Each of the 108 passages is full of crises. During Wang Cheng's exploration, more than a year passed in the blink of an eye.

In more than a year, more than ten alien beasts died due to various accidents, and the assimilated alien beasts that Wang Cheng accumulated on the way here were almost used up!

After paying so many casualties, Wang Cheng finally figured out the general situation of the 108 passages in this giant palace.

There are 108 passages, each leading to a special room. 105 of these rooms are similar to the room Wang Cheng saw for the first time. There is an alien sculpture in it, and once any life enters it, it will be immediately attacked. to various attacks.

Some of these attacks are visible to the naked eye, such as lightning, fire, ice, etc., and some are likely to be soul attacks and poison attacks. These attacks are invisible and colorless. It’s okay to throw ordinary objects in, but once a life steps in, , will be killed quietly and immediately.

The remaining three different rooms are not good, and there are huge dangers hidden in them.

However, unlike the other 105 somewhat inexplicable rooms in front of him, Wang Cheng basically recognized their functions immediately when he saw these rooms.

One of these three rooms was used to cultivate special treasures. Wang Cheng just took a look outside and saw things such as "Purple Chen Bailuo Ye" and "Five Thunder Electrode Flowers" that made Immortal shed tears just looking at them. A treasure of saliva.

There is also a room used to store magic weapons. There are many magic weapons floating in it. Wang Cheng checked it in the virtual universe. Any one of these magic weapons is enough for the feudal lord to use it immortally.

This is just the outer magic weapon. You can imagine what level the magic weapon in the depths is!

As for the last room... there should be secret books stored there. Although he has not seen these secret books with his own eyes, based on the situation in the first two rooms, Wang Cheng guesses that the levels of these secret books should be different. Low.

However, compared to treasures and magic weapons, Wang Cheng's demand for secrets is the smallest. After all, treasures and magic weapons can be sold for money. As for secrets... that's a bit uncertain.

If Virtual Universe Company has not collected these cheats, you can still earn a wave of points by selling them to Virtual Universe Company. But if Virtual Universe Company has already collected these cheats, then these cheats will naturally be worthless!

Wang Cheng himself doesn’t need these cheats. After all, the cheats owned by a behemoth like Virtual Universe Company are no worse than those collected here. If Wang Cheng needs them, he can just exchange them directly from Virtual Universe Company!


In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is really unlikely that these cheats have not been included by Virtual Universe Company.

With the size of Virtual Universe Company, they have probably explored this ruined ancient temple eight hundred times. What secrets there really are, they have already figured out clearly by Virtual Universe Company.

Now these so-called "secrets" should be resources specially reserved for geniuses by Virtual Universe Company. Geniuses come here to take risks. If they have the ability, they can naturally obtain treasures. If they don't, then just complete the basic tasks and leave.

Just like the Xueluo Continent, there is a complete civilization in it, and this civilization is always on guard against the human race...

In fact, if the human race really wanted to destroy them, they would have died eight hundred times long ago. The reason why they still exist is just because the Virtual Universe Company wants to leave that continent as a training ground for geniuses.

The Xueluo Crystal in the Xueluo Continent is also an incredible treasure. The kings within the human race and even the Universe Venerable are extremely eager for this treasure. However, the Virtual Universe Company still allows the Xueluo Continent to exist. Among them, the Xueluo Crystal Crystal Virtual Universe Company did not harvest in large quantities, but instead waited for geniuses one by one to obtain...


"It's useless to think too much. The key now is that I have to think of a way to see if I can get these treasures and magic weapons!"

Wang Cheng pondered, unlike the previous rooms, the danger in these two rooms filled with treasures and magic weapons mainly came from two plant life.

Wang Cheng had already investigated before and found that there was a plant life in each of the two rooms, and each one was at the immortal level.

Plant life is very special. They are usually not very intelligent, and it is extremely difficult for them to become immortal! But once they become immortal, even the lowest plant life will immediately become the strongest among immortals.

Moreover, the species of plant life guarding those two rooms are not the weakest. These two plant life forms are a Star-Eating Vine and a Nine-Life Grass. They are both very advanced types of plant life. .

Each of these two plant life forms should have immortal strength at the peak military master level.

"Relying on the 'sneak attack', I should be able to take away one or two treasures inside by surprise!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, but he immediately shook his head and took away two treasures by surprise, which is already enough for a genius. It was a big profit, but Wang Cheng felt it was not enough.

A large number of treasures are right in front of him. If he can make a big profit here, then his purchase of World Lord-level nutrient solution will be completely solved... This kind of opportunity is definitely not to be missed. Come again!

"It would be great if we could defeat those two immortal-level beings..." Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and soon he made a decision in his mind.

For Wang Cheng, defeating those two immortal-level beings was not impossible, it was just a matter of whether he was willing to try.

In terms of realm, Wang Cheng is already very close to the level of king. What he lacks is just the foundation. In other words, as long as his foundation can make up for it, it is not difficult to defeat two immortal plant life forms.

Under this situation, Wang Cheng instantly thought of "assimilation" and "giant transformation"!

The third stage of "Giant Transformation" can increase the body's foundation ten thousand times. If Wang Cheng uses it, his foundation will instantly reach a level close to that of a Realm Master!

In this way, there is hope for him to fight against two food beings...

However, Wang Cheng had a hunch before that the second stage of his avatar's "Giant Transformation" would likely have unpredictable consequences, and the third stage... he might even die suddenly!

Of course, Wang Cheng cannot risk the sudden death of his clone to perform this secret technique. After all, he still needs this clone to help him maintain his status as a human genius in the Virtual Universe Company!

If "giant transformation" doesn't work, then the only thing left is "assimilation"... If he can assimilate a world lord-level life, then Wang Cheng's strength will naturally improve by leaps and bounds!

However, the strongest life form that Wang Cheng tried to assimilate before was only a ninth-level domain lord-level alien beast. This was only completed after he bled a lot and spent more than half a year.

"Assimilating" the world lord-level alien beasts, let's not say whether it can be successful or not.

Wang Cheng estimated that even if he could succeed, he would have to spend a huge amount of time doing this. After all, the foundation of the world lord level and the foundation of the domain lord level can be said to be very different!

"Although you have to take some risks, but... do it!" Wang Cheng suddenly made up his mind.

It's nothing to waste some time. Anyway, he is just a clone. If he is practicing, he will be practicing all the time!

Even if this "assimilation" process takes a hundred years, Wang Cheng will not delay his cultivation. He can definitely afford to spend some time!

"There are countless geniuses who come to this ruined ancient temple. There may be some who can discover those treasures, but I am the only one who wants to defeat those two plant life forms, right?" Wang Cheng laughed.

Cosmic level battle for immortality? This is really no ordinary madness!

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