Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 112 Members of the Original Secret Realm

After King Sea Shark left, Wang Cheng soon saw the team coming to pick him up.

The leader is an immortal with an endless refreshing aura. She wears a cyan armor with several arc-shaped red patterns on both sides of her cheeks.

"Samir, I have met His Highness!"

The immortal in front of her bowed slightly and saluted, and behind her, a large group of world lords, domain lords, and universe-level warriors knelt down on one knee.

Although Wang Cheng had been prepared for the scene before him, he was still amazed at this moment.

immortal? Of course he has seen it, but whether he saw it in the universe or on the battlefield outside the territory, he was always aloof.

But now, all immortals have to salute Wang Cheng, and those realm lords, domain lords, and cosmic-level ones have to salute... It has to be said that the benefits of this status are indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

"Your name is Samir?" Wang Cheng looked at the female immortal and asked.

"Your Highness, I am Shamir, and I am also a member of the Virtual Universe Company's apocalyptic secret realm!" The woman said with an immortal smile:

"Please board the ship first, and I will introduce you to the details later!"

"Sorry to trouble you!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"It's my honor!" Samir said, and then she made a gesture of invitation. Wang Cheng didn't hesitate, and he flew directly with the other party towards the spaceship that was stagnant in the sky in the distance.

After the two took off, a large number of guards who were kneeling on the spot also stood up and followed them uniformly.

. . .

After a while, the spacecraft sailed away from the Horned Dragon.

At the same time, inside the spaceship, Wang Cheng also chatted with Shamir.

Wang Cheng naturally knew a lot about the rules of Virtual Universe Company, but in order to prevent any omissions, Wang Cheng had to ask clearly first.

In fact, what Wang Cheng knows is similar. As a member of the original secret realm, Wang Cheng is equipped with a guard team led by Immortal. This Shamir is naturally the guard captain.

There is also the issue of titles. For core members who are lower than immortal, ordinary employees of Virtual Universe Company must address them as Your Highness. Although Shamir also comes from the apocalyptic secret realm of the core, Wang Cheng’s status is much higher than her. , so she also had to call Wang Cheng "Your Highness"!

In addition, as long as Wang Cheng is still a member of the original universe, the entire team is basically deployed by him. Some requirements, as long as they are not too excessive, can basically be met by these guards.

"Your Highness, it will take about three years to reach the headquarters of our Virtual Universe Company. Now let me take you to where the core members of the Virtual Universe live!" Shamir suggested.


Of course Wang Cheng will not refuse. When he joins the Virtual Universe Company, his status is just superficial. The next secret book he can access is the key!

Now that he has entered the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company in the virtual universe as a member of the original secret realm, he should have easy access to a large number of secrets!

. . .

After a while——

Virtual Universe, the headquarters plane of Virtual Universe Company, above Yuxiang Mountain.

Wang Cheng moved forward in the public area under the leadership of Shamir. Along the way, Shamir also helped Wang Cheng introduce many scenery.

On Yuxiang Mountain, from bottom to top are the Secret Realm of the End of the World, the Secret Realm of Heaven and Earth, the Secret Realm of Taichu, and the Secret Realm of the Original Realm!

The original secret realm is located at the top, so the two of them walked a long way to get there.

However, after arriving near the original secret realm, Shamir stopped directly.

"Your Highness, I am not qualified to enter the original secret area, so you can only go there alone!" Samir said helplessly.

"That's it. Thank you for your hard work!" Wang Cheng said, and then he continued to move forward.


After passing through a beautiful scenic spot, Wang Cheng soon saw an extremely gorgeous receptionist.

"Your Highness Wang Cheng, I have been waiting for you for a long time. Please come with me!" the receptionist said with a smile.


Wang Cheng nodded again, and then the two of them took to the air at the same time.

At this time, below, large-scale manors came into Wang Cheng's sight.

"Your Highness, allow me to introduce you!" the receptionist said:

"There are currently a total of 115 people in the entire original secret realm. In addition to the newly joined His Highness Bolan and you, there are three others at the Universe level, 10 at the Territory Lord level, and 100 at the World Lord level! Your manor is No. 114 ..."


After being introduced by the receptionist, the two of them soon arrived at a vast manor.

There are many servants in this manor. After being shown the basic facilities in the manor by these servants, Wang Cheng quickly arrived at his residence in this manor.

This is a small building!

Of course, although this residence looks like a small building on the outside, its interior space is not small, and the interior appearance can be changed at will.

After Wang Cheng thought for a moment, he asked his auxiliary intelligence to change the appearance of his residence to a style more common in the universe.


A moment later, Wang Cheng sat on a sofa, and a huge virtual screen appeared in front of him.

What appears on the virtual screen are choices one after another, such as "treasures", "cheats", "wonderful objects" and so on.

Wang Cheng was not very interested in other things, so he directly clicked on the cheat book option. Within the cheat book option, Wang Cheng chose the time and space cheat book.

"The Origin of Time and Space", "The Secret of Urs", "Drifting", "Flying", "Nine Elements Picture"...

One after another, secret books of time and space came into Wang Cheng's eyes, making him dazzled.

Soon, Wang Cheng also received an email.

Wang Cheng opened it and took a look. It was an email from Virtual Universe Company.

There are three points in the content. First, congratulations to Wang Cheng for becoming a member of the Original Secret Realm. Second, Virtual Universe Company gave Wang Cheng 100,000 points as starting resources. Third, Virtual Universe Company reminded Wang Cheng that there is no need to waste time practicing the Force, because Virtual Universe Company will provide resources to allow Wang Cheng to quickly reach the limit of what he can achieve.

The first point of this email is not important, but the second point makes Wang Cheng slightly happy. After all, he knows the importance of points.

As for the third's also good news!

Although Wang Cheng is a clone, the energy he absorbs will not be wasted. As long as this clone does not die and brings the energy back to his original form in the future, he will not lose anything!

Of course, although the clone can also cultivate, the realm cannot surpass the original one. Wang Cheng's original body is already at the third level of the domain lord level. In other words, the highest level of this clone is the third level of the domain lord level.

However, there is no need for the clone to break through the domain master for a long time, so there is no need to worry about this.


After reading the email, Wang Cheng looked at the time and space secret books again. He also searched for the "Dance of Time and Space" and "Chasing the Stars in the Flowing Rain" that he had learned before. No surprise, he found them both directly.

It seems that Lord Nassar also left the secret book he created in the Virtual Universe Company.

"But what secret book should I exchange for?" Wang Cheng frowned and thought for a moment, and soon he thought of King Sea Shark.

Good steel must be used on the blade. When it comes to exchanging secrets, it is best to have someone to give guidance. The strongest person Wang Cheng knows now is the Sea Shark King, so at this time, he will naturally think of the Sea Shark. king!

"Senior Haisha said he would come to me before, but I don't know if he has boarded the ship yet!" A thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind, and after a slight hesitation, Wang Cheng logged off directly.

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