Once the spaceship was in place and Wang Cheng inspected the goods, he readily prepared to release them.

However, before Fang Jiang Mingyue left, Wang Cheng suddenly reminded: "Don't think that every strong person can be as easy to talk to as me. I advise you to stop risking your own safety like this!"

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me, I will pay attention!" Jiang Mingyue felt a little baffled by Wang Cheng's sudden reminder. However, out of respect for the strong man, she still bowed and thanked him.


Wang Cheng looked at Jiang Mingyue who was respectful on the surface, and shook his head secretly in his heart. Based on his understanding of Jiang Mingyue, Jiang Mingyue must not have heard what he said.

But it's not surprising. This is Jiang Mingyue's style. Moreover, his current identity is completely unfamiliar to Jiang Mingyue. It's strange that Jiang Mingyue would listen to it.

However, Wang Cheng didn’t hesitate. There was no point in talking about this kind of thing. He would have a chance to make some insinuations in the virtual universe in the future...

. . .

Facts have proved that Wang Cheng's previous departure and the transaction with the clone were completely unnecessary. After completing the transaction, no ambush troops from the Qianwu Universe Kingdom came out, and Wang Cheng also left smoothly on the "Lingguang" this planet.

Jiang Mingyue never realized that she had been in close contact with Wang Cheng for nearly a year. After being freed from the hostage status, Jiang Mingyue quickly took the spoils of the trip with great expectations. Returned to the secret realm of Qianwu.


On the other side, when Wang Cheng got the Lingguang, he didn't hesitate and left Qianwu Universe Country directly, heading towards the boundless territory.

Time passes ruthlessly. For a person wandering in the universe, "year" can really only be regarded as a unit.

One year, two years, three years... Thirty years passed in the blink of an eye.

At the speed of the "Lingguang", in thirty years, if Wang Cheng had just moved forward blindly, he would have left the human territory long ago. However, Wang Cheng had stopped dozens of times along the way, in some cosmic countries. Stopping and traveling, so I wasted a lot of time.

Of course, even so, Wang Cheng also came to the edge of human territory at this time.


At this time, the Lingguang was still shuttled through the dark universe, and inside the Lingguang, in a huge hall, one by one Wang Cheng was either sitting cross-legged, leaning on a piece of precious jewelry, or lying down. on the ground......

All in all, many clones of Wang Cheng are here in various postures!

However, one thing is the same. Their eyes are observing a black and white "millstone" from different angles!

This is exactly the stone tablet that Wang Cheng captured by chance in the "Ruined Ancient Temple" before, which contains many mysteries of the laws of the universe. Because the Cosmic Chaos Tablet has never been able to be taken out from the space connected to consciousness, so this At this moment, many of Wang Cheng's clones were observing the black and white magic disk when they were comprehending the laws of time and space.

The effect of this black and white millstone is not bad. Although it is not as good as the feeling brought to Wang Cheng by the Cosmic Chaos Monument in Chaos City, it is still comparable to the Cosmic Chaos Monument that Wang Cheng observed only with his consciousness.

More importantly, the Cosmic Chaos Monument in the space connected to Wang Cheng's consciousness can only be seen by Wang Cheng himself, and if this black and white magic disk can be taken out, Wang Cheng's many clones can refer to it!

Of course, because the traces of the laws on this black and white magic disk are not complete, but scattered, that's why Wang Cheng's many clones are observing it from so many different angles.

Although with Wang Cheng's consciousness, it is not difficult to see positive things as negatives and crooked things as slanted, but when he is comprehending the rules, such forced corrections would somewhat destroy the artistic conception. After many experiments, Wang Cheng Just take this approach.

Anyway, the Lingguang is Wang Cheng's personal spaceship. There is no one else except "No. 1", who has not yet fully evolved into an intelligent life, and "Kite", who was released from the world ring by Wang Cheng to do odd jobs. He is also not afraid of being seen.


At this time, Wang Cheng's clones were originally prepared to casually comprehend the mysteries of this black and white magic disk.

However, as he watched, Wang Cheng suddenly had a strange feeling.

On the black and white magic disk, traces symbolizing different laws are scattered scattered. At this time, under the simultaneous observation of Wang Cheng's many clones, a considerable number of traces representing the laws of space are automatically combined unconsciously, and slowly Slowness forms a whole, and this whole is filled with a mysterious atmosphere and is extremely complete.


Wang Cheng looked at the whole thing, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. In an instant, a bottleneck that had been blocking him for about a year was broken!

"I see, this is teleportation, complete teleportation!" A smile appeared on Wang Cheng's face.

It was at this moment——


Terrifying energy fluctuations came instantly, and the infinite silver-white energy instantly enveloped Wang Cheng's true form, and the vast aura filled the air... For a moment, the entire Lingguang ship turned silver.

But unfortunately, no one can appreciate this scenery for the time being. On the spaceship, not to mention No. 1, the only intelligent life "Kite" was crushed to the ground the moment the wave came, and then lost consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, the terrifying energy faded away, and Wang Cheng, who was in the center, slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, a drop of silver energy had slowly integrated into the origin of his soul. At the same time, between his eyebrows, a pattern of dots like an endless starry sky clearly emerged.

Mastering teleportation not only means that Wang Cheng's understanding of the law has reached a new level, but also means that his ability to save his life has greatly increased. When encountering danger, he can teleport away directly. It is difficult for ordinary strong people to catch him. !

"However, I am not absolutely sure that I want to get through the 19th floor of Tongtian Bridge now. Once I fully understand the acceleration of time, it should be easy!" Wang Cheng thought secretly in his heart.

The law of space and the law of time are each divided into three paths.

The laws of space are space blockade, space strangulation, and teleportation!

The law of time is that time accelerates, time decelerates, and time stops!

Generally speaking, if you reach the end of any one of these two laws, you will have the strength of the 18th floor of Tongtianqiao. For example, a person who only masters "Teleport" or "Space Strangulation" or "Space Blockade" of immortality!

The realization of most kings is at this stage.

However, after all, Wang Cheng is taking two paths of time and space at the same time, and his two paths go hand in hand, so he is quite special.

When Wang Cheng broke through the 17th floor of Tongtian Bridge before, his understanding of the laws of space and time was more than that of the 16th floor. By combining the two, he was on the 17th floor.

Over the past thirty years, Wang Cheng has broken through the realm master, and his speed in comprehending the laws has once again undergone a qualitative change.

Therefore, Wang Cheng's laws of time and space have already made great progress. Even if he did not reach the end of any path of time and space before, he still managed to pass through the eighteenth floor of the Tongtian Bridge.

Now that Wang Cheng has understood the direction of "teleportation" in the laws of space, he has certainly made great progress. Wang Cheng is almost certain that he can pass the 19th floor of the Tongtian Bridge.

However, Wang Cheng was not in a hurry. He had already understood "Teleportation" and "Time Acceleration" was not far away. When the time comes, he would be sure to break through the 19th floor of the overpass.

PS: There are some glitches, so I will update them twice today and make up for them in the fourth update tomorrow.

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