Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 111 A gift from the leader of Ganwu Kingdom

On the first day after the genius war ended, Wang Cheng received many emails. However, most of these emails were congratulatory emails. There were only two that really caught Wang Cheng's attention.

The first letter was from Ganwu Universe Kingdom. The content roughly said that Wang Cheng was congratulated for winning the first place in the genius battle. At the same time, the leader of Ganwu Kingdom also fulfilled his promise. The treasure is on the way and someone will contact him in the next few days.

Wang Cheng is not really looking forward to the treasures from the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom. After all, he can be said to be the person who has the most treasures in the original universe!

What's more, the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom is lofty and unattainable in the eyes of other people in the Kingdom of Ganwu Universe. In fact, Wang Cheng, his other side, is very clear about it. The Lord of Ganwu Kingdom, who is called the first "first enemy" of the human race, will probably not take it easy. Give away some precious treasure?

Of course, that's what he thought, but Wang Cheng responded immediately after seeing the email. While saying that he would always be waiting on the Horned Dragon Star, he also expressed his extreme gratitude to the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom for the gift.

In any case, there is a huge gap between Wang Cheng's current status and that of the leader of the Ganwu Kingdom, and if someone takes the initiative to send gifts, he naturally has to know what's good and what's good!


The second email was from Jiang Mingyue, which she sent before the genius war ended.

Although Jiang Mingyue did not wait for the final result of the genius competition, she still congratulated Wang Cheng in advance for winning the first place in the genius competition.

Afterwards, Jiang Mingyue said that she had broken through to the cosmic level and would be undergoing a very important retreat in the near future. I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to contact her, but Wang Cheng didn't have to worry!

"Breakthrough to the cosmic level? Retreat?"

Wang Cheng looked at Jiang Mingyue's email. After thinking about it for a while, he felt relieved.

Jiang Mingyue was able to get started with the Law of Wind before the Genius War. She must have had a unique opportunity. As soon as the Genius War ended, she chose to break through to the cosmic level and go into seclusion at the same time. This is most likely related to her unique opportunity.

Regarding the failure of the genius battle, Jiang Mingyue seemed free and easy on the surface, but she definitely didn't care about it in her heart. She must be working hard now...

"It's useless to think too much!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly, and then replied an email to Jiang Mingyue.

The content is only a simple sentence——

"You only have one life, be careful!"

. . .

The treasure of the leader of the Ganwu Kingdom should have been delivered to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire before the end of the Genius War. Wang Cheng only waited for three days near the Horned Dragon Star before receiving a metal box about half a meter long and ten centimeters wide.

"Look what baby it is!"

Wang Cheng sat cross-legged in a lounge on the Sky Shark. He looked at the metal box in front of him. Before, he had no fluctuations in his heart, but now he felt a hint of expectation quietly.

This box opening is just like grabbing by chance. Before you officially know the treasure inside, it has a sense of mystery!


The smart lock on the surface of the metal box was opened instantly, and the next moment, a mysterious wave of time and space rippled in front of Wang Cheng.

"This is?"

Wang Cheng took a closer look and saw that there was a thin layer of crystal-like material inside the metal box, and among these materials, two gloves as black as ink lay quietly in it.

Wang Cheng reached out and grabbed a glove. In an instant, a cold feeling spread throughout his body, and even his soul shuddered.


Wang Cheng put on this glove, and in an instant, he felt the many dense lines in it. These dense lines were so mysterious that with Wang Cheng's current understanding of the law, it would be difficult to see too much in a short time.

"It's really a weapon!"

Wang Cheng's eyes lit up slightly, this gift from the Lord of Wu Kingdom is really good!

In fact, not to mention Wang Cheng's clone, even his true self doesn't have a weapon at his disposal right now!

When Wang Cheng himself encountered weak enemies on the battlefield outside the territory, he would deal with them with his bare hands. For powerful enemies, he would use the many fifth-level force weapons he had captured on the battlefield outside the territory!

There is nothing that can be done about it. Seizing by chance does not change with Wang Cheng's mind. What treasures he can capture basically depends on his fate. Over the years, he has not been able to capture any suitable weapons. It is really not surprising. !

"Unexpectedly, my original body didn't even have a good weapon, but this clone used it first!" Wang Cheng played with these two gloves. He understood that this thing is definitely much stronger than the fifth-level force weapon. , and much stronger than the mass-produced magic weapons like the 'Yanshen Weapon'.

With his status as the leader of the Ganwu Kingdom, no matter how poor he was, it was impossible for him to give a gift just a set of weapons of the same level as the Yanshen Weapon.

Moreover, Wang Cheng himself could also feel the complex patterns of laws contained in this glove. These patterns were so complex that ordinary immortals would probably not be able to use this pair of gloves.

"The Lord of Qianwu Kingdom is quite attentive!"

Wang Cheng sighed slightly. The pair of gloves he applied to Virtual Universe Company for in the Genius Battle were actually just a pair of gloves made of extremely tough material. They probably couldn't even be called a Force weapon.

Unexpectedly, the leader of Ganwu Kingdom not only saw this, but also gave him a set of weapons.

"I'll remember this favor!" Wang Cheng silently kept this in mind.

. . .

What Wang Cheng gained from this genius battle, in addition to the gift from the leader of Ganwu Kingdom, was also a bonus of 10,000 Hunyuan units quickly added to his account.

The amount of money is undoubtedly extremely huge for ordinary life.

With tens of millions of cosmic coins, Wang Cheng became very prosperous in the universe, buying planets and spaceships... It can be said that this money can make a cosmic citizen carefree. to survive for a lifetime, or even countless lifetimes.

However, those tens of millions of cosmic coins are too insignificant in front of these ten thousand Hunyuan units.

One Hunyuan unit is equivalent to one trillion cosmic coins. You can imagine how much wealth 10,000 Hunyuan units are? Ordinary Immortal’s entire net worth is probably just this amount!

Moreover, the entire net worth includes weapons and territory. Ordinary immortals probably wouldn’t be able to afford so much money at once!

After Wang Cheng's account received the remittance of 10,000 yuan, he directly became a four-star customer of Universe Galaxy Bank...

"Money is a good thing, but it's a pity that I can't use it for the time being!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly. This amount of money, which is enough to drive ordinary citizens of the universe crazy, can only be deposited in the bank for the time being.


Time passed, and soon another month passed after Wang Cheng received the gift from the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom. Finally, the spacecraft sent by the Virtual Universe Company headquarters to greet him arrived.

"You go and board the ship, I will find you later!" The Sea Shark King sent Wang Cheng to the Horned Dragon Planet, and he himself disappeared directly in front of Wang Cheng.

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