The second opponent arranged by the Chaos City Lord was completely different from the first one. What this second opponent was good at was terrifying speed. In terms of speed, he was not much worse than Wang Cheng.

However, it was easier for Wang Cheng to deal with this opponent than the previous one.

The third opponent was a human who was good at swordsmanship. However, the opponent's swordsmanship often affected time and space, making people feel like they were stuck in a quagmire. Wang Cheng fought fiercely for a long time before defeating this man.

Then, the fourth, fifth, sixth...

Wang Cheng fought against these people, and it was easy for him to win at first. But as time went by, these people became stronger and stronger, and they were good at more and more things.

When Wang Cheng reached the twenty-ninth enemy, he felt he couldn't fight anymore.

The Lord of Chaos City also saw this. He waved his hand to make the twenty-ninth enemy disappear, and appeared in front of Wang Cheng at the same time.

"We'll come here today. You can go back and think about it, and come back in a month!" said the Lord of Chaos City.


Wang Cheng nodded, and with doubts on his forehead, he exited the virtual universe.


"I won't take on the missions for a while. I'll clear the one hundred enemies arranged by the teacher first!" Wang Cheng practiced his moves in his territory and made a decision in his mind.

According to his original plan, he planned to do the second task next, but Wang Cheng was now worried that these tasks would affect his creation of secret techniques, so this was naturally put on hold.

"But what is the teacher trying to tell me through these people?" Wang Cheng began to recall his secret technique 'Wu Jian' and the characteristics of his increasingly stronger opponents.

These opponents each had their own strengths at the beginning.

Good at defense, good at movement, good at control, good at attack... The opponents who appeared later began to combine these advantages, and their secret skills were good at many directions at the same time.

These are all obvious, and Wang Cheng can easily discover them, but this is probably not what the Lord of Chaos City wants to tell him.

Although Wang Cheng's "Wu Jian" is biased towards speed, he does not completely abandon other directions when creating. This is not the reason why the creation of "Wu Jian" is stuck.

"I remember when I was in Chaos City, my teacher said that my secret technique was in the right direction, but the method was wrong..." Wang Cheng thought in his mind.

Wang Cheng's mind kept flashing through the opponents he had defeated, especially those whose secret skills were good in multiple directions!

"It should be a question of the method of 'combination', the combination of speed and attack, the combination of speed and defense, the combination of speed and domain..." Bright lights suddenly flashed in Wang Cheng's mind. He had A feeling of enlightenment.

Yes, it should be a question of ‘combination’.

There is no problem with a secret technique that emphasizes speed. Every secret technique has its own characteristics, such as invincible attack power, extremely fast speed, or unparalleled defense.

However, a truly powerful secret technique should not have serious flaws. If there are huge flaws, it will give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it!

Therefore, other aspects must be combined with the characteristics of this secret technique, but how to combine it is the biggest problem.

"No wonder I always felt that I couldn't continue to create 'Wu Jian'. It turned out to be because of the random combinations before, which blocked the road!" Wang Cheng recalled in his mind how each enemy combined the secret skills, and he gradually had an idea in his mind. looks.


A month passed by in a flash, and Wang Cheng once again came to Thunder Island in the virtual universe to meet the Lord of Chaos City.

After the Chaos City Lord saw Wang Cheng, he didn't waste any words and directly waved Wang Cheng to the huge desolate star before, the twenty-ninth opponent that Wang Cheng could not defeat a month ago. Appear.

The two fought again, and within one minute, Wang Cheng killed the other party.

Then, the 30th, 31st, 32nd... until the 56th opponent, Wang Cheng finally reached the limit again.


The opponent disappeared, and the figure of the Chaos City Lord walked out of the void.

"In one month, you have not only realized your shortcomings, but you have also made such great progress. You have done well!" A smile appeared on the face of Chaos City Lord.

"Teacher, thank you!" Wang Cheng looked at the smiling Chaos City Lord and was slightly startled. This seemed to be the first time he had seen the Chaos City Lord smile.

"You should have discovered that starting from your nineteenth opponent, each opponent's secret technique contains a special 'skill'. I see that you have begun to use these skills to transform your 'Wu Jian' !" said the Chaos City Lord.


Wang Cheng nodded. These "skills" mentioned by the Chaos City Lord should be methods of combining secret techniques from different directions. Wang Cheng could understand these methods on his own and spend a lot of time. However, the Chaos City Lord told him directly in this way. , which is naturally much faster.

"There are eighty-one techniques in total. Even if you don't use the secret technique now, you will definitely use it in the future. You must write it down carefully!" Chaos City Lord reminded.

"Disciple understands!" Wang Cheng nodded without hesitation. These are the basics. Naturally, he will not take them lightly.

"Okay, let's come here today, and come back in a month!" The Lord of Chaos City said, and the scenery around the two of them began to change. In a daze, the two of them returned to the palace at the top of Thunder Island.


. . .

After Wang Cheng discovered his shortcomings, he made the greatest progress in the first month. Among the one hundred opponents arranged by the Lord of Chaos City, he went directly from the 29th to the 56th.

After that, although he made progress every month, it was not as great as before.

However, despite this, more than a year later, Wang Cheng still defeated all those one hundred opponents.

The Lord of Chaos City is quite satisfied with Wang Cheng's speed, but this is just the beginning of creating the secret technique. The Lord of Chaos City was helping Wang Cheng lay the foundation before, and then he really started to help him "create the secret technique"!

It was the same desolate planet as before, but this time the Chaos City Lord helped Wang Cheng arrange a total of 10,000 opponents.

According to the Chaos City Lord, these opponents will become stronger and stronger. The more people Wang Cheng can defeat, the stronger his secret skills will naturally be.

However, this time, the Lord of Chaos City adjusted the time when Wang Cheng came here. Before, he came once a month, but this time he came once a year.

After all, laying the foundation is different from the real secret art of creation. Especially the current environment that Wang Cheng is in is actually very unfavorable for his secret art of creation!


"In the original secret realm, although you can experience a lot of fights in some missions, most of those opponents don't even grasp the rules, and their training for you is limited. You have to know that the effect of fighting with the strong is the same as the effect of fighting with the weak. It’s different!” Chaos City Lord said to Wang Cheng:

"Based on your understanding, it is not difficult to break through the Territory Lord and World Lord. I suggest you become a World Lord within three hundred years, and then go fight with the real strong ones!"

"Three hundred years?"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly. In fact, he had no problem breaking through the Realm Lord right now, but he still wanted to explore some places in the secret realms.

"There is really no need to delay. Let's go to some interesting places to grab some opportunities and break through!" Wang Cheng also made a decision in his heart.

PS: Third update, please support.

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