After all the nutrient solution was captured and transported to the deity through chance, three months passed quickly.

At this time, Wang Cheng's appointment finally came. As he expected, his final appointment was the "Supervisory Envoy" of Qianwu Universe Country. It was also the role of Virtual Universe Company on Qianwu Universe Country. In addition to the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Armed Forces, and The fourth giant after the three giants of the military.

There is only one right exercised by the supervisory envoy, and that is the power of supervision.

It seems simple, but in fact, this power is very amazing, because the other three giants sit in such powerful positions, who dares to say that their buttocks are clean?

As long as it is not clean, you will never be afraid of investigation!

Therefore, every "supervisory envoy" will definitely be the target of fear and favor from the other three giants during his tenure.

Before Wang Cheng, Ganwu Universe Kingdom had not had a special supervisory envoy for a long time. The reason is very simple. Virtual Universe Company’s domain lord-level original secret realm members have remained at around a hundred people for a long time, and there are more than a thousand Universe Kingdom, domain lord-level original secret realm members. There are only a hundred people. Under such circumstances, there will of course be many universe countries that have been in a state of "unsupervised" for a long time, and Ganwu Universe Country is just one of them.


"Shamir, my appointment has been approved, how is the matter I asked you to handle?" Wang Cheng called Shamir over and asked at the same time.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I have contacted my friend Ming. She has a token left near the Jade Star of Qianwu Universe Kingdom. She can directly transmit us through the Kingdom of God and send us to Qianwu Universe Kingdom!" Shamir said directly .

"Okay, we'll set off in one day!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

Although the journey from the original secret realm to the Ganwu Universe is not as far as from the Virtual Universe Company headquarters to the Ganwu Universe, it would still take at least a year to fly by airship.

But the teleportation from the Kingdom of God is different. Through the teleportation from the Kingdom of God, it can be said that it will arrive in an instant.

Of course, teleportation from the Kingdom of God also has shortcomings. For example, you need a token at the end of the teleportation to be able to teleport through the Kingdom of God. Another example is that depending on the distance, teleportation from the Kingdom of God requires a different amount of resources.

However, any teleportation from the Kingdom of God is almost always measured in Hunyuan units. A normal immortal would feel heartbroken for a long time after using it once.

Of course, Wang Cheng is very rich now, and he doesn't care about this, so he directly asked Shamir to help him find the immortal who has a token on the Jade Star of the Qianwu Universe, and then directly use the other party's power to teleport there.


Samir immediately nodded in agreement, and then she left to prepare.


After telling Samir about the matter, Wang Cheng also directly logged into the virtual universe and came to the Thunder Island plane.

There is no doubt that Wang Cheng came here to meet the Lord of Chaos City.

"Teacher, I'm going to leave the original secret realm tomorrow!" Wang Cheng said directly after saluting.

"Seventy years, not bad!"

The Lord of Chaos City nodded slightly. He had previously told Wang Cheng that he would be allowed to break through and become a Realm Lord within three hundred years. Now that Wang Cheng has broken through to become a Realm Lord in only seventy years, it seems that he has listened to his words.

"Leaving the company's protection, what you will face next will be a more naked universe, especially assassinations from alien races!" The Lord of Chaos City asked slowly:

"Whether you break through the cosmic-level Tongtian Mountain, or you become my 'named disciple' openly, the assassination of you by the alien race will be extremely crazy. Are you sure?"

"Disciple can only say that I am somewhat prepared!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and then he asked directly:

"Teacher, the escort team provided by the company to the members of the original secret realm is indeed very powerful, but it is far from enough for me. When there is real danger, they don't even say they are protecting me, I even have to protect them..."

Wang Cheng's words sounded arrogant, but in fact he was humble.

Wang Cheng's avatar has thirty times the genetic level. After he reaches the ninth level of Domain Lord level, his basic level can reach almost half of that of the first level of World Lord level. If he uses the two secret techniques of giant transformation and dragon transformation, the basic level can be reached instantly. It's close to the peak of the world lord level.

When the time comes, Wang Cheng will even be able to easily suppress most of the immortal feudal lords...

With Wang Cheng's strength, Shamir's group of apparent guards are actually just decorations. If there is really danger, it is absolutely correct to say that Wang Cheng has to protect them.


The Lord of Chaos City didn't say much. In fact, there was no need for Wang Cheng to tell him about Wang Cheng's escort. The company would naturally arrange it. The Lord of Chaos City also knew that Wang Cheng must be well aware of such a simple truth. .

And since Wang Cheng knew it well, but he still said it here, he must have something else.

"Who do you want to go?" Chaos City Lord asked.

Wang Cheng didn't feel embarrassed when his purpose was seen through. He said directly: "Sea Shark King, what do you think, teacher?"

"Go back and wait for the news!" The Lord of Chaos City did not say much. To protect Wang Cheng, he must find a capable and trustworthy king. The Lord of Chaos City has an impression of the Sea Shark King, but he still needs to confirm some things first. .

"The disciple will leave first!" Wang Cheng said nothing more. After saluting, he quickly left here.

. . . . . .

On the same day, Wang Cheng received news from King Sea Shark in the virtual universe, saying that he would soon reach the original secret realm through teleportation from the Kingdom of God.

Wang Cheng asked Shamir to go out to greet him. Not long after, Shamir came to Wang Cheng's territory with two figures, one tall and one short, with a respectful expression.

"Senior Haisha, we meet again!" Wang Cheng greeted him with a smile.

"I heard that you recommended me?" Sea Shark King said with a smile: "You have become my uncle now, so you might as well call me Sea Shark. The word 'senior' sounds awkward to me!"

"Then I'm welcome!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly. Sea Shark King is a disciple of Lord Ming An. In terms of seniority, Wang Cheng is indeed Sea Shark King's uncle.

"What's the point of being polite?" Sea Shark King smiled and asked via voice transmission: "I heard from the teacher that you tried to break through the 20th floor of the Overpass before and almost made it through?"


Wang Cheng was slightly startled when he heard what Sea Shark King said, but he quickly nodded.

The gap between Tongtian Bridge becomes larger as time goes by. Wang Cheng had continuously passed through the eighteenth and nineteenth floors more than thirty years ago, but now, seventy years later, he is still on the nineteenth floor, twenty years away. The level is still a bit lacking.

As for what Sea Shark King said about almost breaking through...this is actually true.

After seventy years of training from the Lord of Chaos City, Wang Cheng's secret technique "Wu Jian" is now quite mature. Although he is not close to understanding the law, his secret technique is powerful enough, so he almost broke through the twentieth floor.

"I couldn't have imagined that you would progress so fast even if I thought about it back then!" King Sea Shark sighed with emotion: "You can still call me 'Sea Shark' now. I'm afraid you won't be willing to see me anymore!"

"How is that possible?" Wang Cheng shook his head quickly. The Sea Shark King was of great help to him. It was impossible for Wang Cheng to forget anyone if he forgot him.

"Haha, you're kidding!" Sea Shark King smiled, pointed at the exquisite figure behind him and said, "This is my disciple Mingyu, have you heard of it?"

"So it's Marquis Mingyu?" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"His Royal Highness Wang Cheng!" The short figure saluted. As a feudal lord and immortal, generally speaking, his status is equivalent to that of members of the original secret realm. However, Wang Cheng has a special status and can still afford her gift.

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