The day passed by in a flash, and early the next morning, a voice rang in the minds of millions of contestants from 1,008 universe countries.

"All contestants, please prepare, the transfer to the Bridge of Trials will begin soon, and all contestants will begin the official trials..."

"Has it started yet?"

"Whether you are ordinary or rise, it depends on this time!"


Nearly all the geniuses felt their hearts surging, and as white lights flashed by, everyone was teleported to the bridges one after another.


According to the rules mentioned by Lord Ming An yesterday, this bridge of trials is divided into seven, seven and forty-nine levels. Contestants can get points for each level they pass. The more points, the higher the ranking.

There are forty-nine levels, and every seventh level is a big bottleneck. From level 1 to level 7, you can get 10,000 points for each level you pass. From level 2 to level 14, you can get 100,000 points for each level you pass. From levels 4 to 21, each level you pass will earn you one million points... and so on, the further levels you pass, the more points you will get!

Of course, if millions of people pass a level, a large number of people will definitely stay at the same level. Therefore, the progress of passing the same level is different, and the points that contestants can get are also different.

. . .

At this time, Wang Cheng was also teleported to a bridge with no end in sight.

At this time, a wristband also appeared on his wrist, with a screen recording his points.


Contestant: Wang Cheng (Qianwu Universe Kingdom)

Points: 0

Rank: None


After looking at the content on the screen, Wang Cheng did not hesitate and flew forward quickly.

After a moment, Wang Cheng felt his eyes blur, and then he appeared in a space full of desolation.

At this time, lines of text appeared again on the screen of the wristband on Wang Cheng's wrist.

[Rules for the first level:

There will be 10,000 ferocious beasts "bloody mammoths" appearing in this level at the same time. Each time you kill a bloody mammoth, you will get one point. Once you kill them all, you will light up the first watchtower and continue towards the depths of the Trial Bridge. Move forward, if you can persist here for ten days, the watchtower will also be lit up, and the contestants can continue to move forward! 】

The rules are very simple. For Wang Cheng, it is even simpler. Just kill all the ten thousand ferocious beasts!


"Reduced means that you don't have to use all your strength!"

Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart. The next moment, tens of thousands of majestic beasts appeared in this space at the same time. At the same time, these beasts rushed towards Wang Cheng without hesitation.

"Well done!" Wang Cheng's expression remained unchanged as he rushed forward.

Wang Cheng's figure began to blur, and soon, thousands of Wang Cheng appeared in the void at the same time.

call! call! call!

When all Wang Cheng's figures passed by the ten thousand blood-haired mammoths, pillars of blood rose into the sky one after another.

In just a moment, all the blood-haired mammoths fell down.

The points on the screen of Wang Cheng's wristband instantly increased to 10,000, and at the same time, his ranking also directly became number one.

Come to participate in the genius battle. All the geniuses can easily kill the 10,000 bloody mammoths in the first level, but no matter how easy it is, it will take time. However, Wang Cheng killed them all in an instant, so his ranking is natural. Instantly became number one.


After killing all the blood-haired mammoths, Wang Cheng was teleported away from the desolate space and returned to the Bridge of Trial. At the same time, a watchtower behind him also lit up, and a purple light rose into the sky. .

Wang Cheng glanced behind him, and without hesitation, he flew forward again.

Not long after, Wang Cheng felt his eyes flash again, and he entered the space of the second level...


At this time, 1008 immortals gathered together under the 100,000 bridges of trial.

As the leaders of each space country, they can naturally watch the situation of all contestants, including their rankings and their battle videos.

Before the game started, the somewhat mysterious "Wang Cheng" naturally received a lot of attention, and many immortals were staring at him from the beginning of the game.


"Good guy, this Wang Cheng is really powerful. He also practices "Ten Thousand Lines Flow" and can create thousands of phantom bodies at one time. Even Bo Lan from Noah's Universe Kingdom can't compare to him. ....."

"The secret technique he used was also extremely powerful, killing him with one strike without any sloppiness!"

"Does anyone know what the secret technique is?"

"Thirteen, even you don't know?"


The immortals were talking about Wang Cheng one after another, and Shisan, the leader of the Ganwu Universe Kingdom, was perfunctory when faced with the inquiries from other immortals.

Of course Thirteen was also watching Wang Cheng's breakthrough, but he was a little confused.

According to Thirteen's impression of Wang Cheng, he wouldn't be surprised if Wang Cheng could create tens of thousands of phantoms at once. In this situation, it seems that the other party is not using all his strength at all!

Of course, Thirteen was just thinking about this in his mind. After all, the leader of Ganwu Kingdom had already issued a strict silence order, so he definitely couldn't mention these things.

. . .

Wang Cheng's speed through the levels was astonishing. The first level, the second level, the third seemed that no level could stop Wang Cheng.

After Wang Cheng reached more than 20 levels in one breath, many immortals speculated that Wang Cheng's speed would slow down. After all, after reaching more than 20 levels, the level was already very difficult. They believed that Wang Cheng could pass it. , but it is impossible for Wang Cheng to break through as hard as he did before!

But after Wang Cheng came to the ground for more than 20 levels, his speed did not slow down much. Soon, many people seemed to have discovered something, and their eyes widened.

"This, is this the law of time? Is Wang Cheng good at the law of time? And depending on the situation, his understanding of the law of time is not much weaker than the law of space!" The immortals were shocked.

There are two superior laws of time and space. Being good at one is already enviable, but being good at both at the same time...

"No wonder Thirteen you were so mysterious before, this Wang Cheng is really amazing!" Many immortals felt that they had guessed something, and they all looked at Thirteen in surprise.

In this genius battle, Bolan, who originally came from Noah's Universe, had already shocked many immortals with his achievements in the laws of space. Wang Cheng's understanding of the laws of space is not only better than Bolan's, what's even more terrifying is that, He is also good at the laws of time!


Thirteen felt the surprised looks from other immortals, and a smile gradually appeared on his face. Such surprised looks from countless beings of the same level really made him feel happy.

"It's a pity that I can't tell the truth, otherwise these guys would be shocked to death?" Thirteen secretly clicked his tongue, feeling quite regretful in his heart.

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