After Wang Cheng made his decision, he immediately set out to find the world lord-level beasts.

After choosing from left to right, Wang Cheng quickly set his target on a third-level world lord-level alien beast.

Although Wang Cheng could have chosen a more powerful alien beast as his target, after comprehensively analyzing various factors, Wang Cheng finally chose this world lord level third-order alien beast.

Although Wang Cheng can use the secret technique of assimilation to make up for his own foundation, one thing cannot be ignored, that is, the intensity of his consciousness is always limited by the physical foundation of his clone, which is far inferior to the world lord level life. .

In this case, Wang Cheng's body that controls the world lord-level life will not be able to be perfectly controlled. Therefore, it does not mean that the stronger the beast Wang Cheng chooses, the stronger the strength he can exert.

Secondly, the more powerful the beast is, the more difficult it will be to assimilate it, and the longer it will take. Although Wang Cheng feels that he can afford it, he doesn't want to waste too much time here. If he can get out early, he should go early. Good job going out!

Wang Cheng chose the third-level world lord-level alien beast because he felt that this level of alien beast should be just right to help him accomplish his goals.

In fact, if Wang Cheng wants to obtain the treasures in the two treasure houses, he does not necessarily have to kill the two plant life forms. After all, plant life forms are usually tenacious and very difficult to kill.

If you want to kill them, you must have the strength to completely crush them.

Wang Cheng's goal was only to acquire treasures. It didn't seem to matter whether he killed the two plant life forms or not. He only needed to block the attacks of the two plant life forms and then calmly collect the treasures.

In this case, the world lord level third-order alien beast is definitely enough!

Moreover, Wang Cheng has just broken through to the realm master, and now is the time for him to advance by leaps and bounds. He will not remain stagnant during the process of assimilation. When his realm is higher, his confidence will be even greater!


After Wang Cheng selected his target, he quickly took action on the third-level world lord-level alien beast.

When Wang Cheng used the first stage of "Giant Transformation", his strength even exceeded the peak of the ordinary world lord.

It was easy to crush a third-level realm lord-level alien beast. After a moderately fierce battle, Wang Cheng captured the realm lord-level alien beast alive.

World Lord-level alien beasts are all very large. Although this third-level World Lord-level alien beast is far inferior to the three world Lord-level peak alien beasts that Wang Cheng saw when he captured the "Six Cherry Blossoms and Seven Absolute Flowers" before, its The height is also nearly 100 meters!

After subduing the strange beast, Wang Cheng then took it to the world ring he had purchased previously.

After that, Wang Cheng threw it into a large pit about a hundred meters deep that he had dug long ago.

At this time, Wang Cheng looked at this huge pit and felt a little bitter in his heart.

But the "hole" you dug has to be filled in even if you grit your teeth...


Wang Cheng cut his wrist directly, and in an instant, a large amount of blood flowed out and began to pour into the huge pit.

The physical strength of the cosmic level is still very impressive, and bleeding and blood production at the same time is just a routine operation.

The physical foundation of Wang Cheng's avatar is even comparable to that of the Domain Lord. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be difficult for him to drain such a hole of blood, but psychologically, Wang Cheng still feels that he has really "lost blood" this time!

Therefore, when the bloodletting was halfway through, Wang Cheng directly took out a treasure that he had purchased from Virtual Universe Company that could quickly restore injuries and ate it...


It took more than a day before Wang Cheng's blood finally completely covered the world lord-level beasts in the pit.

Wang Cheng, who breathed a sigh of relief, began to activate the secret method of assimilation without hesitation.

The entire pool of blood began to glow red, and the invisible aura slowly began to penetrate into the world lord-level beasts...

"Just wait!"

Wang Cheng sat down cross-legged by the blood pool.

. . .

Time continued to pass, and soon, one year passed.

Wang Cheng originally thought that he would just have to wait for the realm lord-level beast to be assimilated, but recently, Wang Cheng discovered that things were not that simple.

Nearly a year has passed. The blood that Wang Cheng had released suddenly lost its effect, as if it had lost its vitality. All the blood had returned to calm. No matter how Wang Cheng urged it, they could no longer serve as the "secret method of assimilation". "Carrier.

In desperation, Wang Cheng had no choice but to clean up the blood, and he cut his wrists again to bleed, filling the big hole again...


And just after Wang Cheng's clone had solved the small problem of his blood failing, in the Black Dragon Mountain star field on the other side, Wang Cheng's true self also encountered a little trouble——

Heilongshan Imperial Capital Star is located in an ancient castle in a manor that covers a huge area.

A man in slightly dignified clothing and with a serious face was pushing open the alloy doors one after another, heading towards the deepest part of the castle.

This man's name is "Wells Bethelman". He is the owner of this manor and this castle. At the same time, he is also one of the few powerful ministers in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

Finally, Wells opened the last door.

In an instant, Wells saw the figure that had been giving him headaches and fearing him for the past three years...

The figure was wearing a pure black armor, and its head was completely covered by the helmet. Although the exposed eyes were calm, Wells, as the domain lord, did not have the courage to look directly at it for half a second.

"Sir!" Wells saluted respectfully.

"Is it done?" This figure, or rather Wang Cheng, asked slowly.

"Sir, through various relationships, I have recovered a total of 300 million Yunni people and their descendants who are still alive. Now these people have been sent back to Yunni Star for resettlement..." Wei Erls said quickly.

"Very good. When you completely resolve this matter, I will give you the 'Mingxin Fruit' I promised you!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"But sir, there is also a problem!" Wells said suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Sir, because I have used too many privileges during this period, the Holy Land of Black Dragon Mountain has been targeting me. I will have to restrain myself..." Wells said, feeling slightly bitter in his heart.

In fact, regarding the transaction of the mysterious man in front of him, he had a more subtle way to complete it, it just took a little more time. However, the mysterious man asked him to complete everything as soon as possible, which made his actions A vulnerability has occurred.

As an imperial minister, although he has great power, he will also be supervised, and the supervisor is the Holy Land of Black Dragon Mountain, which controls the highest force of the entire Black Dragon Mountain Empire!

"You continue to bring back the Yunixing tribe at all costs!" Wang Cheng said directly: "As for the trouble in the Holy Land of Black Dragon Mountain, I will help you solve it!"

"Sir..." Just when Wells was about to say something else, Wang Cheng suddenly looked behind Wells.

"You two, do you want to come out on your own, or should I help you come out?"


PS: This is the third update today, I still owe the first update tomorrow...

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