Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 137 Ruins of the Ancient Temple

Wang Cheng listened quietly to what the planet in front of him was saying until a moment later, the planet finished speaking.

"I see!"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly. He looked at the planet-level, or Zharel, in front of him, and felt a little emotion in his heart.

A hundred years ago, Wang Cheng once settled on a living planet called "Yunni Star", and on Yunni Star, the original Yunni tribe lived.

The planet-level in front of us is none other than the leader of this generation of the Yunni tribe, Zariel!

When Wang Cheng lived in Yunni Star, he left everything to Zhariel, so of course he still remembers this person!

It was precisely because of this that Wang Cheng saw him in the slave market and bought him without hesitation.


A former leader of the ethnic group has now become a slave. What happened in the middle can be said to be complicated, but it can also be said to be simple!

To describe it in one sentence, Wang Cheng was implicated!

When Wang Cheng was in Yunni Star, he used the identity of "Ming Jia". Because a domain lord came to Yunni Star with a sweet "Kite", Wang Cheng directly chose to fake his death to escape.

Originally, Wang Cheng thought that he had faked his death, so naturally everything was over. But unfortunately, when the forces tracking the domain master and "Kite" tracked down Yun Nixing and found that the clues were completely broken, they spread their anger on Yun Nixing. On the Ni tribe.

The other party directly bought Yunni Star, which had lost its planet lord, and then sold the entire Yunni clan to slave traders. Naturally, Zharel also became a slave...

However, being weak does not have the right to choose. In this case, it is not surprising that the inconspicuous Yunni tribe has become a bucket of anger!


After pondering for a moment, Wang Cheng then asked calmly: "Do you know who sold you?"

"I don't know!" Charlie shook his head in confusion, and then said:

"After the death of the previous planet lord, soon the Black Dragon Mountain official informed us that a man named 'Jiggs' became the new planet lord. Immediately afterwards, this planet lord sold us all to slave traders. ..."

"You don't even know who harmed you. It's hard for me to avenge you!" Wang Cheng was a little helpless. The Yunni tribe was indeed weak and pitiful. They were exterminated in a daze.

That's right, the current situation of the Yunni tribe is not much different from being exterminated. After being sold as slaves, another hundred years have passed, which is enough to kill most of the Yunni tribe below the planet level.

"Master, what did you say?" Charlie asked in disbelief.

"I said I would avenge you!" Wang Cheng stared at Zharelle and asked, "How about it? Do you want revenge? Do you want the person who sold you to pay the price?"

"Master, are you serious?" Charlie knelt down with a thud.

"Really!" Wang Cheng nodded.

"But, why?" Charlie couldn't help but ask.

"Just think that I have a kind heart..." Wang Cheng patted Zharelle on the shoulder.

"Master, I have a request!" Charlier said suddenly.

"Oh? Tell me!" Wang Cheng said.

"Master, we, the Yunni tribe, have suffered such a calamity only because we are too weak! For more than a hundred years, although I have longed to tear the planet lord who sold us into pieces, I am even more looking forward to it. What's more, I can rediscover the lost clansmen. Moreover, the person who sold us may also be very powerful. If you help us take revenge, you may get angry. It's not worth it! So, I think Please help me find some of the tribesmen who are still alive..." Charles said, and Wang Cheng also understood what he meant.


Zarrell probably wanted the later planet lord to pay the price, but in his heart, he hoped even more to reunite the Yun Ni tribe.

Otherwise, if we wait for a while, the Yunni tribe will probably disappear from the universe, so Zharrel would rather not take revenge and hope that Wang Cheng can help him find the still alive tribesmen.

"I promise you!"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and immediately, he gave the intelligence order to the spacecraft to go to the Black Dragon Mountain Imperial Capital Star!


Wang Cheng originally planned to build a faster spaceship after experimenting with the secret technique of assimilation, travel to other places, wander around, and look for opportunities to grab some treasures!

But at this moment, he happened to meet Zarrell, and the Yunni tribe's affairs were related to him, so he naturally changed his plan temporarily.

Let’s settle the matter with the Yunni tribe first, and then leave the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

For Wang Cheng now, it is not difficult to solve Yun Nixing's matter.

In this universe, there is almost nothing that cannot be solved by enough strength. Wang Cheng has been practicing for so long, and he has initially entered the realm of the strong.

Yun Nixing's matter was not a problem in the first place. If he wanted to solve it, he would naturally have a solution.

. . .

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, three days pass.

At this time, in the original secret realm, Wang Cheng's clone finally arrived near the "Ruined Ancient Temple".

As soon as the spacecraft approached, Wang Cheng saw through virtual projection a huge continent shrouded in black mist in the distance. He could vaguely see some continuous palaces on the continent.

"Your Highness, that is the ruined ancient temple! Your Highness, you can enter from the safe area pointed by those white lights later. If Your Highness wants to leave, it is best to leave from the white light!" On the spaceship, there was an immortal with a sharp head. Said to Wang Cheng.

"White light?"

Wang Cheng observed carefully for a moment, and soon he saw some inconspicuous white spots around the ruins of the ancient temple. Obviously, those white spots were the white light that the immortal mentioned.

"There are a total of one hundred and eight white spots. In other words, there are 108 safe passages to enter the continent where the ruined ancient temple is located. If you enter from different passages, the results will definitely be different..." Wang Cheng pondered, At this time, the pointed-headed immortal on one side suddenly said:

"Your Highness, there is news from the Seven Star Palace that Lord Xiguang wants to see you, Your Highness!"

"Venerable Xiguang?" Wang Cheng was slightly startled, then nodded and said: "Then go to the Seven Stars Palace first!"



A moment later, the spaceship transporting Wang Cheng arrived outside a majestic palace standing above the ruined ancient temple continent. This is the Seven Stars Palace, and Venerable Xiguang who lives in it is responsible for guarding the ruined ancient temple below!

Soon, Wang Cheng came to the main hall and saw Venerable Xi Guang, a bald young man wearing a white robe and full of gentle aura.

"Haha, junior brother, is this the first time we've met?" The bald young man laughed outright when he saw Wang Cheng.

"Sixth Brother!" Wang Cheng also said hello.

That's right, the Venerable Xiguang in front of him is also a disciple of the Lord of Chaos City, and he ranks quite high.

However, although Wang Cheng knew who the disciples of the Lord of Chaos City were, before he came to this ruined ancient temple, he really didn't expect that the person guarding the ruined ancient temple here was actually Venerable Xiguang!

PS: Third update, please support.

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