With the strength of Wang Cheng's consciousness, he could choose to only separate part of his consciousness when entering the virtual universe. However, there was no danger when he was on the spaceship heading to the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company, so he chose directly. Immersive entry.

At this moment, Wang Cheng exited the virtual universe and slowly opened his eyes.

But the next moment, Wang Cheng was slightly stunned, because Sea Shark King was sitting not far from him, and in front of Sea Shark King, Samir was talking to Sea Shark King respectfully.

"Senior Haisha, why are you here?" Wang Cheng stood up and asked with some confusion.

"You're asking why I showed up directly, right?" Sea Shark King asked.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly. Originally, he thought that Sea Shark King would secretly enter the spaceship. At the very least, Sea Shark King would not let others know of his existence.

"Haha, don't worry, no one on this spaceship knows about my existence except you and me, my little disciple!" Sea Shark King laughed.

"Disciple?" Wang Cheng was slightly stunned.

"Your Highness, my teacher is Gong Yuhou, and my teacher Gong Yuhou's teacher is Lord Sea Shark King!" Samir explained.

"That's it!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"Aren't you visiting your manor in the virtual universe? Why did you come out so quickly?" Sea Shark King asked.

"Senior Haisha, I have some problems in my cultivation, and I would like to ask you to give me some advice!" Wang Cheng didn't show any pretense, he directly stated the purpose of his withdrawal.

"You started thinking about practicing as soon as you entered the primitive secret realm? You really worked hard enough!" Sea Shark King said with emotion.

"It won't work if you don't work hard. If you don't work hard, I'm afraid others will catch up!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"Who can catch up with a little monster like you..." Sea Shark King was a little speechless, but he did not hesitate and waved his hand directly, signaling Samir to go out first.

"Master, Your Highness, let's talk!" After Samir bowed slightly, she left here.


"Okay, there are only two of us left. If you want to ask anything, just ask directly. I promise to tell you everything you know!" Sea Shark King said directly.

"That's it..." Wang Cheng didn't hesitate. He directly stated his plan to ask King Sea Shark to help him select secret books.


Hearing Wang Cheng's words, the Sea Shark King nodded slightly. After thinking for a moment, he then said: "Over the years, I have been pointing out your flaws in the laws of space. I know you fairly well, and I am capable of helping you for the time being. You pick the secret book!”

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded.

"Logically speaking, based on your understanding of the law, I shouldn't ask you this question, but for the sake of your future, I still have to ask!" After the Sea Shark King said this, he did not hesitate and asked directly:

"In the future, are you planning to take both time and space paths at the same time?"


Wang Cheng nodded directly.

"Do you know that if you specialize in one path, your progress will be faster?" Sea Shark King asked.

"Senior Haisha, let me be arrogant. As long as I live, I will take these two paths sooner or later. It's just the difference between earlier and later!" Wang Cheng said without changing his expression.

"What a huge ambition!"

The Sea Shark King looked at Wang Cheng. He could tell from Wang Cheng's tone and eyes that Wang Cheng was not talking casually. It contained Wang Cheng's great faith and will.

"Not very ambitious, sorry for my talent!" Wang Cheng laughed.

"With your talent, you are indeed qualified to say this!" Sea Shark King shook his head slightly and said:

"Well, let me tell you a few volumes of space secrets first. As for the time secrets, I have to ask my teacher and I will tell you later!"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"You become a member of the original secret realm, right? You have 100,000 activation points, right?" Sea Shark King asked.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"That's too little. Given your level, these points are probably only enough to help you make up for the basics. If you want to exchange for higher-level cheats, you need more points!" Sea Shark King said.


Wang Cheng felt slightly dumbfounded, but after thinking of his own situation, he nodded silently.

Indeed, three years before the genius war began, he had understood the foundations of all time and space. Although his foundation was unstable due to practicing alone, the height of his understanding of the laws was there after all!

One hundred thousand points are used to lay the foundation for the members of the universe-level primitive secret realm. Wang Cheng's understanding of the law is that many members of the domain lord-level primitive secret realm may not be able to compare with him. These one hundred thousand points... are indeed Not enough, and it can be said that it is far from enough!

"But you don't need to worry about this. There must be a special training plan for special geniuses. I will report this to the senior management as soon as possible!" King Sea Shark said.

"Then I'll trouble you, Senior Sea Shark King!" Wang Cheng said with some gratitude.

"Being able to see a genius like you rise is also a great joy in my life. What does this mean?" Sea Shark King waved his hand and continued:

"I'll tell you some secrets first. Remember them carefully!"

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.


. . .

Under the guidance of King Sea Shark, Wang Cheng spent more than 48,000 points to purchase 16 secret books. According to King Sea Shark, if these secret books are understood thoroughly, Wang Cheng's foundation in the laws of space can truly be perfected. .

After Wang Cheng purchased these secret books, the Sea Shark King found him again the next day.

"You first break through to the cosmic level, then follow me to the virtual universe, and I will take you to a place!" King Sea Shark said directly.


After hearing what King Sea Shark said, Wang Cheng was slightly startled, then nodded.


Breaking through to the cosmic level was not difficult for Wang Cheng. He spent a little time and quickly completed the breakthrough. The Sea Shark King was not surprised by this. Wang Cheng's realm is so advanced, no matter how poor his evolutionary talent is. Absolute degree can be easily broken through.

After Wang Cheng's breakthrough, King Sea Shark quickly brought Wang Cheng to an independent plane in the virtual universe.

This plane is very vast. In the center of the plane, there are three large mountains, and there are several large characters on the mountainside of each mountain.

"Heaven and Earth, Absolute Beginning, Primordial..." Wang Cheng looked at the words on the hillsides of the three mountains. He quickly understood where this place was. At the same time, he also understood that King Sea Shark was going to bring him here. What to do.

"Now this plane is temporarily closed, only you and I are here!" Sea Shark King said, then he pointed to the mountain with the word "primitive" on the mountainside and said:

"That mountain is called the Original Tongtian Mountain. According to the company's rules, if the core members of the universe level overcome the three difficulties of this mountain, they will give the other party 100 million points when they break through the realm lord level. But now, if you If you pass it, the company will give you 100 million points in advance!"

"Original Tongtian Mountain..." Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and then said: "I'll give it a try!"

"With your strength and normal performance, it is not difficult to pass this level. There is no need to feel any pressure!" Sea Shark King instructed.

"Understood!" Wang Cheng nodded, and then he flew directly towards the original Tongtian Mountain.

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