.

King Sea Shark had just asked him to restrain himself before. The content of this competition has changed from the previous trial space where each person entered the trial space to a trial bridge where everyone can see the progress of others... ..

It’s hard to say that the two are irrelevant, right?

"I never thought that I would be so important..." Wang Cheng sighed silently in his heart.

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