Wang Cheng's time in the original secret realm passed quickly. While going to the Chaos City Lord to challenge the ten thousand enemies every year, Wang Cheng also started to take on one mission after another.

Among these tasks, there were three places where Wang Cheng made great gains.

One is "Vesca Planet". Inside "Vesca Planet" there is a tomb of the ancestral gods guarded by a large number of immortals. Wang Cheng captured many treasures from it by chance, among which there was a drop of blood called "Original Blood" , according to the opportunity to capture the system's information, and integrate it into oneself, one can obtain a substantial genetic level improvement and a sense of the origin.

This "Original Blood" is very similar to the Blood Luo Crystal. However, Wang Cheng's genetic level has been raised to the limit. After using the "Original Blood", his genetic level will certainly not increase. Instead, it will be his induction of the law. It's indeed clearer again.

With Wang Cheng's current clarity of perception of the law, a treasure that can further improve him can indeed be regarded as a treasure. It is conceivable that if this drop of "original blood" is not used by himself, but given to an ordinary universe level, it is very likely to create a super genius immediately.

Of course, if you catch a treasure through the "Chance Capture System", the treasure will actually disappear.

Therefore, after Wang Cheng got that drop of "original blood", the large number of immortals guarding the tomb of the ancestor gods immediately went crazy.

Fortunately, Wang Cheng mastered teleportation. When a large number of immortals came out, he teleported directly away from "Vishka Planet"!


There is also the "Dragon Star". There are countless "dragon lifeforms" inside the Dragon Star. Wang Cheng didn't catch anything good by chance, but his clone accidentally obtained it while exploring. A secret treasure called "Longzhu".

After swallowing this dragon transformation ball, Wang Cheng's "clone" can use the secret technique of dragon transformation and transform into a half-dragon with horns, a tail, and many scales on his body.

During the "dragon transformation" period, the power of Wang Cheng's clone will be greatly improved. According to Wang Cheng's estimation, it should be about thirty times.

This is not a small number. After all, the first stage of the innate secret method "Giant Transformation" only brought Wang Cheng a hundredfold increase.

Moreover, this "dragon transformation" secret technique and the giant transformation can be used superimposed to a certain extent.

The superimposition of the two secret techniques, although it cannot achieve the effect of 100 times 30, can still increase his power by 500 times.

However, the secret technique of "dragon transformation" also has a minor disadvantage, that is, the person who uses this secret technique will have some sequelae left on his body every time he "transforms into a dragon". The more times he "transforms into a dragon", the more likely he will be. Cheng estimated that he would completely transform into that half-dragon form and never come back.

Although the mainstream view among the strong is that the soul is the foundation of life and the body is only secondary, Wang Cheng still cannot accept that his own body has become a foreign race.

However, Wang Cheng is just a clone in the original secret realm. No matter what the clone looks like, it cannot affect the original body. Even if the clone returns, the huge genetic gap between the clone and the original body will make it difficult for him to change this. Bring it to me!

Therefore, Wang Cheng could accept the "Dragon Bead". He even thought of other functions of the Dragon Bead. For example, he could use the "Dragon Bead" to disguise himself as other identities, etc.


The third place where Wang Cheng gained a lot is the "Abyss of Purgatory"!

This is the most dangerous training location provided by Virtual Universe Company for geniuses, and there is no other place where the mortality rate is as high as 99%!

The abyss of purgatory is filled with many terrifying dangers. An invisible wind and a hidden whirlpool can kill people at any time.

Even with Wang Cheng's strength, he has to be careful in it!

Wang Cheng's clone explored it, and the harvest was not particularly great, that is, he found some ordinary treasures that were not of high value!

But by chance, he grabbed the system and got a seal-suppressing treasure called "Prison Suppression"!

It was indeed a treasure of genuine value, and its aura was only slightly weaker than the Demon King's Armor.

Wang Cheng has always felt that most of the secret realms arranged by Virtual Universe Company have been thoroughly explored by them. He can get treasures here, but it is unlikely that he can get the top treasures.

But who would have thought that there would be a treasure in the abyss of purgatory...

Normally, even the top management of Virtual Universe Company would not ignore a treasure, let alone a very special seal-type treasure!

Of course, no matter what the specific situation is, the facts are certain. Wang Cheng unexpectedly obtained his fifth treasure in the abyss of purgatory.

Wang Cheng himself is just a world master, but now he is not far away from getting a treasure suit... Speaking of which, most of the universe's venerables would be envious to death.

Especially someone like the leader of Ganwu Kingdom.


In addition to the big gains in those three places, Wang Cheng also had some fairly small gains in other tasks.

For example, Wang Cheng harvested a large number of Xueluo crystals in the Xueluo world, and another example is that he relied on the opportunity grabbing system to capture many precious materials called "meteorites" in the Lost Galaxy...

Of course, these "small gains" are only of high value, but they are not of great use to Wang Cheng.

For example, Wang Cheng once tried to fuse "Blood Crystal", but he failed to fuse even one Blood Crystal.

This is definitely not because Wang Cheng's physical strength is not good enough, nor is it because his will is defective. With just one Blood Crystal, with Wang Cheng's level of will, he can easily resist it.

The reason why his fusion failed was most likely because his clone could no longer improve its genetic level.

Although he has not tried it, Wang Cheng guesses that any treasure that can improve the genetic level of his clone will be ineffective.

Wang Cheng naturally has no feelings about this. After all, his genetic level has already reached its limitless level. If he improves further, he can directly become a true god. What do you think, this little blood crystal and other genes can improve it? It is impossible for a treasure of this level to directly make him a true god.

. . .

During Wang Cheng's exploration of many secret realms, nearly seventy years passed quickly. At this time, it had been nearly a hundred years since Wang Cheng officially joined the original secret realm.

In the core layer of Virtual Universe Company, universe-level geniuses will compete for qualifications every hundred years.

From the apocalyptic secret realm to the primitive secret realm, the fittest survive. Those with ability will enter a higher level secret realm, while those without ability will fall to the next level of secret realm.

Of course, the apocalyptic secret realm is the lowest level, with no way to fall, while the original secret realm is the highest level, with no way to advance.

Among the two geniuses in the secret realm, one only needs to consider whether he can ascend to the secret realm of heaven and earth, and the other must worry about whether he will fall into the secret realm of Taichu...

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