Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 157 Seeking advice from the Lord of Chaos City

Although the growth of plant life is different from ordinary life, it only requires a large number of treasures to quickly accumulate powerful strength, but it takes time to transform from a seed into an immortal plant life, no matter how fast it is.

According to Wang Cheng's estimation, it will take at least more than a hundred years for this "Nine Life Flower" to fully grow.

However, Wang Cheng is not in a hurry. He is still receiving protection from the Virtual Universe Company in the original secret realm. That means he may encounter some dangers when entering the secret realm, but as long as he pays attention to those dangers, they will not be too big. question.

The real effect of this Nine-Life Flower will come after he leaves the original secret realm!

. . .

It took Wang Cheng half a year to process the gains from this trip to the ruined ancient temple. He only had less than 400 million points left after 1.2 billion points.

Of course, 400 million points is actually not a small number. Most immortal feudal lords do not have this kind of wealth.

However, Wang Cheng had no place to use his points for the time being, so he naturally kept these points.


After dealing with the treasures, Wang Cheng went straight to the Tongtian Bridge again.

As expected by Wang Cheng, he mastered both "teleportation" and "time acceleration" and easily passed through the nineteenth floor.

After breaking through the 19th floor of Tongtian Bridge, Wang Cheng then went to the top of Thunder Island, the plane where Virtual Universe Company is located.


In a huge palace, Wang Cheng looked at the Chaos City Lord in front of him and saluted slightly.

"You haven't been here for a long time!" The Lord of Chaos City looked at Wang Cheng, who was still extremely uneasy in his heart.

He had just received news that Wang Cheng had passed through the 19th floor of Tongtian Bridge. Moreover, he did not force himself at all, he passed easily.

And now, it is less than forty years since Wang Cheng left Chaos City!

The Lord of Chaos City originally thought that the speed of progress would slow down after Wang Cheng left. After all, the laws become more difficult to understand as you go forward. Moreover, after leaving Chaos City, the external cultivation environment will be quite different... But who would have thought that instead of slowing down, Wang Cheng's practice speed would become even more terrifying.

In less than forty years, it is simply unbelievable to pass through the 18th and 19th floors of the Tongtian Bridge continuously!


Wang Cheng naturally didn't know what the Lord of Chaos was thinking. At this time, when he heard the words of the Lord of Chaos, he said directly: "My practice was going well before, so I never bothered the teacher! But now, I have a problem and I have to ask the teacher for help. Helped!"

"Is it a matter of creating the secret method?" The Lord of Chaos City asked directly as if he had expected it.

"Yes, this disciple feels that it is necessary to create a secret method!" Wang Cheng nodded.

"I never thought you could progress so quickly!" Chaos City Lord said:

"You have broken through the 19th floor of the Tongtian Bridge, and your understanding of the law has surpassed that of most of the kings. You are indeed no longer suitable to use other people's secret methods!"

"Starting from tomorrow, you come to my place once every other month!"

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded quickly.

"Go!" The Lord of Chaos City waved his hand.

"Disciple, resign!"

After Wang Cheng saluted, he left here.

"Wang Cheng..."

The Lord of Chaos City looked at Wang Cheng's back as he left and remained silent for a long time.

Wang Cheng's increasingly terrifying progress made the Lord of Chaos City understand that if Wang Cheng continued to grow like this, it wouldn't be long before an existence like the Optimus Pillar would appear again in the human race.

Neither the laws of time nor the laws of space can stop him. Once he fully understands both laws, it is only a matter of time before he becomes the master of the universe.

"Let me see how far you can go!" The Lord of Chaos City whispered softly.


The next day, Wang Cheng once again came to the palace of the Lord of Chaos at the top of Thunder Island. With the wave of the Lord of Chaos, the place had turned into an extremely huge desolate star.

Wang Cheng understood that the two of them had arrived at a place in the virtual universe that was similar to a killing field or a training ground, but it was controlled by the Lord of Chaos City.

"The secret of creation depends on your own understanding!" The Lord of Chaos City stood on this desolate land and said:

"Your previous secret technique 'Infernal Affairs' was too extreme, so now you feel like you have no way forward. I won't tell you the solution. I will arrange for you a hundred opponents whose understanding of the law is not far from yours. You Use your secret technique 'Infinite' to fight these opponents, and if you can defeat them, you will naturally find a solution!"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and the next moment, the Chaos City Lord disappeared, and a vortex appeared where he was just now.

Immediately afterwards, a one-eyed alien who was more than ten meters tall and holding an iron rod walked out.

After the foreigner saw Wang Cheng, the next moment he rushed up unceremoniously with an iron rod. An iron rod more than ten meters long stirred time and space, and hit Wang Cheng with boundless power.

"What a terrifying power, you can't fight hard..."

Wang Cheng subconsciously dodged this man's move, and then approached his head at a ghostly speed.

A punch carrying terrifying law fluctuations was struck without hesitation.


An invisible barrier rose near the alien being's head, and Wang Cheng's punch hit it. In addition to the huge counter-shock force, it only caused waves of aftermath.

"A turtle shell!" Wang Cheng understood in his heart, but at this moment, a pair of raised hands fell from the sky and grabbed him.


Wang Cheng dodged away instantly, but the next moment, countless stick shadows followed closely.

call! call! call!

Wang Cheng continued to dodge. Relying on the explosive speed increased by "Infinite", it was not difficult for Wang Cheng to dodge these attacks. However, if he continued like this, he would not be able to break this person's shell at all, and there was no way he could win this battle.

"Does the teacher want to tell me that the power of Wu Jian is too weak? But as long as I find the opportunity, 'Wu Jian' can actually burst out with terrifying power!" Wang Cheng pondered in his heart, and at the same time he was constantly talking to this alien Wandering and fighting.

Finally, after about three minutes, Wang Cheng found an opportunity.

He, who was still a thousand meters away, turned into a stream of light. When he arrived in front of the alien in an instant, he also burst out with extremely terrifying power.


A big hole appeared in the alien's chest. Without much struggle, the alien fell down.

"No matter how hard the turtle shell is, it will be broken sometimes!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart. At this time, another whirlpool appeared where the alien life just appeared.

Soon, a figure holding a dagger and looking shorter than Wang Cheng walked out...

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