Wang Cheng did not expect that the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom actually wanted to accept Jiang Mingyue as his disciple.

This is really a surprise for the scholars after three days of separation. Even though the leader of the Ganwu Kingdom is the number one "negative man" in the human race, his status is such that being able to become his disciple will make many people jealous!

Jiang Mingyue's achievement of being accepted as a disciple by the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom has already surpassed most of the geniuses in the genius station of the same generation!

But then again, Jiang Mingyue must have shown her own unique characteristics in the secret realm of Ganwu, so that she can be valued by the leader of Ganwu Kingdom. From this point alone, she should have surpassed many geniuses.


"Senior, how are you?" Jiang Mingyue looked at Wang Cheng and asked directly.

"Your plan is good, I agree!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

There are indeed aspects of Jiang Mingyue's plan that are beneficial to him. For example, the performance of the F-class spaceship he has now acquired is still a bit poor, and it does not meet his wishes. He can replace it with a better spaceship through formal channels. Of course it's a good thing for him.

Moreover, Wang Cheng also saw that the "Dark Star" was indeed very important to Jiang Mingyue. The reason should not be just the mission items she mentioned, but no matter what the reason was, Wang Cheng didn't mind helping Jiang Mingyue at this time. A handful of her!

Of course, it is definitely impossible for Wang Cheng to let me cooperate with Jiang Mingyue's plan.

Even though Jiang Mingyue's plan was complete and her status as a preparatory disciple of the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom was very important, Wang Cheng was still unwilling to expose himself to risks.

After all, there are indeed too many secrets in Wang Cheng's body, and his true identity does not have a reliable identity at the moment. Before he officially becomes a strong man capable of truly controlling the universe, Wang Cheng has long decided to be cautious to the end.

However, the benefit of having a clone technique is reflected here. When encountering such uncertain things, just let the clone do it.

It would be best if Jiang Mingyue's plan can be executed as scheduled. He will get a better spaceship, and Jiang Mingyue can also get what she desires. If it cannot be executed, it doesn't matter, it's just a loss of a clone!


At this time, Jiang Mingyue naturally didn't know Wang Cheng's complicated thoughts. She was relieved when she saw that Wang Cheng finally agreed.

The decision-making power now actually rests with Wang Cheng. If Wang Cheng ignores her and leaves with the Dark Star, there is really nothing she can do.

After all, being able to defeat five immortal superpowers in an instant is far beyond what she can contend with.

Jiang Mingyue understood that she had already taken a huge risk by going out to negotiate with Wang Cheng. For more things, even though she had a lot of risk factors in her bones, she had no idea of ​​doing it again.

. . .

A theoretically win-win cooperation was reached for both parties. Then, Jiang Mingyue left the Dark Star and explained the plan to several immortals.

At this time, the escaped immortal god "Gus" had been captured by the other four pursuing immortals. A total of nine immortals heard Jiang Mingyue's plan, especially after she revealed that she had become a disciple prepared by the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom. Everyone was stunned and speechless.

"Your Highness, there is no need to take such a big risk for a mission item, right?" One of the immortals said worriedly.

Originally, Jiang Mingyue was the most dazzling new star in the Qianwu Secret Realm. If something happened, the nine immortals who were responsible for protecting him would be implicated in some way. Although it was impossible to break their muscles and bones, it would definitely be a big trouble.

And now, this person is very likely to become the disciple of the king in the future. If something happens, the consequences...

"My first mission will naturally end perfectly! Besides, I have already reached an agreement with the senior. As long as there are no problems in the plan, everything will be fine!" Jiang Mingyue said with a smile:

"Generals, my safety now lies with you!"


Jiang Mingyue's words made the nine immortals fall silent for a while. After communicating with each other through voice transmission, they finally nodded.

In fact, the leader of this mission was originally Jiang Mingyue, and the nine of them were more of thugs and part-time guards. Jiang Mingyue had already made a decision, so nothing they said would help!

"General Mingguang, General Shadow, these are the two treasures that the senior just gave me. Together with the previous one called 'Phenom Stone Furnace', you generals can take and sell these three treasures!" Jiang Mingyue said. The two treasures were handed over to the two strongest among the nine, and she continued:

"The senior's request is that the spacecraft's style, defense, functionality, etc. can be different, but the speed must be fast, and the basic speed must be more than thirty times!"

"It turned out to be the 'Qian Yuan Fruit' and the 'Hundred Life Flower'..." All the immortals looked at the two treasures Jiang Mingyue took out with envy. Any one of them was enough to cost them half of the money. Net worth went in exchange.

He is indeed an unfathomable strong man, and he has this kind of treasure at his fingertips!

"Such a spaceship is hard to find, but you can still get it through the channels of some friends!" An immortal wearing silver armor took the treasure and said directly:

"Your Highness, please rest assured. I, Mingguang, will definitely bring the spaceship back within one year at most!"

"I will do my best..."

Another immortal wearing black armor also took the treasure and made a promise.

"Then I'll trouble you generals!" Jiang Mingyue smiled.

. . .

After Jiang Mingyue finished chatting with the nine immortals, the nine immortals quickly left the planet, and Jiang Mingyue returned to the Dark Star as a hostage.

Of course, what Jiang Mingyue didn't know was that not long after the nine immortals left, Wang Cheng's own body also quickly and quietly left the planet. The only one left here was him, a first-level world lord. Doppelgänger.

Previously, the black armor Wang Cheng wore was the Demon Emperor's Armor, and Wang Cheng also relied on the power of the Demon Emperor's Armor to conceal his identity and aura.

If Wang Cheng left a clone that could be discarded at any time, it would be impossible for Wang Cheng to keep the Demon King Armor. However, he had acquired many treasures over the years, and there were a bunch of treasures that could conceal his identity, so there was no need to worry.

The only problem is that Jiang Mingyue is relatively familiar with Wang Cheng, so after I left, Wang Cheng never communicated with Jiang Mingyue again.

After all, in Jiang Mingyue's impression, Wang Cheng should be practicing somewhere in the original secret territory of the Virtual Universe Company at the moment, rather than completing a deal with her as a super strong man...


Time flies, and soon, nine months have passed.

The immortals who left were surprisingly efficient. In less than a year, they returned here. At the same time, they brought back a spaceship that looked like a sharp sword.

There is no doubt that this is a spaceship whose performance satisfies Wang Cheng. I have to say that these nine immortals must have put a lot of thought into returning!

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