Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 131: Realm Lord and the Inner World

After Wang Cheng made his decision, he did not hesitate and packed up some of his things and quietly left Jiuying Star in the spaceship.

It is normal for geniuses in Jiuyingxing to leave and go out to do things. No one would have thought that Wang Cheng would never return...

The spacecraft accelerated in the void, quickly reached the speed of light, and entered the dark universe.


After a full three-day flight, the spacecraft left the dark universe.

Here is a completely deserted star field. There are no living planets here, and it is almost impossible for anyone to come here. After Wang Cheng asked No. 1 to check the surroundings, he immediately selected a nearby one. The desolate planet served as the location for his breakthrough.


Wang Cheng fell at an extremely fast speed, and his footsteps landed on a piece of land covered with ice.

This planet is far away from the star, so the temperature is extremely low. Of course, this is nothing to Wang Cheng. After landing, he quickly chose a depression and sat down cross-legged here.

"Let's start!" Wang Cheng's heart was as calm as water, and he quietly looked for an opportunity to break through the realm master.

Wang Cheng was not worried at all about this breakthrough. By the time he reached the ninth level of Territory Lord, he had clearly felt that there was still no evolutionary bottleneck for his original body to become a Territory Lord.

Wang Cheng's understanding of the law is close to that of a king. Mastering the powerful law already makes his will strong enough. Coupled with the training of many clones...his will is naturally more than enough!

All factors are up to standard, and a breakthrough is a matter of course.


Wang Cheng sat cross-legged in silence for three days. Finally, traces of energy fluctuations began to emerge on his body surface.

At this time, Wang Cheng's consciousness entered the life core in his body, and strands of pure energy poured into it from all directions.


There was vibration in all directions, and at that moment, a tiny point appeared inside the life core, which was originally nothingness. As energy continued to pour in, this point continued to expand, and soon, it turned into land.

However, this piece of land is still extremely small at this time, so small that it cannot even be called an island.

At this time, Wang Cheng's force and mental power began to connect.


The two forces merged, and the first ray of world power was formed.

And it was at this moment that Wang Cheng's consciousness resonated with the origin of the original universe. Before he was in a trance, Wang Cheng also saw the appearance of the origin of the original universe.

It was an extremely vast land. Every grain of sand and gravel on the land seemed to be a space, and there were infinite cosmic crystals in each space.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The resonance still continued, and quietly, a channel was connected between Wang Cheng's life core and the origin of the original universe. In an instant, endless energy began to pour into Wang Cheng's life core.

Under the wash of endless energy, the land in Wang Cheng's core began to expand crazily.

In the blink of an eye, this land reached the diameter of thousands of miles when the ordinary world lord broke through.

Ten thousand miles, twenty thousand miles, thirty thousand miles...

The land continues to expand, and correspondingly, the inner wall of Wang Cheng's core is gradually thickening and becoming more indestructible!


During Wang Cheng's breakthrough, the life core in his body was evolving crazily, and in the outside world, infinite energy appeared around him, and a terrifying energy storm quickly formed.

The huge energy storm plowed the surface of the entire planet in a very short period of time. The planet, which was originally extremely cold, began to become hot at this moment.

At this time, Wang Cheng's body also underwent strange changes.

Wisps of colorful energy appeared, and these energies attached him to Wang Cheng's body, wrapping him in it bit by bit.

After an unknown amount of time, Wang Cheng's figure disappeared at the same spot, replaced by a huge oval colored sphere.

There is a mysterious energy flow on the sphere, and an extremely terrifying aura is emitted silently.


At this moment, Wang Cheng had very little awareness of the outside world. Almost all of his attention was focused on his core, or the world inside his body.

At the beginning, Wang Cheng's inner world expanded to tens of millions of kilometers, which was already thousands of times that of an ordinary world lord when he first broke through. At this time, the expansion of the world continent in his inner body had slowed down.

But at this time, in Wang Cheng's body, a large amount of colorful energy poured into his inner world. As these continued to transform, Wang Cheng's inner world once again began to madly absorb energy from the origin of the original universe, and once again A crazy start to expand...

I don't know how long it took, all the colored energy returned to chaos, and the diameter of Wang Cheng's inner world has reached hundreds of millions of kilometers!

Finally, the expansion of the inner world slowed down again.



A large amount of world power gathered, and soon, Wang Cheng's body appeared here.

"Actually, this is not too small!" Wang Cheng looked down at the extremely vast world inside his body and sighed slightly in his heart.

Is this inner world big?

It's a big deal, because when most of the realm lords in the human race first broke through, the world inside their bodies was only tens of thousands of kilometers away, and Wang Cheng was tens of thousands of times larger than them.

But is this inner world really big?

Actually it’s not bad!

If any golden-horned giant beast receives optimal training conditions, when it grows to the ninth level of Realm Lord, the world inside its body can reach about 100 million kilometers!

Even some special beings who are born with extremely large body sizes can easily exceed 100 million kilometers in their inner world!


Wang Cheng is a pure human race, from soul to body!

His body does not have any advantage among all the races in the universe. The most critical role of improving the genetic level is to improve the quality of the original force or divine power. As for the quantity of the original force or divine power... the improvement is not big. , that is, ten thousand times!

In fact, no matter how big the divine body is before becoming a true god, after breaking through to the true god, it can only have the power of a god that matches the genetic level.

For example, the famous Lord of Nine Netherworlds in the original universe, if he wanted to break through to the True God, he would have to give up his extremely huge divine body...

Of course, the true god is too far away, and that is not what Wang Cheng should consider now. The current situation is that his genetic level is extremely high, and the quality of his power is full, but the quantity of power... belongs to the average level. .

More than enough than the inferior, not enough than the superior!

"However, it's time to be content!" Wang Cheng sighed slightly. The internal world with a diameter of 100 million kilometers would make any human world leader jealous to death.


At this time, under Wang Cheng's gaze, the world inside his body finally slowly stopped expanding.

And at this moment, an extremely vast and domineering wave suddenly came and would wrap Wang Cheng's body tightly.

In an instant, Wang Cheng felt that his consciousness traveled through endless space and came to an inexplicable place...

PS: Fourth update, please support!

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