Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 133 Weird Secret Technique

Breaking through the realm master actually brought Wang Cheng more than just a change in strength. His sense of the law also reached a higher level again.

Although Wang Cheng is now in the original universe, his clarity of perception of laws has exceeded that of his thirty years in the original universe.

Realm Master is indeed the stage where the understanding of laws is the fastest. The clarity of law sensing will once again change qualitatively, which will undoubtedly make Wang Cheng's progress faster.

In addition, after Wang Cheng experimented for a while, he immediately understood that he could now perfectly control his 10081 clones.

More clones naturally means faster cultivation speed!


"Boundary Lord, things are really different!"

Wang Cheng secretly sighed in his heart. At the same time, he also understood that unlike other stages, he would probably stay in the realm master stage for a long time.

For no other reason, the clarity of the Realm Master's induction of laws is not comparable to that of other stages. Wang Cheng's lifespan is long enough, so naturally there is no need to rush to break through!

"If I don't break through the realm master, that's it. Once I break through, I will be an absolute strong man!" Wang Cheng secretly made up his mind.

. . .

After silently feeling the changes in himself, Wang Cheng finally thought of the unexpected loot he got this time.

The secret method of talent - assimilation!

After a slight hesitation, Wang Cheng then used his consciousness to touch the rice-sized light spot in the space connected to his consciousness.

In an instant, endless information poured in.

It was as if he had seen the beginning of the universe, and as if he had seen the birth of countless creatures. In a quiet moment, Wang Cheng mastered this innate secret method.

"This secret method..."

Wang Cheng recalled the information in his mind, feeling slightly stunned.

The secret talent "I am the universe" that Luo Feng may get in the future, and the secret talent "Giant Transformation" that Wang Cheng just got, are both the kind that can greatly increase combat effectiveness.

But this innate secret method - assimilation, does not help the battle at all. Its effect is... a bit weird!

After Wang Cheng uses this secret method, he can transfer his breath to other lives. Under long-term exposure, other lives will lose their consciousness, and the body he leaves behind will become a part of Wang Cheng. Completely controlled by Wang Cheng.

This secret method literally means assimilating other people's things into your own!

"So weird, so evil..."

Wang Cheng frowned slightly. He was not the kind of person who was pedantic and ignorant of flexibility, but at this moment he still felt that this secret method was weird and evil.

"How about... find someone to try the effect first?" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind, and then he nodded slightly.

Judging purely from the information about this secret method is not accurate. Wang Cheng naturally intends to see what he sees and see what this secret method is like.

"Go to Qiulongxing!"

Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart instantly. For this kind of thing, some unlucky person must be sacrificed. Between the two options of randomly finding a living planet to kidnap a group of people or going to the slave market to buy a group of slaves, Wang Cheng did not hesitate. Choose the second one!

. . .

It will undoubtedly take some time for Wang Cheng himself to go to the Horned Dragon Star. During this period of time, far away in the original secret realm, Wang Cheng's clone also entered the virtual universe and contacted the former Qianfeng domain again. The woman provided to him by the main level nutrition cabin.

"Your Highness Wang Cheng!" The woman's shadow appeared in front of Wang Cheng. She saluted slightly and asked at the same time: "Your Highness Wang Cheng is looking for me, or is it because of the nutrition cabin?"

"I need a realm lord-level nutrition cabin!" Wang Cheng said, and then he added: "A lot of it!"

"A large amount?"

The woman was slightly startled. The purchase of a World Lord-level nutritional cabin would cost 100,000 points. Even if Wang Cheng had a 40% discount, the points required for a large purchase would be an astronomical figure.

"I wonder how much His Highness Wang Cheng wants?" the woman asked.

"Ten thousand copies!" Wang Cheng said calmly.

"Ten thousand copies?! Your Highness Wang Cheng, did I hear you correctly?" The woman looked at Wang Cheng in confusion.

"Of course, I can't afford it now!" Wang Cheng admitted directly.

This is also a fact. Even if you buy 10,000 world master-level nutritional cabins at a 40% discount, it will cost you 600 million points. Wang Cheng’s total points at this moment are only 13,000, so of course he can’t afford it!

"What does His Highness Wang Cheng mean?" The woman was a little confused.

"Does it take time for you to prepare these nutrition cabins?" Wang Cheng asked.

"It will probably take at least hundreds of years to prepare so many World Lord-level nutritional cabins!" The woman nodded slightly.

There are hundreds of thousands of World Lords in the four secret realms of Virtual Universe Company in each era, which means that there are hundreds of thousands of World Lord-level nutrition chambers needed by Virtual Universe Company in each era.

But what is the lifespan of a Realm Lord? Millions of years!

Normally, it would take tens of millions of years for them to prepare these hundreds of thousands of nutritional cabins, ten thousand World Lord-level nutritional cabins. Even if they speed up the preparation, it will take hundreds of years.

"I will reserve two thousand copies first, and you can prepare the rest slowly. I promise to buy them all within three hundred years!" Wang Cheng said.

"Your Highness Wang Cheng, this is against the rules..." The woman shook her head.

"In that case, I will buy two thousand copies now, and then 1,000 copies every fifty years, but you have to prepare in advance..." Wang Cheng gave another plan.



Wang Cheng chatted with the woman for a long time, and finally the two finalized the final plan.

Wang Cheng first paid 120 million points to purchase 2,000 World Lord-level nutritional cabins, and then every thirty years he would spend enough points to purchase 1,000 World Lord-level nutritional cabins to continue purchasing!

The woman went back to prepare a large number of world lord-level nutrition cabins to ensure that Wang Cheng would not waste time after collecting the points.

Generally speaking, if the universe level wants to collect 600 million points in one or two hundred years, it is almost like a dream.

According to the one-to-one exchange ratio, 600 million points are 600 million Hunyuan units, which is dozens of times the total net worth of an ordinary Immortal. Only the strong among the Immortal can afford this money.

Wang Cheng himself didn't have much confidence. After all, he was only at the cosmic level. How could it be so easy to make money?

However, after all, these nutrition cabins are related to the rapid evolution of the self, and Wang Cheng has to do it even if he is not sure.

At worst, he sold the weapons given to him by the leader of Ganwu Kingdom to pay off his debt!

If that doesn't work, then Wang Cheng will break through the Territory Lord and break into the Territory Lord-level Tongtian Mountain...

Of course, selling treasures is a helpless choice, and directly breaking through the domain master is a helpless choice. Wang Cheng will definitely not choose it unless it is a last resort!

After all, Wang Cheng likes the treasure of Ganwu Kingdom Lord very much, and he also feels that it is suitable for him at the moment, and breaking through the Territory Lord is even less reliable.

According to the training system of Virtual Universe Company, only those at the universe level are qualified to enter many secret realms and become domain masters, but they are not qualified!

According to what Wang Cheng knows, each of these secret realms controlled by Virtual Universe Company contains quite a lot of secrets. He is also planning to go to these secret realms and then rely on the chance capture system to make a big profit. Woolen cloth!

If this breaks through to the Territory Lord, will it not be a loss?

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