Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 152: Three opportunities to seize

The progress in the realm of laws made Wang Cheng feel very good. After thinking for a while, he directly opened the opportunity capture system.

"There are already more than 40,000 points!" Wang Cheng looked at his chance points, and he was slightly moved.

I have been accumulating opportunity points for so long, and today I can understand teleportation. It is obviously a good day. I might as well take the opportunity to grab a wave of opportunities...

"If you're going to come, come hard!" Wang Cheng didn't hesitate, he just thought about it.

One thousand chance points were directly consumed.

In the past, the most chance points Wang Cheng used in extracting opportunities was only two hundred points, but this time, it was a thousand points.

An invisible wave spread in an instant, and the human race territory, the monster race territory, the machine race territory, the Zerg race territory... the most fertile land in the universe was swept away, and then, the invisible wave spread crazily outward. spread away.

Soon, the power returned, and lines of text appeared in front of Wang Cheng.

[Consumption of one thousand opportunity points, chance capture is successful! 】

[Opportunity Category: Treasure]

[Opportunity Name: Time and Space Origin Bead]

[How to use opportunity: wear, refine]


In Wang Cheng's induction, there was a bead suspended in the void in the space connected to his consciousness. This bead had a total of 10,081 facets, and there were countless dense lines on each facet.

Wang Cheng asked his avatar in the original secret realm to log in to the virtual universe to check. With the avatar's authority, he quickly found some information about the space-time origin bead.

Time and space origin beads, an origin material.

The biggest use of this material is to refine the original treasure!

The so-called Origin Treasure is one of many treasures. Unlike attack treasures, defense treasures, and palace treasures that can increase combat effectiveness, the Origin Treasure does not increase combat effectiveness much, but wearing the Origin Treasure can communicate with the origin of the universe. .

You must know that normally, only the World Lord can easily communicate with the origin of the universe through the resonance of the power of the world. Others, such as the Immortal, the Lord of the Universe and even the Lord of the Universe, etc., have difficulty communicating with the origin.

The immortals are better off, but the divine bodies of the Universe Venerables and Masters of the Universe are too huge. Their inability to communicate with the origin of the universe means that once their divine bodies are consumed too much, it will be difficult to recover through normal absorption of energy.

The Origin Supreme Treasure solves this problem to a certain extent. Wearing the Origin Supreme Treasure can communicate with the origin of the universe, and naturally borrow the endless power from the origin of the universe. In this way, the recovery speed of divine power will naturally be countless times faster.

Unless there is an extremely huge clone that can provide divine power at all times, the original treasure can be said to be a necessity for some extremely powerful cosmic lords and masters of the universe.

Of course, although the Time and Space Origin Bead has not yet been refined into the Origin Treasure, it also has some abilities of the Origin Treasure, such as being able to deepen the wearer's connection with the origin of the universe.

Even though the effect is not as good as the original treasure, it is still coveted by countless people.

Even a Realm Lord who can communicate with the original place of the universe will get a certain bonus after wearing the Space-Time Origin Bead, making his perception of the original place of the universe clearer.

"nice one!"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly and grabbed it with a thousand chance points. Although the treasure he got was only a treasure material, it was useful to him. It was not the kind that could only be stored in a warehouse, so he would not lose money.

In fact, Wang Cheng knew very well that before, he relied on more than a hundred chance points to draw the two treasures of the Demon Emperor's Armor and the Demon Emperor's Pearl. It can only be said that his luck was exploding. Now, this draw should be normal.


"It seems it's not cruel enough!" Wang Cheng thought for a moment, and the next moment, he thought directly, and in an instant, three thousand opportunity points were consumed.


The invisible fluctuations expanded to the entire primitive universe in a very short period of time, and finally stopped in a deeply hidden secret realm of the universe.

When the invisible fluctuations returned, Wang Cheng felt that there was a pair of boots like black clouds in the space connected to his consciousness.

"Shadow Split Sky Boots!"

Wang Cheng knew the name of the treasure through the chance capture system. At the same time, he thought about it, and in an instant, the treasure appeared in front of him.

The fierce fluctuations naturally spread out, and Wang Cheng instantly understood that this was definitely a treasure, and its fluctuations were even stronger than the Demon King's Armor.

"Finally, I drew another treasure!" Wang Cheng was quite happy in his heart.


Wang Cheng waved his hand to summon the boots, and he injected some force into them. Soon, Wang Cheng got some additional information.

This pair of "Shadow Split Sky Boots" is a two-in-one auxiliary and attack treasure.

Needless to say, the auxiliary effect is to increase the burst speed. It has three forms. With Wang Cheng's current strength, even if he only activates the first form, he can increase the burst speed a hundred times.

In a battle between strong men, the competition is all about explosive speed, not ultimate speed. If the explosive speed is increased a hundred times, you can imagine how much the strength is improved.

As for the attack's similar to ordinary attack treasures, except that this is a pair of boots, so you have to use your feet to attack.

"This baby is really good!"

Wang Cheng was delighted. The effect of this treasure suited his taste. The explosive speed had always been what he was good at. With the addition of these boots, his advantage was further expanded. The offensive treasure was something he had always lacked. Now, Although these boots are not purely offensive, they can temporarily make up for this shortcoming!


"Again?" Wang Cheng thought in his heart. It took him more than a hundred years to accumulate more than 40,000 chance points. He just used more than 4,000 in a short time. This consumption is indeed much faster than the accumulation. .


Wang Cheng has made a decision in his heart. Isn't it just for using all the opportunities he has saved? If you save it and don’t use it, it’s just data there to look at!

"And if you have to use it, use it once and for all!" Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart, and with a thought, he consumed 10,000 chance points in an instant.

Hum, invisible fluctuations spread again...

Soon, lines of text appeared.

[Consumption of 10,000 opportunity points, chance capture is successful! 】

[Opportunity Category: Treasure]

[Chance name: Chanye Branch]

[Opportunistic usage: Use within the universe]


"What is it?" Wang Cheng was slightly frightened and spent 10,000 chance points. He believed that what he caught this time was definitely not a waste.

After all, although the chance to grab is random, the law that the more chance points are consumed, the more precious the chance is, remains unchanged!

"Is it really a branch?"

Wang Cheng felt the new treasure that appeared in the space connected to his consciousness.

The aura of this treasure is very strong, very strong. Its aura far exceeds that of the Demon Emperor's Armor, the Demon Emperor's Pearl, and the Divine Shadow Split Sky Boots... But from the outside, this treasure is really no bigger than a branch. difference.

"The opportunity capture system also reminded me that this thing is used in the 'Cosmic Sea'?" Wang Cheng thought with some confusion.

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