Entering from the gate, what comes into view is a vast hall. At the top of the hall, there is an extremely huge throne. But looking at the size of the throne, Wang Cheng knew that the being who sat on it must have been an extremely large person. Big presence.

It would be difficult for ordinary life forms to reach that level, so the person who lived in this palace was probably a special life form.

"I wonder if all these aborigines are special beings, or they regard one special being as their leader..." Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart, while he also controlled the body of the alien beast to carefully explore here.

Soon, Wang Cheng explored the huge hall. Except for some broken materials, Wang Cheng found nothing else.

There were a total of 108 passages around the hall. After Wang Cheng hesitated for a while, he chose one at random and controlled the alien beast to slowly walk in.

In front of the passage were corridors with no end in sight. Wang Cheng was advancing all the way. When he had walked about a hundred miles, suddenly, a cold light falling from the sky struck him.


In an instant, Wang Cheng controlled the body of the alien beast and disappeared.


A deep mark appeared directly on the spot.

But this was just the beginning. Like a goddess scattering flowers, at that moment, countless cold lights surged out, and the corridors within dozens of miles in diameter were completely shrouded in cold light.

call! call! call!

Under Wang Cheng's control, the alien beast, which was only the ninth level of Domain Lord, exploded at a speed that was beyond the reach of ordinary world lords at their peak. The body of the alien beast was constantly twisting in the void, and it actually moved countless of these beasts. Clear cold light flashed one by one.

After dozens of seconds, everything finally returned to calm.

Wang Cheng controlled the alien beast to land, and there was no fluctuation in his heart. It was certain that there was danger in the palace. At the moment, these cold lights seemed scary, but in fact they could only be regarded as ordinary dangers.

When other geniuses come here, even if they don't have the ability to dodge all the cold light like Wang Cheng, they can easily pass here as long as they hide under a particularly hard shell.

For example, F-class spaceship.

Of course, whether ordinary geniuses have F-class spaceships is a matter of debate...

. . .

Wang Cheng advanced all the way, and in the middle of the way, this seemingly inconspicuous corridor suddenly revealed several terrifying murderous intentions. However, Wang Cheng was strong enough, and he resolved all these murderous intentions one by one!

Soon, Wang Cheng came to the end of the corridor.

On the other side of the corridor was a huge room filled with white light. Wang Cheng vaguely saw a huge alien sculpture.

Wang Cheng controlled the body of the alien beast and walked in carefully. The next moment——


A terrifying thunder and lightning suddenly fell from the sky. This thunder and lightning was so fast that Wang Cheng didn't even have time to react, and directly turned the alien beast he controlled into powder.

At this time, in a hidden place outside the huge palace, Wang Cheng, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes.

"That thunder and lightning..."

Wang Cheng recalled the scene just now, feeling a little apprehensive in his heart.

"Try again!"

Wang Cheng waved his hand, and then another black shadow emerged from his arm and transformed into a ferocious alien beast.

The previous ninth-level Territory Lord level beast was not the only thing Wang Cheng captured on the way here. Although the strange beast in front of him was not as good as the ninth-level Territory Lord level, its own strength was also that of the seventh-level Territory Lord level. Level, domain lord level seventh level beasts are also fully capable of passing through that corridor.


With the experience of the previous alien beast, Wang Cheng controlled this seventh-level domain lord level alien beast all the way forward. He quickly passed through many dangers and once again came to the land shrouded in white light. outside the room.

Wang Cheng controlled the alien beast and asked it to throw a fifth-level telekinesis weapon into the white light room.


A terrifying thunder and lightning appeared instantly, and in an instant, the telepathy weapon turned into debris.

"How terrifying!"

Wang Cheng was slightly shocked. This attack had far exceeded the level of ordinary immortals. Otherwise, the fifth-level telepathy weapon would not have been destroyed so defenselessly.

"From this point of view, there are only two ways for me to enter here. One is to rely on the Demon Emperor's Palace to carry these attacks in, and the second is to expect that these thunder and lightning attacks will consume a lot of energy. I keep throwing things into it. Use up its energy!" Wang Cheng thought in his mind, and soon he understood that both methods were unreliable.

The Demon Emperor's Palace is Wang Cheng's trump card. It is unwise to use it just to enter this room now!

Even if you use the Demon King's Palace to withstand this wave of lightning attacks, what happens next? Who knows if there are other dangers in this room? Who can be sure that he will gain something if he enters this room?

All in all, it is definitely unwise to use the Demon King's Palace to enter it now!

As for consuming its energy... you can try this, but it cannot be regarded as a practical method.

Because Wang Cheng doesn't know how these thunder and lightning are generated, the source of thunder and lightning may be able to absorb and replenish energy by itself. It may be inexhaustible at all.

"Anyway, let's give it a try!"

Wang Cheng was thinking in his mind, and then he controlled the seventh-level Domain Lord-level beast to return to the same place. A moment later, the Seventh-level Domain Lord-level beast brought a storage bag containing a large amount of E-level alloy. The ring and a cosmic beast are back here.

To consume the energy here, you definitely can't just rely on throwing telekinetic weapons inside all the time. In that case, even if the Wang Cheng family has a great cause, it won't be able to consume it.

Wang Cheng made a lot of preparations before entering the ruined ancient temple, including a large amount of materials.

Tens of millions of tons of E-grade alloy blocks cost only a few thousand points in total. Wang Cheng bought it very simply at that time!

These alloy blocks weigh one ton each, tens of millions of them in total, just slowly throw them in!

As for that cosmic-level alien beast...it was an alien beast that Wang Cheng had just assimilated.

Wang Cheng's control of the beings he has assimilated requires his consciousness. Of course, he does not need a Domain Lord-level alien beast to do things like repeatedly throwing metal blocks. A universe-level alien beast is enough!

In fact, if it were not for the fact that even the detectors were blocked in this hall, the auxiliary intelligence would not be able to remotely control the robots. Otherwise, Wang Cheng would not even want to use the cosmic-level beasts. He would simply let some robots continuously throw alloys into it. can.


After arranging everything here, Wang Cheng then let the Domain Lord-level beast leave.

There are a total of 108 passages in this giant palace hall, and this passage is just one of them. Of course, Wang Cheng will have to see what the other passages are like next.

I can't pass the passage in front of me. Maybe the situation in other passages is different!

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