Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 136 The Effect of “Assimilation”

Run, jump, blink, punch, fight...

Wang Cheng controlled the "corpse" in front of him to perform a series of actions.

This looks similar to Wang Cheng's control of the clone, but in fact there is a gap.

Relying on the special "Clone Technique", Wang Cheng can now easily control 10,081 clones to do completely different things. However, the "corpse" in front of him requires Wang Cheng to be a little more careful to control.

In other words, this requires Wang Cheng to consume his own consciousness to control it.

The amplitude of consciousness or the amplitude of thought power can be understood as how much the mind is divided into, and how much the amplitude of the thought power is, can achieve perfect mind division and usage.

In the original universe, the amplitude of thought power had a limit, and this limit was 10,000!

The ten thousand here is the number obtained by multiplying the full value of 100 of the basic amplitude by 100 of the full value of the secret amplitude.

It is easy to achieve the basic full value of the telekinesis amplitude. Every immortal can definitely achieve it. After Wang Cheng broke through the realm master, his telepathy amplitude was probably more than 90. He can reach 100 with a little training!

However, it is difficult to increase the amplitude of the secret technique. The most important point is that this secret technique is very precious. It is difficult for ordinary immortals to be qualified to obtain this secret technique. At the same time, practicing this secret technique also requires a lot of resources. Generally, You can’t even cultivate immortality, let alone ordinary life!


In short, when Wang Cheng controls the clone he created using the clone technique, it has nothing to do with consciousness, it is more like an instinct!

To control this kind of corpse transformed by the secret technique "assimilation" requires the consumption of consciousness.

If Wang Cheng's consciousness is the processor and his body is the hardware, then this processor usually only needs to process the hardware of Wang Cheng's body. After the assimilation is completed, the assimilated person also becomes Wang Cheng's "Hardware", so it naturally requires him to spend extra consciousness to control it!

Of course, just controlling a star-level corpse doesn't even require a ten thousandth of Wang Cheng's consciousness. If Wang Cheng wanted to, he could easily control millions of such corpses.


"Is this the secret method of talent?" Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart. Suddenly, he waved his hand.


In an instant, the corpse turned into a stream of light, and then quickly entered Wang Cheng's arm. Almost at the same time, a human-like pattern appeared on Wang Cheng's arm.

"I seem to be able to use his force and telepathy directly..." Wang Cheng felt it silently.

A star-level force was too small for Wang Cheng, but he could still tell clearly whether it was present or not.

In addition, although this star-level slave has died, his consciousness has been extinguished, and his soul actually still exists in the corpse, so his telepathy naturally still exists.


Wang Cheng thought again, and the patterns on his arms disappeared in an instant. The next moment, the star-level slave corpse appeared in front of Wang Cheng again.

"This innate secret method..." Wang Cheng muttered, and he already had a rough idea.


Wang Cheng did not stop his experiment, and the slaves outside were called in one by one, and at the same time they completed assimilation one by one.

Finally, after several hours, Wang Cheng figured out everything he wanted to know.

The effect of this "assimilation" secret technique is already very clear, that is, it transforms other beings into something similar to one's own extra limbs.

Wang Cheng can naturally control his own limbs at will and use everything at will, including the force, telekinesis, etc.!

These beings that have been assimilated by Wang Cheng can be attached to Wang Cheng in a way similar to a "totem", and only in this attached state can Wang Cheng use their power.

In addition, the efficiency of assimilation depends on the strength of the life being assimilated. The slaves bought by Wang Cheng have different strengths and weaknesses. A stellar slave only needs to be exposed to one billionth of Wang Cheng's breath to be slowly assimilated.

The cosmic level is slightly stronger, and Wang Cheng needs to release more breath to complete the assimilation.

Of course, assimilation can be accelerated. For example, when a star-level person comes into contact with one billionth of Wang Cheng's breath, it can be slowly assimilated. But when Wang Cheng releases a hundred times the breath in an instant, the assimilation can be completed within a few seconds.

The most critical point is that Wang Cheng discovered that if he wanted to assimilate other people, he indeed needed breath, but the carrier of breath was not just himself.

His blood, hair, etc. will do!

Blood, in particular, is assimilated much more efficiently than anything else.

Wang Cheng discovered that the moment a cosmic-level slave came into contact with a drop of his blood, he was instantly assimilated into a part of Wang Cheng!

Of course, the premise of all this is that Wang Cheng activates this innate secret method. If Wang Cheng does not use this innate secret method, then his breath and blood will be no different from other lives.

"Although this innate secret method does not directly increase combat effectiveness, it is indeed very powerful!"

Wang Cheng knew in his heart that assimilating a weak person was nothing, and it would not improve Wang Cheng much, but if it could assimilate a strong person, it would be completely different!

The power of those who are assimilated by Wang Cheng can be converted into Wang Cheng's own power, which means that Wang Cheng can rely on this secret technique to gain a stronger foundation.

Of course, the only one with a stronger foundation than Wang Cheng now is the immortal, and if you want to assimilate the immortal, it will definitely not be possible to do it in an instant like assimilating these star-level and cosmic-level beings. It will definitely be a long process!

Moreover, it is difficult to find a target to attack. First of all, the foundation of ordinary immortals is not much stronger than Wang Cheng, and it does not make much sense to assimilate it, so it is at least the starting point of the feudal immortal.

However, most of the immortal feudal lords have their own backgrounds, and Wang Cheng doesn't want to go directly to someone for this secret method without any grievance or enmity.

"Let's look for opportunities in the future!" Wang Cheng shook his head and didn't think about it any more.

Then, Wang Cheng also spoke immediately and called in the last slave he bought.

. . .

This last slave was the first slave Wang Cheng bought. He was only a planet-level slave. Wang Cheng bought him and did not use him to experiment with the idea of ​​assimilating secret techniques. Wang Cheng bought him because he was Wang Cheng's acquaintance.

A man who was not supposed to be a slave suddenly appeared in the slave market, and Wang Cheng naturally bought him without hesitation.

"Master..." The planet-level slave saluted tremblingly.

"Are you scared?" Wang Cheng asked calmly, sitting on a metal seat.

"A little!"

The other party smiled reluctantly. Of course he was scared. The people who were bought back with him entered this room one by one before, but none of them left. Even now that he came in, there was not even a shadow of those people. Not even seen...

"Don't be afraid, I just want to ask you something!" Wang Cheng said, and then he asked: "Tell me, how did you become a slave?"

"Me? How to become a slave?"

Wang Cheng's words made the planet-level slave slightly confused, but he still followed Wang Cheng's order and started talking immediately.

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