Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 132 Qualitative change in strength

"here it is?"

Wang Cheng looked around with some confusion. In the nearby space, light spots were floating one by one, but they all avoided Wang Cheng himself.

"I was still in the world inside my body just now, why suddenly..." Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart, and suddenly, he had the answer in his heart.

Wang Cheng has always known that in the original universe, there was a perfect genetic level, which was 10081 times.

From the planet level to the domain lord level, Wang Cheng's genetic level has been leaping forward at larger and larger multiples. Before this breakthrough, he also guessed whether his genetic level would directly reach 10081 times. .


In fact, when Wang Cheng's internal world expanded to a diameter of 100 million kilometers, he was basically certain that his genetic level had reached about 10,000 times.

After all, Wang Cheng is a normal human race. If he breaks through the realm normally, the world inside his body will only have a diameter of 10,000 kilometers. Now that the world inside his body has expanded to 10,000 times that of 10,000 kilometers, it can only be because his genetic level has increased to About ten thousand times!

Of course, at that time, Wang Cheng didn't know whether he had reached the 10081 times perfect genetic level, but now, he felt that he should have reached it.

The reason is this inexplicable space now!

The original universe will reward lives that reach 10081 times the level of each gene. Each light point in this space represents each innate secret method.

The secret method of natural talent is somewhat similar to the natural talent. The difference is that the natural talent is engraved on the body, so life can obtain other people's natural talents by seizing the body, while the secret method of natural talent is directly engraved on the soul by the original universe... ...

. . .

Wang Cheng's thinking speed is still super fast. He can think of many things clearly in an instant.

At the same time, Wang Cheng could not help but have an idea in his mind.

"Can the opportunity capture system be used here?" Wang Cheng's mind flashed, and the next moment, a light blue virtual screen appeared in front of him.


Wang Cheng looked at the virtual screen and understood that this thing could really be used here.

"What benefits can I get from grabbing it, and what are the consequences?" Wang Cheng weighed it in his mind. Suddenly, in the distance, a white light point came straight towards him.

The speed of this light spot was extremely fast, and it was already close to Wang Cheng in just an instant.

At this moment, Wang Cheng had no other thoughts in his mind, and he subconsciously activated the chance capture system, consuming 1,000 chance points!


The light spot suddenly imprinted itself on Wang Cheng's eyebrows, and then, Wang Cheng was kicked out of this space.

. . .

the other side--

On a certain desolate planet, the mysterious power that enveloped Wang Cheng slowly disappeared.


With a roar, the eight-color energy ball surrounding Wang Cheng exploded, and Wang Cheng walked out step by step from where he broke through.

At this time, Wang Cheng was staring at the virtual screen in front of him, looking at the information in front of him one by one.

As expected by Wang Cheng, his genetic level has reached 10081 times, which is the perfect genetic level.

And the opportunity he just grabbed, he really succeeded in grabbing something back.


[Consumption of 1,000 chance points, chance capture successful! 】

[Opportunity Category: Cheats]

[Opportunity Name: Talent Secret Technique—Assimilation]

[How to use opportunity: Conscious contact]


"I actually came back with a secret talent!"

Wang Cheng marveled in his heart. At this time, he had already felt that there was a small group of rice-sized light spots wrapped in mysterious power in the space connected to his consciousness.

At this moment, he only needs to touch the light spot with his consciousness, and he can immediately absorb the innate secret method contained in it.

At the same time, Wang Cheng also vaguely felt that this thing might not be able to leave the space connected to his consciousness, otherwise, it might directly return to that mysterious place filled with countless light spots.


"Get out of here first!"

Wang Cheng did not hesitate, he flashed and quickly arrived above the planet.

A moment later, the spacecraft that had been stagnant in the outer orbit of this desolate planet quickly started, and soon the spacecraft left here.

. . .

After the spacecraft accelerated to the speed of light and entered the dark universe, Wang Cheng also sat down in the lounge. He poured himself a glass of dark purple wine. While drinking, he thought about the gains of breaking through the world master.

Breaking through the realm master was a qualitative change for Wang Cheng, a real qualitative change. His strength had undergone earth-shaking changes in all aspects.

A year ago, when Wang Cheng was still at the seventh level of Territory Lord level, his foundation was almost equivalent to that of an ordinary third or fourth level Realm Lord. With his terrifying understanding of the law, Wang Cheng estimated that he could compete with ordinary immortals, but A slightly stronger Immortal won’t do it!

However, as soon as he broke through, everything changed instantly.

Wang Cheng feels that now he should be close to becoming a king, or even have the strength to become a king!

Wang Cheng is not blindly confident, his confidence has roots!

First of all, although Wang Cheng is only a first-level world lord, his physical foundation is ten thousand times that of a first-level world lord. This foundation is already beyond ordinary immortality!

At the same time, his law understanding is already at the seventeenth level of Tongtian Bridge. Although this is not yet the king level, it is close after all.

In addition, as soon as Wang Cheng broke through and became the world master, the Demon Emperor's Armor and Demon Emperor's Pearl, which he could not use before, could finally be used initially. And with Wang Cheng's understanding of the law, it shouldn't be a problem to activate these two treasures with a little effort. .

Wang Cheng was not sure before, but after the Chaos City Lord took out the "Demon Emperor's Palace", Wang Cheng was sure that the Demon Emperor's Pearl and the Demon Emperor's Armor should be two treasures!

Although the two treasures are both defensive in nature, the increase in power they can bring to Wang Zheng is absolutely incredible!

Another point is that after Wang Cheng reached the perfect genetic level, in addition to using the chance capture system to capture a "talent secret method", the original universe itself also gave him a talent secret method.

Moreover, now this innate secret method has been engraved in Wang Cheng's consciousness. Wang Cheng knows how to use this secret method and what effects it can have...

The Secret Technique of Talent - Transformation into a Titan!

Once this innate secret method is used, Wang Cheng's size will increase, and his strength and speed will also be improved.

As for how much depends on how determined Wang Cheng can be.

The Titan Transformation is divided into three stages. In the first stage, his body shape changes slightly, and all-round attributes such as strength and speed increase a hundred times. After using it, he will be slightly weak, but it is not obvious.

In the second stage of the Titan Transformation, Wang Cheng's size triples, and his strength and speed increase a thousand times. After the Titan Transformation, he will fall into a period of weakness. During the period of weakness, his strength and speed will all drop to one ten thousandth.

In the third stage of the Titan Transformation, Wang Cheng's size increased tenfold, and his strength and speed increased ten thousand times. After the Titan Transformation, he was unable to move for a long time!

This innate secret method is quite abnormal. The 10,000-fold increase in the third stage is enough for Wang Cheng to kill people who are evenly matched with him in an instant. Even the burning power of the immortals is far less than the increase brought by this innate secret method.

Of course, the sequelae of the Titan Transformation are scary enough, especially in the second and third stages...

In battle, if you can't kill others, you will die!


With a strong foundation, a high enough understanding of the law, two treasures, and this rather perverted innate secret method, Wang Cheng can dare to say that his strength is close to becoming a king.

Of course, this is just Wang Cheng's own guess after all. Wang Cheng doesn't know whether it is true or not. Anyway, it is impossible for him to find an immortal king to try his hand in order to verify this!

However, one thing is for ordinary feudal prince is no longer a match for Wang Cheng!

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