Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 130 Territory Lord Ninth Level

Name: Wang Cheng

Age: 142

Evolutionary level: Domain Lord Level 7 (1050 gene level)

Opportunity point: 34521

Treasure: slightly

Cheats: slightly

Secret Realm: Extraterritorial Battlefield (Permanent)


Wang Cheng looked at the virtual screen in front of him, and his eyes finally stopped at the opportunity point.

I have been in the original universe for nearly a hundred years, and the number of opportunity points he has accumulated has reached a terrifying 30,000, which has already reached the 91,000 chance points he spent to capture the "Primal Embryo". More than a third.

Of course, if Wang Cheng is given 91,000 chance points now, the possibility that he can capture treasures like the Original Embryon is already slim.

After all, there was special treatment for the first capture. Not only did the chance points increase by a thousand times, but one would also be able to capture the most suitable treasure for Wang Cheng...

However, after practicing for so many years, Wang Cheng has become more and more aware of the abnormality of his "original body". He is basically certain that the "original embryo" came from the cosmic sea outside the original universe, and, I'm afraid it's not The cosmic sea close to the original universe must be the extremely deep part of the cosmic sea.

Even the cosmic sea from other dimensions!


"I'll find an opportunity to do it a few times later. As for now, let's get these nutrition cabins done first!" Wang Cheng shook his head, and then he had a thought in his mind.


One chance point is consumed.

The next moment, Wang Cheng's true self sensed that there was a dark stone in the space connected to his consciousness.

[Stones that are perennially infiltrated by the original energy of the universe can be used to create telepathy weapons...]

Some information appeared on the virtual screen in front of Wang Cheng, and he continued to extract it without hesitation.

A little, a little, a little...

Wang Cheng continued to extract opportunities. Finally, when he had consumed a total of 124 opportunity points, lines of text appeared on the virtual screen that shocked him.

[Consumption of 1 opportunity point, opportunity capture successful! 】

[Opportunity Category: Treasure]

[Opportunity name: Territory Lord Level Nutrition Cabin]

[Opportunistic effect: It can promote the rapid evolution of domain lord-level life]


"Good guy, I finally succeeded!" Wang Cheng was extremely happy.

Although this chance capture only captured one nutritional cabin, it proved one thing -

In other words, Wang Cheng's guess was correct. Within a certain range, the treasures he threw out could also be caught by chance.

As the saying goes, if there is one, there are two. Wang Cheng continued to consume opportunity points to grab, and in his continuous grabbing, he kept catching nutrition cabins.

Until Wang Cheng’s six hundred and ninety-second grab——

[Consumption of 1 opportunity point, opportunity capture successful! 】

[Opportunity Category: Treasure]

[Opportunity name: Space Ring]

[Chance effect: can be used to store items, which may contain other treasures]

"Good guy..." A trace of emotion appeared on Wang Cheng's face. After wasting so many opportunities, it finally happened!

. . .

the other side--

In the Black Dragon Mountain Star Territory, which is extremely far away from the original secret realm, on the Jiuying Star.

Wang Cheng, who was silently cultivating, came to the world ring without hesitation. With a thought in his mind, a space ring appeared in his hand in an instant.

next moment--

call! call! call!

Nutrition cabins appeared one after another, and soon, all the remaining 983 nutrition cabins in the space ring appeared outside. At the same time, Wang Cheng waved his hand again, and the 17 nutrition cabins he had captured by chance also appeared. In the outside world.

A thousand nutrition cabins gathered together!

"Take off!"

Wang Cheng sighed in his heart, and soon, the thousand clones he cultivated in this world ring flew over.

Each clone came to a nutrition cabin, opened it, and then quickly lay down in it.


Although Wang Cheng is already at the seventh level of Territory Lord level, normally speaking, he is still very far away from the ninth level of Territory Lord level.

Because the energy required to break through from the seventh level to the eighth level is equivalent to the total energy from the first level to the seventh level, and the energy required to go from the eighth level to the ninth level is the energy from the first to eighth level. Sum!

But now with these one thousand nutrition cabins, Wang Cheng is confident that he can complete this journey in a short time, no, in a very short time!

. . .

Time continues to pass, and in the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

At this time, Wang Cheng's avatar in the original secret realm has reached the ninth level of the universe from the first level of the universe, and Wang Cheng's true self, with the help of a large number of nutrition cabins, quickly reached the ninth level of the domain lord level!

"It is indeed a nutritional cabin prepared by Virtual Universe Company. I have evolved so quickly. Not only do I not feel any discomfort in my body, I feel extremely comfortable!"

At this time, Wang Cheng felt his physical condition and nodded with great satisfaction.

A thousand chance points used to extract opportunities may bring him a very precious treasure, but no matter how precious the treasure is, it is still a foreign object, while the evolution of the body is eternal.

Wang Cheng just wants to say that this wave is not a loss at all!


"Let's break through and become the Realm Master!" Wang Cheng quickly made a decision in his mind.

Wang Cheng has never been procrastinating about breakthroughs. If he breaks through to a higher realm, he will not only have stronger strength, but also practice faster.

As the physical foundation becomes stronger, the consciousness will also become stronger. As the consciousness becomes stronger, the understanding of the laws will naturally become faster.

Of course, the most important thing is that the realm master stage will produce the inner world. The inner world will echo the origin of the original universe, and the clarity of the induction of the origin will suddenly increase countless times!

Therefore, the world master stage will be the fastest stage of cultivation for any life!

Wang Cheng understood the law quickly enough now, but he didn't mind going faster!

"However, this breakthrough cannot be within the World Ring. We have to find a safe and hidden place!" Wang Cheng thought silently.

In fact, Wang Cheng's space ring is already big enough, with a diameter of 100,000 kilometers, and can hold hundreds of earths.

However, Wang Cheng had a vague feeling that the news of his breakthrough this time would be unprecedentedly terrifying. Although this world ring was large enough, it was a closed space after all. His breakthrough here would be harmful rather than beneficial.

Therefore, he naturally chose to break through outside.

"It just so happens that after the breakthrough, it's time to leave the Jiuying Star!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

After staying here for a hundred years, Wang Cheng has been cultivating peacefully. Logically speaking, this is a good place, but recently it has become lively.

After all, this "elite training camp" is not a place for retirement. Every hundred years or so, they will have an assessment. Now that the assessment is approaching, everyone is preparing.

In fact, it is not difficult for Wang Cheng to fool this assessment. He only needs to create a ninth-level cosmic-level clone to do this.

However, Wang Cheng now feels that his wings have begun to fully mature, and there is no need for him to do this kind of "empty and submissive" thing anymore.

Just like the Immortal Jin Yue who is in charge of the "Elite Training Camp"... Wang Cheng admits that he is a good person, but after all, this person is just an ordinary immortal, and in terms of realm, he is far lower than Wang Cheng.

When Wang Cheng breaks through and becomes the Realm Master, he may not be Wang Cheng's opponent in terms of strength!

With enough strength, Wang Cheng can travel around the universe and instantly find opportunities to grab some treasures. Why should he continue to stay here and participate in something that Wang Cheng thinks is extremely boring?

Even if it was done by a clone, that clone would still be Wang Cheng's consciousness, and there was no difference at all from Wang Cheng doing it himself, so he naturally had the idea of ​​leaving.

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